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Preliminary Results on Conversions Non-pointing Photon Meeting January 28 2009 Bruce Schumm, UCSC/SCIPP.

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Presentation on theme: "Preliminary Results on Conversions Non-pointing Photon Meeting January 28 2009 Bruce Schumm, UCSC/SCIPP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preliminary Results on Conversions Non-pointing Photon Meeting January 28 2009 Bruce Schumm, UCSC/SCIPP

2 Initial goal: include conversions in reconstruction Mauro Donega, UPenn Conversion radius resolution may be good enough to provide an independent constraint on GMSB parameters Pointing accuracy of reconstructed conversion may be quite good Reconstructed radius of material-induced conversions

3 Step I: Reconstruction Reconstruct in 14.2.20, but with two updated tags: TrkParticleCreator and TrkTrackSlimmingTool (confirmed with Thomas Koffas that this should give good conversion performance) Reconstruct 50 events of GMSB2

4 Step II: Learn to use Conversion Container There are two types of conversions: single-track and two-track. Here’s the distribution of radius for reconstructed conversions: Note that there are 1076 reconstructed conversions in 50 events!

5 And separately for one- and two-track conversions:

6 Step III: Truth Matching Define momentum ratio P as P = (p reco – p truth )/p truth and let R be the three-dimensional angle between and with For each reconstructed conversion, loop through true conversions and plot the minimum P and R.

7 3D Angular Separation ALL One track Two track

8 Momentum Ratio ALL One track Two track ???

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