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1 Strategic Staffing & Compensation Your NU Values Partner … “Committed to understanding and delivering value-added customer service that contributes to.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Strategic Staffing & Compensation Your NU Values Partner … “Committed to understanding and delivering value-added customer service that contributes to."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Strategic Staffing & Compensation Your NU Values Partner … “Committed to understanding and delivering value-added customer service that contributes to our customers’ overall success” November, 2005 Presented by: Jen Maly Alice Weyant NU Values NU Values

2 2Agenda Welcome NU Values Overview Update on Implemented Job Families What’s Next? Compensation Administration - Policy & Procedure NU Values Site Questions

3 3 What is NU Values? A system that will provide a comprehensive yet flexible approach to job analysis and classification, career development, performance management and the way that compensation is delivered throughout the University of Nebraska. NU Values

4 4 “…create a more flexible and efficient classification and compensation system….” “…improved linkage between pay and performance.” Establish relevance to market Maximize user understanding and support Incorporate technology NU Values Objectives

5 5 NU Values Compensation Cost Effective External Equity Legal Compliance Administrative Consistency Performance Orientation Compensation Objectives Internal Equity

6 6 Market Surveys “Relevance” Job Documentation “Job Analysis” Job Evaluation “Job Families” Pay Structures “Bands” “Zones” “Benchmarks” Performance Leadership “Valued Behaviors” Managers Supervisors Human Resources Compensation Infrastructure

7 7 Groupings of related jobs with common vocations/professions that have similar market characteristics, related valued behavior, continuum of knowledge, skills and abilities. Job Family

8 8 - Advising, Career & Student Services - Educational & Outreach Programs - Facilities Planning & Operations - Administrative & Business Operations - Food Service & Dietary - Healthcare - Information Technology - Library Services - Materials Management & Print Production - Museum & Arts - Public Relations, Marketing & Development - Public Safety - Research & Agriculture - Sports & Recreation - Television, Radio & Video Production Job Family

9 9 22 Respected Survey Sources – National – Regional – Local – Healthcare – Non-healthcare Summarized collection of data from several sources. Market Pricing

10 10 Commonly used in the industry and clearly recognizable by their responsibilities, duties, and qualifications. Relevant and competitive market pay data is available and used in the development of a pay range. Market Pricing Benchmark Job Dental Assistant Survey Sources Market Relevant Data Aggregate Average

11 11 Reflects competitive and market relevant pay levels. Benchmark Range Market Relevant “Competitive Range” Minimum 33 rd Midpoint 67 th Maximum

12 12 - Minimal Qualifications - Less Competence - “Trainee” Incumbents - Exceeds Qualifications - C onsistently Exceeds Performance Expectations - Unique Individual Qualifications - Industry “Expert” Minimum Maximum Competitive Range - Fully Qualified - Fully Competent 33% 67% Competitive Range

13 13 Job groupings that share common characteristics in the execution of the job responsibilities. Zone Assignment Factors: - Knowledge, Skills, Ability - Problem Solving & Decision Making - Interactions - Nature of Supervision - Impact Zone

14 14 $$ Job Family Pay “Band” Specialist Assistant Associate Senior Job Category “Zone” Job Relevant “Benchmark Range” Pay Structure Job Placement Therapy Asst Dental Asst Specialist Clinic Technician LPN Recr Therapist Nurse ClinicalCRNA Physician Asst

15 15 NU Values Accomplishments Flexible and efficient Pay and performance Relevance to market User understanding Technology NU VALUES

16 16 NU Values Update Healthcare Information Technology Library Services Materials Management & Print Production Public Safety Research & Agriculture Television, Radio & Video Production PHASE I PHASE II Market Data Updated Salary Structures Revised for 7/1/2005

17 17 NU Values What’s Next Advising, Career & Student Services Educational & Outreach Programs Facilities Planning & Operations Administrative & Business Operations Food Service & Dietary Museum & Arts Public Relations, Marketing & Development Sports & Recreation PHASE III

18 18 NU Values Phase III U-Wide NU Values Team: ­ Market Pricing ­ Zone Assignments ­ Benchmark Ranges ­ Salary Structures ­ Preliminary Job Assignments

19 19 NU Values Phase III December 2005 Validation of Preliminary Job Assignments with Business Units/Departments January 2006 SAP Upload of NU Values Job Assignments

20 20 Compensation Administration Policy 1007 Procedure 1007P

21 21 Scope: – Applicable to all UNMC Office/Service and Managerial/Professional positions. Administration: – UNMC Director, Strategic Staffing and Compensation Compensation Administration Procedure 1007P

22 22 Compensation Administration Procedure 1007P Classification Related Activity: – Changes in job content value Employee Related Activity: – Changes in the characteristics of the employee

23 23 Salary Guidance Factors to Consider  Qualifications (past experience/education).  Previous work record (performance contributions).  Pay levels of incumbents in comparable jobs.  Market Pay Levels.  Pay History.  Total Cash Compensation (base pay, stipends).  Department budget/fiscal resources available.

24 24 Classification Related Activities Advancement Promotion Additional Responsibilities End Additional Responsibilities Demotion Voluntary Reduction Job Content Personal Interactions Supervision Responsibility/Impact Skills/Abilities Physical Demands Position Profile

25 25 Classification Related Activities Advancement: – Reassigned to a job classification in a higher (greater than 5% midpoint difference) benchmark range. Promotion: – Reassigned to a job classification in a different zone within any job family, – Midpoint differences are greater than 5%

26 26 Specialist Zone Assistant Zone Associate Zone Senior Zone Classification Related Activities PromotionAdvancement

27 27 Classification Related Activities Additional Responsibilities: – Change in pay level based on increased job content value. – Note: Job content value is not significant enough to warrant a change in benchmark range. End Additional Responsibilities: – Completion of a temporary increase in job content value.

28 28 Classification Related Activities Demotion: – Reflects an employee’s less than acceptable performance in current job. – Reallocates job classification to a lesser (more than 5% below current midpoint) benchmark range, regardless of resulting zone assignment or job family.

29 29 Classification Related Activities Voluntary Reduction: – Employee accepts or requests a decrease in job content value that is not related to performance. – Reallocates job classification to a lesser (more than 5% below current midpoint) benchmark range, regardless of resulting zone assignment or job family.

30 30 Employee Related Activities Trainee Probationary Performance Annual Internal External Lateral Move

31 31 Employee Related Activities Trainee: – Change in pay level within 12 months or less of employment, while designated as a trainee. Probationary: – Change in pay level for an Office/Service employee upon completion of original probationary period.

32 32 Employee Related Activities Performance: – Change in pay level based on individual performance contributions in current job. Annual: – Change in pay level associated with the legislative appropriations process and action from the Board of Regents.

33 33 Employee Related Activities Internal: – Change in pay level based on campus specific factors External: – Change in pay level based on factors outside of the campus

34 34 Employee Related Activities Lateral Move: – Employee accepts a reassignment to a different job classification. – Reallocates job classification to a comparable (within 5% midpoint difference) benchmark range, regardless of resulting zone assignment or job family.

35 35 NU Values Resources Strategic Staffing & Compensation Your NU Values Partner… “Committed to understanding and delivering value-added customer service that contributes to our customers’ overall success”

36 36 NU Values NU ValuesDiscussion Thank you Questions…

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