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Journal of International Management Masaaki “Mike” Kotabe Editor, The Washburn Chair Professor of International Business Kim Cahill Managing Editor Institute.

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1 Journal of International Management Masaaki “Mike” Kotabe Editor, The Washburn Chair Professor of International Business Kim Cahill Managing Editor Institute of Global Management Studies/CIBER The Fox School of Business and Management Temple University Philadelphia, PA 19122 U.S.A.

2 Mission JIM is devoted to advancing an understanding of issues in the management of global enterprises, global management theory, and practice. It is designed to serve an audience of academic researchers and educators, as well as business professionals, by publishing both theoretical and empirical research relating to international management issues.

3 Aims and Scope 1. JIM publishes theoretical and empirical research addressing international business strategy, comparative and cross-cultural management, risk management, organizational behavior, and human resource management, among others. 2. JIM also solicits literature reviews and critiques that include a guide for improved theory and international management research as well as contributions that advance educational methodology in the range of international management fields.

4 JIM Fact Sheet Inaugurated in 1995; housed at The Institute of Global Management Studies at Temple University since 1998 Published by Elsevier Sciences, Inc., in affiliation with The Fox School of Business and Management, Temple University Distributed quarterly (March, June, September, December); page allocation recently doubled, allowing for seven or eight manuscripts per issue Referenced in EBSCO (abstracts) and ScienceDirect (full pdf text)

5 About the Editor Editor, Masaaki “Mike” Kotabe, was recently elected a Fellow of AIB for his significant contribution to international business research and education Dr. Kotabe was ranked one of the most prolific international business researchers in the world in the last ten years in recent issues of the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of International Marketing, and Journal of Teaching in International Business He has published more than a dozen books, written many scholarly publications, including Journal of Marketing, Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, and Journal of International Business Studies, and serves/has served on the editorial board of numerous journals

6 Submission Guidelines Electronic submission via email Original unpublished works not currently under review Title page and contact information Abstract (200 words) and list of keywords Usually no more than 30 pages in length (but no set maximum length requirement) Citation of Acknowledgements Upon acceptance, transfer of copyright to the publisher, Elsevier Science, Inc.

7 Primary Author by Geographic Location (Submissions since 2000)

8 Multi-country Author Collaborations (Published Manuscripts since 2000)

9 Manuscript Review Process Electronic, double blind review process Thorough desk review conducted by Editor - 48 hours for desk review - 26% desk reject rate - due to inappropriate topics or failing to meet the editor’s bottom line expectations Selection of two or three reviewers with areas of expertise in the manuscript topic Turn around time - 6 weeks on average - 1 year to complete revisions; 2 revisions max Acceptance Rate - 14.2% - timeline from original submission to acceptance ranges from six months to 2 years

10 Reviewers' by Geographic Location

11 Editorial Board by Geographic Location (12 Countries Represented)

12 Recent Special Issues Knowledge Management (vol. 8, no. 1, 2002) Liabilities of Foreignness (vol. 8, no. 3, 2002) Institutions and International Business (vol. 9, no. 3, 2003)

13 Institutions and International Business (vol. 9, no. 3, 2003) Ravi Ramamurti (Northeastern Univ.), “Why Governments Renege: Insights from Infrastructure Projects in Emerging Economies” Terutomo Ozawa (Colorado State Univ.), “Japan in an Institutional Quagmire: International Business to the Rescue?” Andrew Sobel (Washington Univ.), “National Governance and Global Lending” Arvind Parkhe (Indiana Univ.), “Institutional Environments, “Institutional Change, and international Alliances” Hildy Teegen (George Washington Univ.), “International NGOs as Global Institutions” Kate Gillespie (The Univ.of Texas at Austin), “Smuggling and the Global Firm” Chris Paul and Ram Mudambi (Temple Univ.), “Domestic Drug Prohibition, the MNE's FDI Decision and Host Country Institutional Stability" Usha Haley, (University of Tennessee-Knoxville), “Assessing Business Risks in China”

14 Subscriptions with Elsevier Annual Subscription Rates - Institutional: $493 - Personal: $ 72

15 Download Usage (Full Text)

16 Contact Information Journal of International Management Temple University Fox School of Business & Management Institute of Global Management Studies 349 Speakman Hall 1810 North 13 th Street Philadelphia, PA 19122-6083 U.S.A. 215-204-3778

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