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Introduction Active Galactic Nuclei
Radio Galaxies and radio-loud Quasars
Radio galaxies & radio-loud quasars: the most powerful radio sources (Usually) extended (or very extended!) radio emission with common characteristics (core-jets-lobes) Typically hosted by an elliptical (early-type) galaxy Amazing discovery when they were identified with extragalactic, i.e. far away, objects Unexpectedly high amount of energy involved! The radio contribute only to a minor fraction of the energy actually released by these AGNs. (ratio between radio and optical luminosity ~10-4) However, the kinetic power in jets can be a significant fraction of the accretion energy
Why study radio-loud AGN?
They show most of the phenomena typical of AGNs (e.g. optical lines, X-ray emission etc.) very interesting objects in (almost) all wavebands In addition they have spectacular radio morphologies But they are quite rare!
Some Radio surveys Start: 3CR (Cambridge Telescope) 328 sources with > - 5o flux above MHz (1 Jy= W m-2 Hz-1) 4C 2Jy 178 MHz Cambridge (+5,6,7C) PKS ~3Jy 408 MHz Parkes Molonglo B2 0.25 Bologna (+B3) NRAO 0.8Jy 1.4-5GHz 0.7Jy 2.7 GHz NVSS 2.5 mJy (45” res.) 1.4 GHz NRAO VLA Sky Survey FIRST 1mJy (~5” res) Faint Images Radio Sky at Twenty centimeters WENSS 300 MHz WSRT
A prototypical radio galaxy
Lobes Core Hot-spots Jets Any size: from pc to Mpc First order similar radio morphology (but differences depending on radio power, optical luminosity & orientation) Typical radio power 1023 to 1028 W/Hz
Note the scales on both axis!
Radio Spectrum S steep: <-0.5 flat: >-0.5 inverted: >0 Note the scales on both axis! Steep spectrum with breaks flat/inverted/peaked & variable spectrum Carilli et al. (1999)
Radio-Dichotomy Optically bight quasars come in two flavors: radio-loud and radio-quiet This is seen in a homogenous optically selected sample (e.g. PG/BQS quasar sample). Normalizing the radio emission (jet) by the optical luminosity (disk): only 10% of quasars are radio-loud. In both groups radio comes from jets! Why the difference in efficiency? It is not clear whether that persists also at lower masses and accretion rates… Only Steep-Spectrum Quasars! Ellipticals + Spirals Ellipticals R=radio/optical flux Kellermann et al. (1989) Falcke, Sherwood, Patnaik (1996)
Jet-Disk Symbiosis (looking at radio core only!)
4/17/2017 Jet-Disk Symbiosis (looking at radio core only!) Jet power scales with accretion disk power Qjet = qj/l · Ldisk Sradio L17/12 Model applicable to quasars LLAGN X-ray binaries Radio Core Luminosity Seyferts Accretion disk luminosity Falcke et al. ( )
4/17/2017 Jets exist on all scales and also in “radio quiet” AGN: Seyfert Galaxies
Radio Structures in Seyferts
VLA Observations of RQQs (Radio Quiet Quasars)
Leipski, C.; Falcke, H.; Bennert, N.; Hüttemeister, S. (2006)
Jets exist on all scales
4/17/2017 Jets exist on all scales X-ray binaries Low-Luminosity AGN Mirabel & Rodriguez (1994) VLBI: Falcke, Nagar, Wilson et al. (2000)
Jets Not well understood Emitted from axis of rotation
Acceleration through magnetic fields Acceleration of charged particles from strong magnetic fields and radiation pressure Synchrotron Radiation Produces radiation at all wavelengths especially at Radio wavelengths Possible source of Ultra high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos
Jets Often the radio emission is more symmetric on the large scale and asymmetric on the small scale The core is defined based on the spectral index: flat ( ~ 0) [to find which component is the radio core is not always easy: free-free absorption can complicate the story!] core
Jet in M87 Discovery of AGN jet (Active Galactic Nucleus) in M87 (Curtis 1918) “...curious straight ray...” Is: optical synchrotron radiation from relativistic plasma jet ejected from black hole Hubble shows super-luminal motion v~6c HST: Biretta et al. (1999)
Black Hole powered jet in M87
4/17/2017 Black Hole powered jet in M87 Reid et al. (1999, Space VLBI)
Jets Collimation Going very close to the BH to see how the collimation
of the jet works. rapid broadening of the jet opening angle as the core is approached on scale below 1 mas (0.1 pc). 43 GHz VLBI ~ 1 mas = pc M 87 The jet does not seem to reach a complete collimation until a distance of many tens of Schwarzschild radii (escape velocity = c) Jet emanating from the accretion disk, not yet collimated
Monitoring of the quasar 3C120 with VLBI
4/17/2017 Monitoring of the quasar 3C120 with VLBI
Superluminal motions Read old jet lecture on superluminal motion and beaming! These projection effects explain: the apparent superluminal motion the asymmetry between the two jets, also the flux of the approaching and receding components are affected by projection (Doppler Boosting) These are among the methods used to find out the orientation of a source
Jet to Counter Jet Ratios: boosting & de-boosting
The jet to counter jet ratio of the inner jet can be modeled by a relativistic, decelerating jet with a fast spine and a slower shear layer (Laing & Bridle 2002). The observed jet/counter-jet brightness ratio (sided- ness) at a resolution of 0.75 arcsec, from the 8.4-GHz observations. This was constructed by dividing the image by a copy of itself rotated through 180 degree and is in the sense main jet/counter-jet.
3C31: Jet to Counter Jet Ratios
BL Lacs – looking down the jet
4/17/2017 BL Lacs – looking down the jet Read old jet lecture on superluminal motion and beaming! Synchrotron from jet Reprocessed radiation from jet BL Lacs are thought to be beamed FRI radio galaxies ponting at us. Relativistic beaming will lead to an enhancement of the core emission by a huge factor (103) In BL Lacs the emission is completely dominated by the innermost jet. The spectrum is “flat” in S and rising linearly with in a S plot. There is no evidence for a disk spectrum (probably because FRIs have a radiatively inefficent disk/ADAF). The spectrum resembles a „camel‘s back“. Radio - optical: synchrotron emission from jet X-ray – TeV: inverse Compton or hadronic cascades (e-, p-) Z~100 Rg S Fossati et al. (1998)
Jet Formation All relativistic cosmic jet sources may be connected by a common basic mechanism A promising model for that is magnetohydrodynamic acceleration by rotating, twisted magnetic fields “Spin Paradigm” can explain qualitatively a number of statistical properties of AGN Geometrically thick accretion flows are more efficient at launching jets In Microquasars this principle may explain the correlation between the production of a jet and the presence of a hot, geometrically thick accretion flow This also may be testable in some Seyfert AGN as well Slow acceleration and collimation of these jets is probably the norm There is some evidence for this in AGN jets Highly relativistic jet flows may be produced by strong, straight magnetic fields All galactic cosmic jet sources, including supernovae and gamma-ray bursts, may be connected by a common origin as well: different outcomes of the last stage of evolution in a massive star
Basic Principles of Magnetohydrodynamic Jet Production
Basic MHD mechanism: Blandford (1976); Lovelace (1976) Acceleration by rotating black holes (Blandford & Znajek [1977]) Acceleration by rotating [thin] accretion disks (Blandford & Payne [1982]) First numerical simulations: Uchida & Shibata (1985) Key ingredients in their “Sweeping Pinch” mechanism Thick accretion disk or torus Keplerian differential rotation ( R-3/2) Initial strong vertical magnetic field (strong enough to slow disk rotation) J B force splits up into magnetic pressure and tension: - (B2 / 8) + (B B) / 4
Basic Principles of Magnetohydrodynamic Jet Production (continued)
Typical results (e.g., Kudoh et al [1998]; Uchida et al. [1999]) Differential rotation twists up field into toroidal component, slowing rotation Disk accretes inward, further enhancing differential rotation and B Greatest field enhancement is at torus inner edge Magnetic pressure gradient (dB2 / dZ) accelerates plasma out of system Magnetic tension [hoop stress] (–B2/R) pinches and collimates the outflow into a jet Outflow jet speed is of order the escape velocity from the inner edge of the torus (Vjet ~ VAlfven ~ Vesc) Jet direction is along the rotation axis Kudoh, Matsumoto, & Shibata (2002)
Simulated jet evolution in the ISM
The basic jet emission model for the flat-spectrum core
4/17/2017 The basic jet emission model for the flat-spectrum core Blandford & Königl (1979), Falcke & Biermann (1995) Plasma freely expanding in a supersonic jet B r-1, n r-2, e ~ const superposition of self-absorbed synchrotron spectra at each frequency one sees the = 1 surface as the “core”flat spectrum subject to rel. boosting Jets are messy - their radio cores are simple
The Spectrum of Jet-Cores: Free Expansion Approach
4/17/2017 The Spectrum of Jet-Cores: Free Expansion Approach Plasma propagates at a constant proper speed vz=jjc. The (isothermal) plasma expands with sound speed vr=ssc. The resulting shape is a cone with Mach number vr vz
The Spectrum of Jet-Cores: Particle and Energydensity Scaling
4/17/2017 The Spectrum of Jet-Cores: Particle and Energydensity Scaling Particle conservation: Energy conservation: vr vz
The Spectrum of Jet-Cores: Synchrotron Absorption
4/17/2017 The Spectrum of Jet-Cores: Synchrotron Absorption Synchrotron Absorption: At a specific observing frequency we see the =1 surface; the location is frequency dependent: r=1-1 vr vz
The Spectrum of Jet-Cores: Synchrotron Emission
4/17/2017 The Spectrum of Jet-Cores: Synchrotron Emission Synchrotron Emission: The emission is dominated by the =1 surface. For a conical jet the spectrum is flat! vr vz
Size and Spectrum of Sgr A* (Galactic Center)
“submm-bump” size 10 g 100 Rg 1000 Rg 1 Rg Size of Sgr A* cut-off event horizon shadow of event horizon Melia & Falcke (2001, Ann. Rev. Astron.&Astroph) The spectrum cuts off at the size scale of the event horizon!
The Synchrotron Spectrum of Jets
4/17/2017 The Synchrotron Spectrum of Jets Rmin Mbh~108 Mbh~10 Rmin max S Opt/UV/X Radio/mm max S S~-0.7 Radio/mm In jets r-1 max rmin-1 Mbh-1 Turnover Frequency in stellar black holes >> blazars!
Scaling of Jets: large, small, powerful and faint
Scaling laws for Blandford & Königl jet cores. The basic shape of the broad-band jet spectrum is (relatively) invariant to changes in black hole mass and accretion rate. Simple scaling laws with Mdot can be derived analytically. Assumption MdotPjet! Radio/optical/X-ray ratio depends on Mbh and Mdot! Smaller black holes peak at higher frequencies. Increasing Mdot increases flux density non-linearly. black hole mass Falcke & Biermann (1995) Markoff et al. (2003) Falcke et al. (2003) see also: Heinz & Sunyaev (2003) and Merloni et al. (2003)
Jet Model for the X-Ray Binary XTE J1118+480
4/17/2017 Jet Model for the X-Ray Binary XTE J Markoff, Falcke, Fender (2001) .
The Power-Evolution of XRBs
4/17/2017 The Power-Evolution of XRBs Radio & X-ray Spectrum Accretion Disk Radio Jet -disk ADAF Thermal disk spectrum Disk corona or jet spectrum? -disk ADAF Non-thermal jet spectrum -disk ADAF Fender (2000)
Spectrum of a Luminous Quasar
thermal (disk) inverse Compton (jet) Synchrotron (jet) Lichti et al. (1994)
“JDAFs” Jet-Dominated Accretion Flows
The SED has jet and disk contributions! At lower accretion rates disks become less and less prominent, jets remain strong. Sub-Eddington black hole SEDs may be jet-dominated. Lx,r jet domination – disk domination Disk Jet low-state high-state (A/C)DAF + Jet ADAF: Esin, Narayan et al. (1997 …) Körding, Falcke, & Markoff (2002); see also Fender, Gallo, & Jonker (2003)
Scaling of Jets: large, small, powerful and faint
Scaling laws for Blandford & Königl jet cores. Remember in the jet model: Radio/optical/X-ray ratio depends on Mbh and Mdot! Assuming that the scaling-laws are correct, radio, optical, mass, and accretion rate are connected: . E.g. one predicts that all jet-dominated BHs lie on a plane in the parameter space given by mass, accretion rate, and X-ray emission This means: if one simply plots radio vs. X-ray emission of BHs the data will be scattered (since there is a range in mass and accretion rate), however, if one scales the X-ray emission to a common mass, there will be more order in the chaos… black hole mass Falcke & Biermann (1995) Markoff et al. (2003) Falcke et al. (2003) see also: Heinz & Sunyaev (2003) and Merloni et al. (2003)
Fundamental Plane: Radio, X-Rays, and Mass
Stellar mass BHs Supermassive BHs Mass corrected Corrected for mass Merloni, Heinz, Matteo (2003) Falcke, Körding, Markoff (2004)
Restriction to Sub-Eddington BHs: XRBs, LLAGN, FRIs, BL Lacs
Sample containing only Low-State AGNs FRIs & BL Lacs jet-scaling LLAGN (LINERS) X-ray emission Scaled to common mass XRBs Testing different scaling laws =0.4 dex jet-disk scaling Radio emission Falcke, Körding, Markoff (2004) Körding, Falcke, Corbel (2005)
Power Unification Black holes have no hair!
Stellar and supermassive blacks have more and more in come … BH, Jet, disk, variability Main parameters: M,Mdot XRB state transitions seem to have their equivalent in AGN classes Sub-Eddington Black Holes may turn from disk- to jet-dominated. Spectrum dominated by jet Energy output dominated by (kinetic) jet power Fundamental plane of BH activity describes spectral evolution (best for sub-Eddington BHs) Radio quietness related to jet-quenching in High-state or not? Falcke, Körding, Markoff (2004)
Feedback in radio-loud AGN?
Feedback of radio-loud AGN into the surrounding IGM (seen through X-ray here). The kinetic impact of jets causes the X-ray gas to be displaced. The consequence are holes in the X-ray emission. Fabian et al.
Black Hole powered jet in M87
4/17/2017 Black Hole powered jet in M87 M87 is considered a low-luminosity AGN. Radio jet powers huge radio lobe and pushes out hot X-ray gas. Energy output from black hole dominates environment of galaxy. 260,000 Light years 16,000 Light years VLA 327 MHz: Owen et al. (1999)
Radio Loud AGN: FR I – FR II
Weak or no emission lines, no blue bump Strong emission lines, blue bumps seen Radio Power
FR I/FR II division Owen-Ledlow diagram
FRI and FRII radio galaxies delineated by sharp division in optical/ radio luminosity plane Bigger galaxies need more powerful radio galaxies for the jets to emerge unharmed by shear forces in the ISM. FR II FR I Owen & Ledlow (last century)
Shock waves in jets Lifetimes short compared to extent of jets
=> additional acceleration required. Most jet energy is ordered kinetic energy. Gas flow in jet is supersonic; near hot spot gas decelerates suddenly => shock wave forms. Energy now in relativistic e- and mag field.
Particle Acceleration in jets: shocks and more
M87 jet spectra of bright knots Emission is typically in power law form Meisenheimer et al. (1997) Optical and perhaps X-ray synchrotron require TeV electrons and continuous re-acceleration in the jet!
Radio Spectra: Age Effects
1. Energy loss 2. Self-absorption in the relativistic electrons gas 3. Absorption from ionized gas between us and the source (free-free absorption) -> torus! Reality Theory cooling absorption
Electron Energy Distribution in Jets
dNe(ge) dge dNe(ge) dge The typical energy distri-bution of relativistic electrons is a power-law in ge (E=gemec2). ge-2 dNe(ge) dge Sn nBge2 The energy of electrons is related to a characteristic frequency. A power-law in the ener-gy distribution produces a powerlaw in the spectrum ge n0.5 1 100 104
Electron Energy Distribution in Jets
Sn Coincidentally in the inner jet region the low-frequency spectrum is self-absorbed. nBge2 Hence, electrons with 1 ge 100 remain invisble but they could make up 99% of the total electron content! ge-2 dNe(ge) dge ge Ntotgmin -1 n0.5 1 100 104
Energy loss The relativistic electrons can loose energy because of a number of process (adiabatic expansion of the source, synchrotron emission, inverse-Compton etc.). the characteristics of the radio source and in particular the energy distribution N(E) (and therefore the spectrum of the emitted radiation) tend to modify with time. Adiabatic expansion: strong decrease in luminosity but the spectrum is unchanged Energy loss through radiation: After a time tb only the particle with E0<E* still survive while those with E0>E* have lost their energy. For ν < νbreak the spectral index remains constant (α = α0) For ν > νbreak νbreak ~ B-3 tyr-2 Single burst α = (α0-1/2) Continuous injection
Energy loss Typical spectral index of the lobes = 0.7
These energy lost affect mainly the large scale structures (e.g. lobes). Typical spectral index of the lobes = 0.7 Typically Myr for B=10μG, freq 8-1 GHz Unless there is re-acceleration in some regions of the radio source!
Self-absorption in the relativistic electron gas
Optically thick case: the internal absorption from the electrons needs to be considered the brightness temperature of the source is close to the kinetics temperature of the electrons. The opacity is larger at lower frequency -> plasma opaque at low frequencies and transparent at high Frequency corresponding to =1
Self-absorption in the relativistic electron gas
Affects mainly the central compact region or very small radio sources Higher “turnover” frequency smaller size of the emitting region.
Gigahertz Peak Spectrum and Compact Steep Spectrum Sources
GPS = Gigahertz Peak Spectrum – characterized by a peak in the radio spectrum at ~ 1 GHz CSS = Compact Steep Spectrum – have steep spectra at microwave frequencies but also have a peak in the spectrum in the MHz range
GPS & CSS Sources – young (and frustrated sources)
GPS (GHz-Peaked-Spectrum) and CSS (Compact-Steep-Spectrum) sources are young radio jets that are still stuck in the dense ISM. GPS D=68 Mpc 5pc/mas Size: ~250 pc CSS Turn-over frequency scales inversely with size Likely effect of self-absorption. O’Dea 1998
GPS at work: The “Seyfert” Galaxy III Zw 2
Flux increase by factor within years Outbursts roughly every 5 years Radio monitoring campaign set up in anticipation of current outburst Aller et al., priv. com.
The Extreme Variability of the Seyfert Galaxy III Zw 2
Flux increase by factor 40 (!) within 2 years Outburst peaks at 7mm Textbook-like self-absorbed spectrum (a=2-2.5) Fitted by two synchro-tron components. Millimeter-Peaked-Spectrum(MPS) l=7mm Falcke, Bower, et al. (1999, ApJL)
III Zw 2 - Spectral Evolution
The spectrum remained highly inverted, peaking at 43 GHz during the rise of the outburst. Peak frequency dropped quickly after peak in 43 GHz lightcurve (decay). Rise Rise Decay Decay
III Zw 2 - Structural Evolution
The source remained ultra-compact during the rise, but requiring at least two compo-nents separated by 72mas (=0.1 pc). No other components found! Structural expansion seen during the decay. Rise Decay
Evolution of III Zw 2 Simultaneous VLBI and VLA observations
Very close corres- pondence between spectral and struc- tural evolution! VLBI monitoring superresolved (150mas) 5 epochs interpolated VLA monitoring Monthly sampling 13 epochs interpolated Brunthaler, Falcke, Bower et al. (2000)
Polarization Characteristic of the synchrotron emission: the radiation is highly polarized. For an uniform magnetic field, the polarization of an ensemble of electrons is linear, perpendicular to the magnetic field and the fractional polarization is given by: for 2<p<4 never! Typical polarization from few to ~20% Tangled magnetic field
Polarization Polarization between 10 and 20%
(some peaks at ~40% around the edge of the lobes)
Polarization Example of polarization in radio jets.
Faraday rotation at different wavelengths
Travel through a plasma+magnetic field (that can be internal or external to the source) changes the polarization angle Ne = electron density of the plasma dl = depth B = component of the magnetic field parallel to line of sight Rotation measure (RM) RM can be derived via observations at different wavelengths If the medium is in front of the radio source: no change in the fractional polarization If the medium is mix in the radio source: depolarization dependence on wavelength (if due to Faraday rotation) thermal electrons with density ~ 10-5 cm-3 Depolarization happens also if the magnetic field is tangled on the scale of the beam of the observations
Different types of radio galaxies
The morphology of a radio galaxy may depend on different parameters: - radio power (related to the power of the AGN?) - orientation of the radio emission - intrinsic differences in the (nuclear regions of) host galaxy - environment
Different types of radio galaxies
Different types of radio galaxies
~200 kpc The morphology does not depend on size! ~20 pc
Effects of the interaction
with the environment Effects of age
Restarting Jets V.L. Safouris, G.V. Bicknell, R.S. Sunrahmanyan & L. Saripalli, 2006, ApJ
Summary Jets are ubiquitous and are seen in almost all types of sources at all black hole masses and all accretion rates. They are hot, collimated plasma streams close to the speed of light, beaming plays a role They are launched close to the black hole. They can carry a few percent of the total accretion power in the form of kinetic energy. Emission ranges over the entire e.m. spectrum – main processes are synchrotron and inverse Compton emission.
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