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R I T Team Members: Nathan Boyer → Team Lead Brandon Howell → Power Electronics Engineer Brad Whitlock → Electrical Lead Joe Krisher → Mechanical Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "R I T Team Members: Nathan Boyer → Team Lead Brandon Howell → Power Electronics Engineer Brad Whitlock → Electrical Lead Joe Krisher → Mechanical Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 R I T Team Members: Nathan Boyer → Team Lead Brandon Howell → Power Electronics Engineer Brad Whitlock → Electrical Lead Joe Krisher → Mechanical Systems Engineer Anastasia Lorenz → Mechanical Support Daniel Wong → Communications Engineer Geoff Heitzenrater → Mechanical Lead Chris Chavoustie → System Integration Engineer P07204 – 10kg Robotic Platform Sponsored by Gleason Works and the RIT Mechanical Engineering Department P07204 – 10kg Robotic Platform Sponsored by Gleason Works and the RIT Mechanical Engineering Department Contributions from – Intersil, Linear Technologies, Performance Technologies Inc., Future Electronics.

2 R I T Project Family Overview

3 R I T Project Description The mission of this family of projects, within the Vehicle Systems Technology Track, is to develop a land-based, scalable, modular open architecture, open source, full instrumented remote/controlled vehicular platform for use in a variety of education, research & development, and outreach applications within and beyond the RIT KGCOE. This student team will develop two modular, fully functional robotic platforms capable of carrying a payload anywhere in the robotics lab, room #9-2230 in Building #09 on the RIT campus. The drive platforms should utilize the RP10 Motor Module, the scalable open architecture motor controllers and the DAQ systems where appropriate. One drive platform shall be three wheeled, with at least one RP10 motor module, and a payload capacity of at least 2.5kg. The second drive platform shall have at least four wheels, with at least two RP10 motor modules, and a payload capacity of 10kg. Each platform will be required to accomplish two tests as stated in the PRP.

4 R I T Customer Needs The platform performs safely Must be able to carry a payload of 10kg Fits within $600 Budget The robotic platform must be battery powered The platform is robust Off the Shelf Components Robot must be able to be controlled remotely The platform performs testing requirements Impressive looking for high school students in the US FIRST robotics competition. Interchangeable modules (at least one) within 120 seconds Scalable with 100kg (with expectations to scale down to 1kg) Adaptable for other senior design projects

5 R I T Selected Concept

6 R I T Rectangular Configuration Length: 26.75 inches Width: 27.0 inches Height: ~21.0 inches (without payload)

7 R I T Triangular Configuration Length: 24.0 inches Width: 23.0 inches Height: ~19.0 inches (without Payload)

8 R I T Modular Motor Mounts Easily mounts motor modules to chassis Modules fixed in rails with two thumbscrews Adding or removing modules is quick and easy Made of inexpensive, easy to machine plastics

9 R I T Made of inexpensive, strong, lightweight acrylic tubing Easy assembly – members are joined with epoxy Chassis Structure

10 R I T Cost Breakdown - Mechanical Triangular Frame: Lot of One – $23.80 Lot of Ten – $238.00 Rectangular Frame: Lot of One – $ 33.32 Lot of Ten – $ 333.20 Payload Mount (Both Platform Configurations): Lot of One – $86.41 Lot of Ten – $864.10 Motor Mounts: Lot of One (4 mounts) – $45.06 Lot of Ten – $450.6 Total Mechanical: Lot of One - $188.59 Lot of Ten - $1885.90

11 R I T Risk Analysis of Mechanical Components Clear Acrylic Tubing –Load Carrying Capability –Bending of Members –Impact Resistance –Scratching / Weathering / Cracking Epoxy –Alignment of Members –Cleanliness upon Application –Fatigue over time –Complete Failure under Loading / Operation Motor Mount Thumb Screw –Vibration under Operation High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Motor Mounts –Flexing under loading

12 R I T Platform Wiring

13 R I T PC104 Stack PC104 form factor – stackable circuit boards in a 4”x 4” form factor. Stack enclosed in rugged “CAN-tainer” enclosure. Options include customizable endplates and cooling fan

14 R I T Power Board Provides regulated power to motor module electronics and platform accessories Filters electrical noise created by motor modules

15 R I T Platform Communications Serial Cable DATA & CONTROLS User controls RP10 platform from laptop Serial cable connects laptop and platform Commands are sent via RS-232 to and from platform

16 R I T User Interface (LabView) User clicks the control corresponding to desired movement User can download five X Y coordinates for robot to navigate autonomously

17 R I T Platform Communications Single board computer running Linux (Provided) Software interfaces to Motor Control Hardware (Provided) Motor Control Hardware controls Motor Modules (Provided) Dedicated hardware designed by Motor Control Team P07302 Motor Module P0720 1 Motor Module P0720 1 CAN BUS PC10 4 BUS

18 R I T Cost Breakdown - Electrical Power Board: Lot of One – $391.14 <-- with shared cost of PCB, $248.00 Lot of Ten – $1264.65 Wiring: Lot of One – $34.00 Lot of Ten – $306.00 Enclosures: Lot of One – $108.95 <-- Cost will be shared with P07205 Lot of Ten – 1089.50 Total Electrical: Lot of One – $622.95 Lot of Ten – $2660.15

19 R I T Total BOM Cost Mechanical Cost Breakdown Electrical Cost Breakdown $388.29 $273.27 Total $661.56 The Budget is currently over by $62, with further trade off analysis and donated samples we hope to obtain a total budget less than $600

20 R I T Risk Analysis of Electrical Components Sub-module Communication Failure –Motor controller and motor module –Motor controller and SBC –DAQ and SBC –Laptop and SBC –Platform software Power System Failure –Motor noise –Power board PCB cost overrun –Grounding scheme –Inadequate battery life (1hr spec) Cabling/ Connector Issues –Cabling cost overrun –Unprofessional appearance of cable routing

21 R I T Satisfied Customer Needs The platform performs safely Added bumpers and emergency stops Must be able to carry a payload of 10kg Rigid chassis designed with strong acrylic tubing Fits within $600 Budget Uses low cost plastics, obtaining samples when possible The robotic platform must be battery powered Runs of 3 12V batteries The platform is robust Strong materials and versatile electronics Off the Shelf Components Most materials and electronics are off the shelf components Robot must be able to be controlled remotely Implemented tethered remote control The platform performs testing requirements Capable of manual control and dead reckoning Impressive looking for high school students in the US FIRST robotics competition. Clean design, extra aesthetic features Interchangeable modules (at least one) within 120 seconds Motors attached with thumbscrews Scalable with 100kg (with expectations to scale down to 1kg) Similar in design to 100kg platform Adaptable for other senior design projects Versatile payload mounts

22 R I T Senior Design II - Milestones March 23 rd – Detail Review presentation April 6 th – Completion of Proof of Concept (Bench testing/Simulation) April 20 th – Initial integration of major sub function components. May 4 th – Function and Performance Review May 11 th – Tech Paper, Design Poster and Website due May 18 th – Final Project Review

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