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Understanding Computer Hardware Sohaib A Khan CS101: Wk3 – Lec 1 Reading Assignment: Ch 3 of Text Figure Acknowledgements: “How Computers Work” 6 th Ed.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Computer Hardware Sohaib A Khan CS101: Wk3 – Lec 1 Reading Assignment: Ch 3 of Text Figure Acknowledgements: “How Computers Work” 6 th Ed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Computer Hardware Sohaib A Khan CS101: Wk3 – Lec 1 Reading Assignment: Ch 3 of Text Figure Acknowledgements: “How Computers Work” 6 th Ed by Ron White (Illustrated by Timothy Edward Downs) © Que Corp 2002

2 Personal Computer Systems: An Overview Laptops, desktops, tower computers Laptops, desktops, tower computers IBM PC Clones (Wintel machines), IBM PC Clones (Wintel machines), Macs Macs



5 The Motherboard PCB (Printed Circuit Board) made of Fiberglass sheet with electrical pathways, called traces, etched into it PCB (Printed Circuit Board) made of Fiberglass sheet with electrical pathways, called traces, etched into it –Buses –System Clock –Microprocessor –Read-Only Memory (ROM) –Random Access Memory (RAM) –Battery –Power Supply –Ports –Expansion Slots

6 Microprocessor Sometimes also called CPU Sometimes also called CPU Control Unit Control Unit Arithmetic-Logic Unit Arithmetic-Logic Unit Cache Memory Cache Memory CISC vs. RISC Processors CISC vs. RISC Processors

7 Memory Read-Only Memory Read-Only Memory Random Access Memory Random Access Memory CMOS Memory CMOS Memory Cache Memory Cache Memory Virtual Memory Virtual Memory Hard-disk and other data storage devices Hard-disk and other data storage devices

8 Harddisk




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