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1 Sustainable Cities By Emily Ross The Sustainable City By Emily Ross Cities/wallpaper-5128-2.htm

2 The old city  Designed for cars  Urban Sprawl  Long commuting time  Rush hour traffic  Inefficient water usage  one flush = 4 gallons!  Poor public transportation  Lighting, heating and cooling  Designed for cars  Urban Sprawl  Long commuting time  Rush hour traffic  Inefficient water usage  one flush = 4 gallons!  Poor public transportation  Lighting, heating and cooling

3 greenify How can we greenify our cities?  Extend public transportation  Encourage biking and walking  Driving taxes  Update plumbing/ purchase efficient appliances  BREEAM & USGBC  Vertical farming  Extend public transportation  Encourage biking and walking  Driving taxes  Update plumbing/ purchase efficient appliances  BREEAM & USGBC  Vertical farming

4 Public Transportation  BRT  Allows for fast transport  Relatively cheap  Flexible routes  DC metro extensions  Purple line  Silver line  Zipcars  BRT  Allows for fast transport  Relatively cheap  Flexible routes  DC metro extensions  Purple line  Silver line  Zipcars

5 Driving Taxes  London  Between 7:00 and 18:30 you are charged to enter city  Increased public transit usage  Decreased congestion  U.S. cities are considering congestion tax  London  Between 7:00 and 18:30 you are charged to enter city  Increased public transit usage  Decreased congestion  U.S. cities are considering congestion tax

6 Pedestrians & Bikers  Streets are friendlier with fewer cars  SmartBike DC  Allows you to rent bikes in 10 locations  Yearly subscription  Return bike to any station after 3 hours  Streets are friendlier with fewer cars  SmartBike DC  Allows you to rent bikes in 10 locations  Yearly subscription  Return bike to any station after 3 hours

7 Building Improvement  Update lighting to fluorescent/LED  Low flow toilets  ~1.6 gallons per flush  Waterless urinals  Saves ~20,000 gallons per year  Low flow shower heads  <2.5 gallons per minute  Update lighting to fluorescent/LED  Low flow toilets  ~1.6 gallons per flush  Waterless urinals  Saves ~20,000 gallons per year  Low flow shower heads  <2.5 gallons per minute

8 BREEAM & USGBC  U.S. green building council  Established in 1993  LEED certification  Score is based on 69 pt scale  BRE environmental assessment method  Established in 1990 by the UK  Provides a measure for sustainability  Assesses 7 criteria and gives a score of pass, good, very good, excellent or outstanding  U.S. green building council  Established in 1993  LEED certification  Score is based on 69 pt scale  BRE environmental assessment method  Established in 1990 by the UK  Provides a measure for sustainability  Assesses 7 criteria and gives a score of pass, good, very good, excellent or outstanding

9 Vertical farming  Can occur all indoors  Aeroponics, hydroponics, and drip irrigation  Wastewater could be used for irrigation  Harvests occur year-round  Crop waste can be burned for energy or converted to biofuel  Can occur all indoors  Aeroponics, hydroponics, and drip irrigation  Wastewater could be used for irrigation  Harvests occur year-round  Crop waste can be burned for energy or converted to biofuel

10 What can we do?  Educate our peers  Use public transportation  Bike or walk when possible  Carpool if not available  Update our water works and appliances  Buy produce that is locally grown  Support our sustainable building initiatives on campus  Educate our peers  Use public transportation  Bike or walk when possible  Carpool if not available  Update our water works and appliances  Buy produce that is locally grown  Support our sustainable building initiatives on campus

11 Works Cited  Brown, Lester. Plan B 4.0. New York City: W.W. Nortan & Co, 2009. 143-162. Print.  Cruze, Tom. "City dwellers leave small carbon footprint." Sun Times 22 JUN 2009: Web. 2 Mar 2010.  Dell, Kristina. "Bike-Sharing Gets Smart." Time International (Canada Edition) 171.25 (2008): 91-93. Business Source Alumni Edition. EBSCO. Web. 2 Mar. 2010.  Despommier, Dickson. "The RISE of VERTICAL FARMS." Scientific American 301.5 (2009): 80-87. Academic Search Alumni Edition. EBSCO. Web. 2 Mar. 2010.  Hays, Scott. "Every drop counts. (cover story)." Reeves Journal: Plumbing, Heating, Cooling 78.6 (1998): 22. Business Source Alumni Edition. EBSCO. Web. 2 Mar. 2010.  Herro, Alana. "More Cars or More Transportation Alternatives: What Will the World Choose?." World Watch 21.2 (2008): 7. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 2 Mar. 2010.  Horwitz-Bennett, Barbara. "Integrating Ceilings and Lighting." Buildings 104.1 (2010): 28. Business Source Complete. EBSCO. Web. 2 Mar. 2010.  Shulman, Matthew. "High-Tech, Easy Ways to Conserve." U.S. News& World Report 142.20 (2007): 44-45. Web. 2 Mar 2010.  "Driving More Efficiently." Fuel Economy. Web. 28 Feb 2010..  "What LEED is." U.S. Green Building Counsel. Web. 2 Mar 2010..  "How does a composting toilet work?." Dollars & Sense 235 (2001): 31. Business Source Complete. EBSCO. Web. 2 Mar. 2010.  "What is BREEAM?." breeam. 2009. BRE Global Ltd, Web. 2 Mar 2010..  "Campus Infrastructure & Operations." Campus Sustainability. Web. 2 Mar 2010.  "Learn About Us." National BRT Website. Web. 9 Mar 2010..  "Dulles Metrorail is coming, next stop Tysons." Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project. Apr 2008. Web. 9 Mar 2010..  "Metro preparing for more people to shift to transit if gasoline prices continue to skyrocket." WMATA. 22 May 2008. Web. 9 Mar 2010..  "Program Information." SmartBike DC. Web..  "Home Improvement." Energy Star. Web. 9 Mar 2010..  "New York City Moves to Congestion Tax." The Newspaper. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Mar 2010..  "Green Benefits." Zipcar. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Mar 2010..  Brown, Lester. Plan B 4.0. New York City: W.W. Nortan & Co, 2009. 143-162. Print.  Cruze, Tom. "City dwellers leave small carbon footprint." Sun Times 22 JUN 2009: Web. 2 Mar 2010.  Dell, Kristina. "Bike-Sharing Gets Smart." Time International (Canada Edition) 171.25 (2008): 91-93. Business Source Alumni Edition. EBSCO. Web. 2 Mar. 2010.  Despommier, Dickson. "The RISE of VERTICAL FARMS." Scientific American 301.5 (2009): 80-87. Academic Search Alumni Edition. EBSCO. Web. 2 Mar. 2010.  Hays, Scott. "Every drop counts. (cover story)." Reeves Journal: Plumbing, Heating, Cooling 78.6 (1998): 22. Business Source Alumni Edition. EBSCO. Web. 2 Mar. 2010.  Herro, Alana. "More Cars or More Transportation Alternatives: What Will the World Choose?." World Watch 21.2 (2008): 7. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 2 Mar. 2010.  Horwitz-Bennett, Barbara. "Integrating Ceilings and Lighting." Buildings 104.1 (2010): 28. Business Source Complete. EBSCO. Web. 2 Mar. 2010.  Shulman, Matthew. "High-Tech, Easy Ways to Conserve." U.S. News& World Report 142.20 (2007): 44-45. Web. 2 Mar 2010.  "Driving More Efficiently." Fuel Economy. Web. 28 Feb 2010..  "What LEED is." U.S. Green Building Counsel. Web. 2 Mar 2010..  "How does a composting toilet work?." Dollars & Sense 235 (2001): 31. Business Source Complete. EBSCO. Web. 2 Mar. 2010.  "What is BREEAM?." breeam. 2009. BRE Global Ltd, Web. 2 Mar 2010..  "Campus Infrastructure & Operations." Campus Sustainability. Web. 2 Mar 2010.  "Learn About Us." National BRT Website. Web. 9 Mar 2010..  "Dulles Metrorail is coming, next stop Tysons." Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project. Apr 2008. Web. 9 Mar 2010..  "Metro preparing for more people to shift to transit if gasoline prices continue to skyrocket." WMATA. 22 May 2008. Web. 9 Mar 2010..  "Program Information." SmartBike DC. Web..  "Home Improvement." Energy Star. Web. 9 Mar 2010..  "New York City Moves to Congestion Tax." The Newspaper. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Mar 2010..  "Green Benefits." Zipcar. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Mar 2010..

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