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FAASTeam Welcome Stress, Fatigue and Flying. FAASTeam Welcome Presenter: Dr. Karen Dunbar.

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Presentation on theme: "FAASTeam Welcome Stress, Fatigue and Flying. FAASTeam Welcome Presenter: Dr. Karen Dunbar."— Presentation transcript:

1 FAASTeam Welcome Stress, Fatigue and Flying

2 FAASTeam Welcome Presenter: Dr. Karen Dunbar

3 FAASTeam Some Definitions StressFatigue

4 FAASTeam Physiological Stressors IllnessOverexertionHeat Poor Nutrition Noise Inadequate Rest/Sleep

5 FAASTeam Psychological Stressors EmotionalSocialVocationalFinancialFamily

6 Adaptation to Ongoing Stress


8 FAASTeam Duty Day Length and Fatigue Perception of fatigue as a significant safety factor Self-reported microsleep (nodding off) and short vs. long duty day

9 FAASTeam Major Factors on “Most Fatiguing Work Day”


11 FAASTeam Pilot Reported Effects of Fatigue on Performance


13 FAASTeam Stress Management Strategies Before the flight/All the Time!


15 FAASTeam Self-Management of Stress PhysicalSocialBehavioralCognitiveRecuperative

16 FAASTeam Stress Management Strategies During the Flight


18 FAASTeam So, Where Does That Leave Pilots? I llness M edication S leep A lcohol F atigue E ating

19 Thank You Thank you for coming this evening Thank you for coming this evening Thank you for your participation Thank you for your participation FLY SAFELY !!!

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