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Hello Ramapo Biology Student Here are step by step directions for logging into Dr. Petro’s Campbell Biology site.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello Ramapo Biology Student Here are step by step directions for logging into Dr. Petro’s Campbell Biology site."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello Ramapo Biology Student Here are step by step directions for logging into Dr. Petro’s Campbell Biology site.

2 1. go to and click “New Students”

3 2. If you have an access code (new inside your book), click YES and CONTINUE

4 3. Go to the bottom and click “ I ACCEPT”

5 4. If you have never had an account with Pearson, click “No”, create a login name (your school email address is a great choice) and a password (must be at least 8 characters with at least one letter and one number) and enter your access code from the book.

6 5. Enter access code (All CAPS) and click NEXT

7 6. Enter your name, email, US, zip (07430), Ramapo and security question.

8 7. Now you have an account and you can join Dr. Petro’s course. Enter the login and password that you created earlier.

9 8. Join Dr. Petro’s class by typing MBPETRO13975 in the CourseID slot.


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