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Temporary Faculty SSI Eligibility/3-year Appointments Margy Merryfield, Senior Director, Academic Human Resources, Chancellor’s Office Mike Suess, AVP,

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Presentation on theme: "Temporary Faculty SSI Eligibility/3-year Appointments Margy Merryfield, Senior Director, Academic Human Resources, Chancellor’s Office Mike Suess, AVP,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Temporary Faculty SSI Eligibility/3-year Appointments Margy Merryfield, Senior Director, Academic Human Resources, Chancellor’s Office Mike Suess, AVP, Academic Personnel, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Robin Graboyes, Director, Faculty Affairs & Records, CSU Fullerton Bunny Casas, AA/S, College of Humanities & Social Sciences, CSU Fullerton Natalie Van Beek, Faculty Personnel Mgr, Faculty Affairs & Records, CSU Fullerton Antoinette Roberts, FAR CMS Analyst, Faculty Affairs & Records, CSU Fullerton

2 HRA Overview SSIs and 3-Year Appointments History Global Rules Best Practices Margy Merryfield Senior Director, Academic HR, Chancellor’s Office

3 Welcome to the Faculty Contract Salary programs (Article 31): Lots of them High complexity Mixture of contingent and guaranteed Even salary programs that are long gone still haunt us (FMIs, we’re talking about you)

4 4 Increase TypeWho’s EligibleIncrease EffectiveIncrease Amount GSI (General Salary Increase All facultyJuly Pay period (depending on budget) 2006 – 3% 2007 – 1% + 3.7% 2008 – 2% + 3% 2009 – 2% + 4% 2010 – 2% SSI (Service Salary Increase) Eligible faculty based on service and SSI max Anniversary date2006 – 2007= 2.65% 2008-09 = 2.65% Promotion Eligible faculty based on performance review Start of next academic yearMinimum increase = 7.5% Range Elevation Eligible temp faculty based on performance review Start of next academic yearMinimum increase = 5.0% Equity Increase Eligible faculty with satisfactory performance 07/08 – assistant professors 08/09– associate & full professors 07/08 - $7 million dollar pool 08/09 - $7 million dollar pool Post- Promotion Increase Senior faculty & equivalents with no SSI Elig and satisfactory work performance ½ of pool in 08/09 and other ½ 09/10 based on earliest hire date 08/09 and 09/10- $7 million pool Faculty increase = 2.5% - 3.5% Market Increase Eligible faculty (requires demo of market lag or bona fide job offer Varies 2007-2010 Faculty Salary Contract Red = Increases subject to negotiation

5 Welcome to the Faculty Contract Appointments (Article 12) Even more complicated than salary Rules for temporary faculty have evolved through – Negotiations – Arbitrations When in doubt, seek advice

6 More Article 12 Besides appointments, Article 12 covers… Range Elevations Salary placement for temporary faculty SSIs for temporary faculty

7 SSI Rules Who is eligible? – Full-time faculty after a year of qualifying service – Part-time faculty after 24 semester/ 36 quarter WTUs – Time-based part-time after equivalent service How many can you get? – Eight at the current value – Or four “steps” on the pre-1995 scale – Or the equivalent

8 SSI Rules What are the limitations? – Each range/rank has a “service max”, a.k.a. SSI max – When you hit the SSI max you can’t get any more What’s the deal with FMIs? – An obsolete merit program (awards made in the late ‘90s) – FMIs are backed out in determining SSI eligibility – Net result: can be SSI eligible if over the SSI max

9 SSI Rules Any other complications? – Yes, for department chairs (eligibility based on instructional faculty status) – Yes, because of “counter creep” – Yes, for lecturers SSIs are determined by WTUs in a single department Depending on where the lecturer started in the range, can get the full 8 SSIs before reaching the SSI max Breaks in service: when does it matter?

10 SSIs and 3-Year Appointments Introduction to SSIs and 3-Year Appointments How they tie in together Mike Suess AVP, Academic Personnel, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Bunny Casas AA/S, College of Humanities & Social Sciences, Fullerton

11 Processes at Cal Poly Tracking SSIs and 3-Year Appointments Budget Cuts and Entitlements Reappointment List Difficult Situations Mike Suess AVP, Academic Personnel, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

12 Processes at Fullerton Tracking SSIs Tracking 3-Year Appointments Explaining these to Dept. Chairs Bunny Casas AA/S, College of Humanities & Social Sciences, Fullerton

13 Currently in development to assist campuses with managing WTU accumulation for SSI and contract entitlement eligibility. Natalie Van Beek Faculty Personnel Mgr, Faculty Affairs & Records, Fullerton Antoinette Roberts FAR CMS Analyst, Faculty Affairs & Records, Fullerton CSU Faculty Reports in CMS (PeopleSoft)

14 “There has to be an easier way!” It takes LOTS of time to track this data: – 4,335 hours annually for SSIs, and – 2,833 hours annually for entitlements! Help is on the way! Reports based on your data in CMS are being created for tracking this data.

15 SSI Max Salary Report Includes: AY (WTU-based), Non-AY (FTE-based), and Tenured/tenure-track faculty. Identifies faculty eligible for an SSI based on : current base pay (including FMI amounts), Remaining SSIs, WTUs/FTE worked since last SSI was awarded.

16 SSI Max Salary Report

17 Temp Faculty Contract Eligibility Report Identifies faculty who are eligible for: 12.3 (1-year), 12.12 (3-year), and 12.13 (successive 3-year) entitlements. Determines the eligible WTUs for entitlement.

18 Contract Eligibility Report

19 Requirements to Run Reports In CMS, faculty must have: A job record. An “SSI WTU Accumulation Start Date.” A “Total FMI amount.” An “Anniversary Code.” An “SSI Counter.”

20 Other Reports CSU Faculty SSI Status Report – Displays current and historical SSI information from Job Data. CSU SSI Accumulation History Report – Displays faculty’s WTU earned by term. TF Contract Detail & Cost Analysis Report – Allows analysis/auditing of budgeting by Dept & College. Includes: cost per unit, and courses faculty are contracted to teach.

21 Other Features “Campus Dept” Feature – Allows continuous tracking of WTUs in split/re-org/combined depts. Dept-level Security – Limits data on reports to data in user’s department or college. Banking Feature – For campuses that “bank” leftover WTUs for the next SSI eligibility count.

22 Anniversary Code Audit Report Verifies Anniversary Code currently in CMS against PIMS criteria to locate any errors. Displays faculty whose Anniversary Code in CMS is not set correctly, per PIMS guidelines. Intended for core campus users who have the ability to make corrections in Job Data.

23 Anniversary Code Audit Report

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