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CS 221/ IT 221 Lecture 14 Software Engineering Dr. Jim Holten.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 221/ IT 221 Lecture 14 Software Engineering Dr. Jim Holten."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 221/ IT 221 Lecture 14 Software Engineering Dr. Jim Holten

2 Overview  A Little History  Project Needs  The Roadmap  A View from Afar

3 History  In the beginning...

4 Machine code  Machine code is cryptic  It was a new concept, so people had to train themselves  There were no design and development procedures to follow, so they invented their own.  Code development was slow and unreliable.  Good coders needed EXTREME discipline.  Coordinating multiple efforts was....??

5 History  Order out of chaos

6 Development Process  Describe problem in written language.  Refine the concepts toward algorithms in the available instructions.  Write the code.  Translate to machine code.  Put the program into the machine and run it.

7 History  Formalized approaches to software engineering

8 Project Management Approaches  Waterfall...  Formal reviews.  Sign-offs.  Engineering Change Proposals........?  Spiral...  Waiting while we get sign-off....

9 Software Developer Approaches  Top down design and coding  Bottom up design and coding  Mixtures  Objects  Patterns  Data Flow Diagrams, SADT, HIPO, state diagrams, flow charts, ER diagrams,...  UML

10 Tools  IDEs  CASE  Blah blah blah....  Nice concepts and features, but not “complete”.  Buggy too!  Heavy overhead – slows development.

11 History  Getting less formal

12 Management Impatience  Takes too long!  Want results right away!  Must invest too much before we see any results!  Frustrating!

13 Developer Impatience  Too much documentation!  Squelches creativity!  Frustrating!

14 Alternatives  Rapid prototyping  Extreme programming  Rapid development  Empower the programmer

15 History  Losing it

16 Self-organizing Developers?  Seven blind men and the elephant  Whose vision do I follow?  Each doing their own “right thing”  Why won't they include this essential item in their interface for me?  Who's in charge here?  HELP!!!

17 History  In the beginning...  Order out of chaos!  Formalized approaches to software engineering  Getting less formal  Losing it

18 Projects  What does a project NEED?  How should it be organized?  Who should decide?  How do we coordinate priorities and choices made?

19 Project Needs  What are we supposed to be doing? -- a vision

20 Vision  Vision statement  High level testable requirements  Subdivision into modules  Detailed testable requirements for modules

21 Project Needs  How shall we do it? -- a plan

22 A Plan  Project plan  Design overview – subdivide into modules  Interface specifications  Detailed designs – each module  Programmer assignments  Schedules  Risk assessment

23 Project Needs  Getting down and dirty -- the coding

24 The Coding  Coding standards  Version control  Standardized environments  Assignments  Problem reporting and resolution procedures  Unit testing – internal implementation correct  Unit delivery

25 Project Needs  Does it work? -- testing, testing goals

26 Testing  “Unit” testing  Integration testing  Acceptance testing  Test plans

27 Project Needs  You want what? -- merging changes

28 Changes  Requirements change requests  Investigation, scoping, planning, and reporting  Merging it into the workflow  Updating documents, code, and tests

29 Project Needs  How do I install and use this thing? -- delivery

30 Project Needs  Bugs? New features? -- new releases

31 Project Needs  What are we supposed to be doing? -- a vision  How shall we do it? -- a plan  Getting down and dirty -- the coding  Does it work? -- testing, testing goals  You want what? -- merging changes  How do I install and use this thing? -- delivery  Bugs? New features? -- new releases

32 A Roadmap -- Landmarks  Vision  Requirements  Designs  Interface definitions  Implementation plans  Coder assignments  Test plans  Tests and test results

33 Project View from Afar

34 View From Afar  Storyboarding  Iterative and stepwise refinement  Making the project “flow”  Taking control of what is important  Ablility to judge relative significance of tasks  Ability to easily shift resources and focus

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