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Unit 171 Algorithms and Problem Solving  Introduction  Algorithm Design  Algorithm Properties  Algorithm Control Flow  Examples  Comparing Algorithms.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 171 Algorithms and Problem Solving  Introduction  Algorithm Design  Algorithm Properties  Algorithm Control Flow  Examples  Comparing Algorithms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 171 Algorithms and Problem Solving  Introduction  Algorithm Design  Algorithm Properties  Algorithm Control Flow  Examples  Comparing Algorithms  Exercises

2 Unit 172 Introduction A major phase of Software Design Life Cycle (SDLC) is the design phase. This phase involves the design of algorithms. It also involves the design of data structures.

3 Unit 173 Algorithm Design Algorithms are the details of the methods in the classes being designed. The methods are designed and specified after discovering the classes and relationships among them. A method usually uses other methods.

4 Unit 174 Algorithm Properties What is an Algorithm? An algorithm is an ordered sequence of instructions that is guaranteed to solve a specific problem Properties of Algorithm An algorithm should have the following properties: –No ambiguity in any instruction –No ambiguity which instruction is executed next –Finite number of instructions –Execution must halt and produce a result

5 Unit 175 Algorithm Control Flow How to represent an algorithm? Mostly pseudocode is used, which is a special set of English language constructs that look like statements of programming languages Syntax is flexible but simple and readable The constructs are of three types: –Sequential –Selection –Iteration

6 Unit 176 Comparing Algorithms Many ways to write an algorithm Desired attributes –Correctness –Ease of understanding –Elegance –Efficiency How to compare algorithms?

7 Unit 177 Example 1 Develop an algorithm to convert a temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius Algorithm –get temperature –result = 5 / 9*(temperature – 32) –return result

8 Unit 178 Example 2 Develop an algorithm to withdraw a given amount from the balance Algorithm –get amount –if amount > balance print “cannot exceed balance” –else balance = balance - amount

9 Unit 179 Example 3 Develop an algorithm to determine if a given number n is prime Algorithm –get n –If n<2 isprime = false –else isprime = true –x = 2 –while isprime and x < sqrt(n) if x divides n isprime = false else x = x + 1 –return isprime

10 Unit 1710 Exercises 1.Develop an algorithm to check if a given integer is a perfect square or not. 2.Develop an algorithm to find the average and the standard deviation of an array of grades. 3.Develop an algorithm to display all prime numbers from 2 to 100.

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