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The Columbia University Experience: Infobuttons and the Infobutton Manager James J. Cimino, M.D. Department of Biomedical Informatics Columbia University.

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Presentation on theme: "The Columbia University Experience: Infobuttons and the Infobutton Manager James J. Cimino, M.D. Department of Biomedical Informatics Columbia University."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Columbia University Experience: Infobuttons and the Infobutton Manager James J. Cimino, M.D. Department of Biomedical Informatics Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

2 Medline Button –Translated ICD9-CM to MeSH to search Medline –Hard to build –Did not satisfy users’ needs Columbia Experience Medline Button –Translated ICD9-CM to MeSH to search Medline –Hard to build –Did not satisfy users’ needs Infobuttons –Web-based –Easy to build –Require custom programming –Used preferentially in some settings



5 Columbia Experience Medline Button –Translated ICD9-CM to MeSH to search Medline –Hard to build –Did not satisfy users’ needs Infobuttons –Web-based –Easy to build –Used preferentially in some settings –Require custom programming Infobutton Manager –Standard set of context variables –Matches context to frequently-asked questions –Each question has corresponding solution –Table-driven Infobuttons –Web-based –Easy to build –Used preferentially in some settings –Require custom programming

6 34Drug Level InPatient Drugs Any ChildNYPH 33Drug Level InPatient Drugs Any AdultNYPH InfobuttonConceptTaskUserSexAgeInstitute Context Table QuestionURLInfobutton Give me pediatric information for… /pleaflets/… 34 Give me patient information for… /leaflets-english/… 33 Infobutton Table Infobutton Manager


8 Columbia Experience to Date Questions determined by empiric observation Resources found to answer questions Infobutton Manager links added to WebCIS

9 Columbia Experience – Next Steps Currently carrying out heuristic evaluation Usability study is next Roll-out to 4000 WebCIS users planned Follow-up observational study to determine: –Usefulness –Impact

10 Institution-Independent Solutions Contexts are common across institutions Information needs may be common Infobutton Manager is institution-independent “Institute” is a parameter –Questions can be customized by institution –Resources can differ by institution Questions and resources can be shared Terminology is the limiting factor

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