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Cause Marketing Do Consumers buy it? Who is taking advantage of it?

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Presentation on theme: "Cause Marketing Do Consumers buy it? Who is taking advantage of it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cause Marketing Do Consumers buy it? Who is taking advantage of it?

2 Cause Marketing Defined Choosing a Cause that reaches your target market Linking your brand to the Cause Working to make your brand synonymous with the cause (Vise versa)

3 Cause Marketers

4 Do We Buy It? - 92% of consumers think it is important for companies to contribute to Non-Profit Organizations -78% of adults said they would be more likely to buy a product associated with a cause they care about -76% of consumers have taken part in at least one cause related marketing campaign

5 Do We Buy It? American Express -1983 first Cause marketing campaign -Donating 1 cent from every use of the card to charity increasing card usage 28% and new users increased 17% McDonalds -1994 Cause related CD increases sales 5%

6 Do We Buy It? Coca Cola -1997 -15 cents from each case of coke Sold at Wal-mart -Donated to MADD -6 week promotion -Coke sales in those stores increased 490%

7 Thank You

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