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Spring 2003 ECE569 Lecture 04.1 ECE 569 Database System Engineering Spring 2003 Yanyong Zhang

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1 Spring 2003 ECE569 Lecture 04.1 ECE 569 Database System Engineering Spring 2003 Yanyong Zhang Course URL

2 Spring 2003 ECE569 Lecture 04.2 An example query  Query selectR.x, S.y, fromR,S whereR.k = S.f and R.b < 12;  Read S sequentially, and for each tuple of S to read all relevant tuples of R.

3 Spring 2003 ECE569 Lecture 04.3 Scan  A scan is a logical access path for the tuples in some relation R. It allows retrieval of tuples in a procedural fashion and in a sequence that depends on the definition of the logical access path.  Whether this access path is supported at the physical layer by an index or by some other kind of storage structure is irrelevant.

4 Spring 2003 ECE569 Lecture 04.4 The definition of a scan  Relation name  Order Criterion Key : it could be either a subset of relation attributes, or a system-internal attribute reflecting the physical storage location of the tuple, such as tid.  Range Condition  Filter  Isolation criterion

5 Spring 2003 ECE569 Lecture 04.5 Operations on a scan  open_scan  next_tuple is used to retrieve the next tuple in the scan.  The current tuple (this is the one the scan pointer points to) can be modified or deleted.

6 Spring 2003 ECE569 Lecture 04.6 Different File Organizations File Unstructured (System Sequenced) Structure d Associative Non- Associative Keyed Clustered HashEntry Sequenced Relative

7 Spring 2003 ECE569 Lecture 04.7 Entry-sequenced files  Tuples are appended to the file.  A sequential file that reflects the order in which the tuples arrived.  e.g., log files

8 Spring 2003 ECE569 Lecture 04.8 Entry-sequenced files operations  insert l Free space is handled by a free space cursor, which at any instant is the end-of-file pointer. l If the last page cannot accommodate the tuple, a new empty page is claimed.  update. An update cannot increase the tuple size.  Delete. Free space cannot be reclaimed.

9 Spring 2003 ECE569 Lecture 04.9 System-sequenced files  The tuple-oriented file system has complete control over where the tuples are stored.  Additional information such as insert order is not maintained.  Tuples are inserted wherever the free space administration points.  Space freed by deleted tuples can be reclaimed either directly or after reorganization.

10 Spring 2003 ECE569 Lecture 04.10 System-sequenced files operations  insert. The place for a new tuple is determined by the tuple-oriented space allocation.  update. If the tuple length changes: l The tuple stays in its old page l The tuple must be moved to another page, but it has to be completely removed from its current page.  delete.

11 Spring 2003 ECE569 Lecture 04.11 Relative Files  Relative files are arrays of tuples.  The file is pre-formatted l Contiguous pages l Fixed size tuples. header empty slot 6283

12 Spring 2003 ECE569 Lecture 04.12 Relative files operations  insert. insert at, insert near, insert at end, insert anywhere  update. Tuples can be updated arbitrarily as long as the resulting length is smaller than the maximum size.  delete. The directory entry pertaining to the slot to be set to 0.

13 Spring 2003 ECE569 Lecture 04.13 Key-Sequenced and Hash Files  Associative access is characterized by the mapping: tuple.attribute value(s) -> location in file.  Implies a mapping from attribute value(s) to the TID.  Fast access to each tuple.

14 Spring 2003 ECE569 Lecture 04.14 Key-sequenced and hash files operations  insert. Upon insert, the mapping function is applied; it yields the page number, and sometimes the offset with the page.  readkey. Given the key value, it returns the tuple.  update. Tuples can be updated arbitrarily. If the key value is to be modified, it may be deleted from the current page, and move to the new page.  delete.

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