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Slides 09 1 Counting the Inhabitants of a Type Given a type , how many closed -terms in - normal form can receive the type in TA ? There exists an algorithm (Ben-Yelles 1979, Hirokawa 1993) that will decide in a finite number of steps whether the number of closed -normal forms that receive the type is finite or infinite, will compute this number in the finite case, and will list all the relevant terms in both cases.
Slides 09 2 Typed Terms Space-hungry deduction-tree diagrams can be replaced by compact typed terms. We shall define a system of typed terms isomorphic to TA -deductions: for each , a set TT( ) of typed terms will be defined that will encode deductions of formulae of the form - ↦ M: ( - ).
Slides 09 3 Definition (5A1) Given a type-context , the set TT( ) of typed terms relative to is a set of expressions defined as follows: (i)if contains x: then the expression x is in TT( ) and is called a typed variable; (ii)if 1 2 is consistent and M TT( 1 ) and N TT( 2 ), then (M N ) TT( 1 2 ); (iii)if is consistent with {x: } and M TT( ), then ( x M ) TT( - x). If M is a typed term (relative to some ), is called the type of M .
Slides 09 4 Example: ( x a x a ) a a TT(∅) x a TT(∅) x a TT({x:a}) (x (a a) b ( x a x a ) a a ) b TT({x:(a a) b}) (x a b x a ) b is not a typed term.
Slides 09 5 Definition (5A2) The type-erasure M ' of M is the untyped term obtained by erasing all types from M . M ' is the subject of the conclusion of the TA -deduction that M encodes.
Slides 09 6 Inhabitants Definition (8A1) An untyped inhabitant of is a closed term M such that ⊢ M: . A typed inhabitant of is a closed typed term M . The sets of all typed and untyped inhabitants of will be called Habs t ( ) and Habs u ( ) respectively. A -normal inhabitant of a type is an inhabitant in -nf.
Slides 09 7 The sets of all typed and untyped normal inhabitants of will be called Nhabs t ( ) and Nhabs u ( ) respectively. A -normal inhabitant of a type is an inhabitant in -nf. The sets of all typed and untyped - normal inhabitants of will be called Nhabs ( ). A type with at least one inhabitant is said to be inhabited.
Slides 09 8 Our aim is to count -normal inhabitants. The following lemma shows that it does not matter whether we count typed or untyped inhabitants. Lemma (8A2) If M Nhabs t ( ) then M ' Nhabs u ( ); further, the type-erasing mapping is a one-to-one correspondence between the typed and the untyped - normal inhabitants of (modulo ). The same holds for -normal inhabitants.
Slides 09 9 Definition (8A3) The number (0, 1, 2,... or ) of members of a set S, counted modulo if S is a set of -terms, is called the cardinality of S or #(S). For #(Nhabs( )) and #(Nhabs ( )) we usually say just #( ) and # ( ).
Slides 09 10 Definition (8A4) A distinction will be made between counting and enumerating a set S of - normal inhabitants of a type : (i)to count S means to compute #(S), the cardinality of S, with a finite number of steps (even when #(S) = ); (ii)to enumerate or list S means to enumerate S in the usual recursion-theoretic sense, i.e. to output a sequence consisting of all the members of S, continuing forever if S is infinite.
Slides 09 11 Examples: 1.The type ((a b) a) a has no inhabitants. 2.The type (a b c) (a b) a c has exactly one normal inhabitant: xyz xz(yz) 3.The type a a a has two normal inhabitants: xy x and xy y
Slides 09 12 The aim of Ben-Yelles' algorithm is to count inhabitants as well as enumerate them. Mere enumeration would be easy: we could simply list all closed typed -nf's in some standard order and for each one we decide whether it is an inhabitant of the given by looking at its type. But counting is not so easy: we must find a way of enumerating Nhabs t ( ) which will tell us after only a finite number of steps whether the enumeration will continue forever or not. The strategy of counting will be using the concepts of long -nf and depth of a term.
Slides 09 13 Lemma (8A5: Structure of a typed -nf) Let be a type- context. Every -nf M TT( ) can be expressed uniquely in the form
Slides 09 14 Definition (8A6) The depth of a typed or untyped -nf is defined as follows: Examples: Depth( uv.uxvx) = 1 + Max(Depth(x),Depth(v),Depth(x)) = 1 + 0 = 1. Depth(z( w y)) = 1 + Depth( w y) = 1 + 0 = 1. Depth( x x(z( w y))( uv.uxvx)) = 2. Lemma (8A6.2) Depth(M ) = Depth(M ') < |M '|.
Slides 09 15 Definition (8A7: Long -nf) A typed -nf M is called long or maximal iff every variable-occurrence z in M is followed by the longest sequence of arguments allowed by its type, i.e. iff each component with the form (zP 1...P n ) (n 0) that is not in a function position has atomic type. An untyped -nf M is called long relative to a type iff it is the type-erasure of a typed long -nf M . The sets of all long normal inhabitants of (typed or untyped) will both be called Long( ).
Slides 09 16 Example: Let ((a b) c) (a b) c. Then the following normal inhabitant of is not long: M x (a b) c y a b x (a b) c y a b because y a b has a type which needs an argument but none is provided. On the other hand, the following one is long: N x (a b) c y a b x (a b) c ( z a y a b z a ).
Slides 09 17 Definition (8A7.2) The sets of all long normal inhabitants of (typed or untyped) with depth d will both be called Long( ,d). The following lemma indicates that if we can enumerate long normal inhabitants, the others will be obtainable from these long ones by -reduction. Lemma (8A8) Every normal inhabitant of can be - expanded to a long normal inhabitant of . And this long inhabitant is unique (modulo ); i.e. {M , N Long( ) and M = N } M N . Proof:
Slides 09 18 Let P Nhabs( ). First we must -expand P to a term P + Long( ). Then we must show that P + is unique, i.e. that (1)M Long( ) and M ⊳ P M P +. Suppose P contains a short component, i.e. a component with the form (yQ 1...Q n ) , where n 0, that is not in function position and whose type is composite, say 1 ... k a(k 1). We choose distinct new variables z 1,..., z k not occurring in P ' and replace this component by This replacement is an -expansion and its result is still a - nf. We make similar replacements until there are no short components left in P . Call the result P +. This term satisfies (1), by induction on |P |.
Slides 09 19 Definition (8A9) The set of all terms obtained by - reducing M is called the -family of M , or {M } . Lemma (8A10) (i)The -families of the long typed normal inhabitants of partition Nhabs( ) into non-overlapping finite subsets, each -family containing just one long member and just one -nf. (ii)#( ) is finite or infinite or zero according as # ( ) is finite or infinite or zero. (iii)# ( ) = #(Long( )).
Slides 09 20 Definition (8A11: Principal Inhabitants) An untyped inhabitant M of is called principal iff is a principal type of M. A typed inhabitant M of is called principal iff the deduction of ↦ M ': that it encodes is principal. The sets of all principal inhabitants of (typed or untyped) will both be called Princ( ). The sets of all principal -normal inhabitants of (typed or untyped) will both be called Nprinc( ).
Slides 09 21 Lemma (8A11.1) M is a typed principal - normal inhabitant of iff M ' is an untyped principal -normal inhabitant of . Lemma (8A11.2) Let M + be the unique member of Long( ) to which M -expands. Then M Nprinc( ) M + Nprinc( ). Proof: The -expansion in the proof of (8A8) preserves principality because of the way the types given to z 1,..., z k are determined by the type of the component that is replaced.
Slides 09 22 Example (8A12) Three sets of -nf's have been defined, namely: Nhabs( ), Long( ), and Nprinc( ). The sets of all - nf's in these sets are called respectively: Nhabs ( ), Long ( ), and Nprinc ( ). The relations between these six sets can be demonstrated with the type (a a a) a a a. For this type, the six sets are all distinct. (i) x a a a x a a a Nhabs – (Long Nprinc). This term is a -nf, but it is not long. It fails to encode a principal deduction for x x because the PT( x x) is not the given but a a. (ii) x a a a y a (xy) a a Nhabs – Nhabs – (Long Nprinc). This term is obtained by -expanding the term in (i). (iii) x a a a y a z a (xyz) a Long – Nhabs – Nprinc. This term is obtained by -expanding the term in (i) until it becomes long.
Slides 09 23 (iv) x a a a y a (x(xyy)) a a Nprinc – Long . This term is principal but it is not long because its second x from the right has only one argument. (v) x a a a y a z a (x(xyy)z) a Nprinc Long – Nhabs . This term is obtained from (iv) by -expansion; both occurrences of x now have two arguments. (vi) x a a a y a z a (xz(xyy)) a Nprinc Long . This term is like (v) but z and xyy have been reversed to make it an -nf. (vii) x a a a y a z a (xzy) a Long – Nprinc . This term is long. However, its PT is not the given but (a b c) b a c.
Slides 09 24 Lemma (8B1) Every type can be expressed uniquely in the following form, where m 0 and e is an atom: 1 ... m e. The occurrences of 1,..., m and e above are called the premises and conclusion (or tail) of respectively, and m is called the arity of . Two type-occurrences are called isomorphic iff they are occurrences of the same type. Iff the tail- components of and are isomorphic, we say Tail( ) ≅ Tail( ).
Slides 09 25 The core of the inhabitant counting algorithm is a search algorithm which will seek long normal inhabitants of a type with increasing depths d = 0, 1, 2,.... The strategy of this search algorithm depends on the following facts about the structure of long typed terms.
Slides 09 26 Remark (8B2) Let be any type; say has the form 1 ... m e(m 0, e an atom) and let M be any -nf with type . By (8A5), M has the form If M is long, then (i)k = m,(ii) * e, (iii)the types of x 1,..., x m coincide with the premises of , (iv)the tail of the type of is isomorphic to that of , (v)if M is closed then m 1 and is an x i (1 i m) and i 1 ... n e.
Slides 09 27 Example (8B3: a type with #( ) = 1) The following type: (a b c) (a b) a c has exactly one normal inhabitant (which is also both long and principal): S x a b c y a b z a xz(yz). Proof: We start by showing that Long( ) = {S }. Step 1. By Remark (8B2), for the structure of we have m = 3, e c, 1 a b c, 2 a b, and 3 a. Hence any M Long( ) must have just three initial abstracted variables, say
Slides 09 28 By (8B2(iv)), must be one of x 1, x 2, x 3 whose type's tail is isomorphic to that of . The tail of is c, and the only i whose tail is an occurrence of c is 1, so must be x 1. Since 1 has two premises, x 1 must be followed by exactly two arguments. Hence M must have the form Step 2. We search for suitable U a and V b. The type of U a is an atom so U a cannot be an abstraction. Thus U a (wP 1...P r ) a (r 0) where w is an x i whose type's tail is isomorphic to the tail of the type of U. This tail is an occurrence of a, so the only possibility is w x 3. Since the type of x 3 has no premises we have r = 0 and hence U a (x 3 ) a.
Slides 09 29 Next we search for V b. Since b is an atom, V b cannot be an abstraction and its head must be an x i whose type's tail is an occurrence of b. The only possibility is x 2, and the type of x 2 allows only one argument, so Step 3. We search for W a. Just as for U a, the only possibility is W a (x 3 ) a. Conclusion. Modulo there is at most one term in Long( ), namely Note that S is actually in Long( ) and is -irreducible. Hence, by (8A10), Nhabs( ) = {S }.
Slides 09 30 Also, by the PT algorithm, is a principal type of S ; hence, Nprinc( ) = {S }. Example (8B4: a type with #( ) = m) For each m 2 the following type has exactly m normal inhabitants and all are long and non-principal: a ... a a (m+1 a's). The normal inhabitants are the following m terms (called projectors or selectors): Proof:
Slides 09 31 By Remark (8B2), any M Long( ) must have the form But the types of x 1,..., x m have no premises, so n = 0. Hence Every such selector is in Long( ) and -irreducible. So by (8A10), Nhabs( ) = Long( ). Since m 2, by the PT algorithm, no selector is in Nprinc( ); hence Nprinc( ) = { }.
Slides 09 32 Example (8B5: types with #( ) = 0) (i)No atomic type has inhabitants. (ii)No skeletal type has inhabitants. Proof: (i)Every type with an inhabitant has a normal one, by WN (see next slide). But every type with a normal inhabitant has arity m 1, by (8B2(iii)). (ii)Let be skeletal and let 1 ... m e (m 1). If had inhabitants it would have at least one long normal one, by (8A8); and, by (8B2), this inhabitant would have the form x 1...x m x i M 1...M n with x i having type i and the tail of i being an occurrence of e. But is skeletal, so e cannot occur in any i. Hence has no inhabitants.
Slides 09 33 Weak Normalization (WN) Theorem (5C1) Every typed term P has both a -nf and a -nf. Strong Normalization (SN) Theorem (5C2) Let P TT( ) for some ; then, for -reductions and for -reductions, (i)all reductions of P are finite, (ii)there is an algorithm which accepts P as input and computes a number k(P ) such that all reductions of P have length k(P ).
Slides 09 34 Corollary (8B5.1) Intuitionistic implicational logic is consistent in the sense that not all formulas are provable. Proof: If an atomic formula e were provable it would be the type of a closed term, by (6B7), contradicting (8B5).
Slides 09 35 Example (8B6: Peirce's law) The type ((a b) a) a has no inhabitants. Proof: Suppose M Long( ). Then by (8B2), M must have the form M x (a b) a U 1...U n (n 0). And x, since M is closed. Hence n = 1, since the type of x has only one premise. Thus M x (a b) a x (a b) a U a b for some U a b. Since a b has just one premise, U a b must have the form U a b y a (wV 1...V r ) b (r 0).
Slides 09 36 Since M is closed, w must be x or y. But w must have a type whose tail is an occurrence of b and neither x nor y has such a type, so no suitable U a b exists. Thus Long( ) = { } and hence Nhabs( ) = { }, by (8A8), and hence Habs( ) = { }.
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