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Collaboration Board Summary Alan Bross MICE CM 26.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaboration Board Summary Alan Bross MICE CM 26."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaboration Board Summary Alan Bross MICE CM 26

2 Collaboration Board – CM26  Agenda: 1.Intro 2.Approval of minutesBooth 3.Spoke ʼ s remarksBlondel 4.PM reportNichols 5.Spokesperson ElectionBross 6.Common FundLong 7.NSF UpdateHanson/Kaplan 8.UC RequestKwang-Je Kim 9.SB reportPalladino 2 Alan Bross MICE CM - Riverside Marchr 27, 2010

3 Spokesmouse  Spokesmouse Report u 2010 Goal of completing Step I has made excellent progress s Still a lot to do, however & problem with DS frig has slowed things down s Pressure now to complete before August 15 & will be running shifts up to the end  PLEASE SIGN UP FOR SHIFTS!!  2010 Goal MICE Online Group: Graulich, Graulich, Leaver, McWaters, Ellis, Hanlet, Coney  Crucial group doing great job!  But The situation of some members is uncertain  Please think of more people who could take part in DAQ/trigger/Operations 3 Alan Bross MICE CM - Riverside Marchr 27, 2010

4 4 No Longer Likely

5 MICE as recognized experiment @ CERN  Recognized Experiment Committee met on 23Feb2010  Approval recommended by REC and approved by Research Board 5 Alan Bross MICE CM - Riverside Marchr 27, 2010

6 MICE as recognized experiment @ CERN  Once an experiment is recognized- the groups involved will be able to open visiting team accounts at CERN- the members of the experiment will be allowed to become registered as CERN users; this would not, however, imply automatic assignment of office space- CERN would allow such teams the use of CERN's premises to organize meetings, and to use basic services, provided that u the cost to CERN is truly marginal, and on the condition that u approved CERN activities would always take priority. u Additional services could be provided by mutual agreement, on the understanding that CERN will charge if there are costs for the Organization.  Discussion to be defined rapidly is contribution of CERN to RF power station beyond refurbishment (help in Commissionning/Maintenance/Operation) 6 Alan Bross MICE CM - Riverside Marchr 27, 2010

7 PM Report

8 Project Status Summary Progress in general is good: –Presently dominated by preparations for Step II –Mostly depends on delivery date of first spectrometer solenoid – rest of integration schedule will plug into this date –Infrastructure and electrical is as ready as possible –Problems with magnet being understood –Decision point for options now shifted to end April, 2010 – Review Committee to re-convene at that point Coupling coil contract is signed – good news –Schedule details awaited from contractor –AFC #1 module date is now December 2010 –Delay partly caused by absorber/coil interface/envelope difficulties, now fixed –Liquid hydrogen infrastructure work has re-started in UK –RF infrastructure design has resumed at low-ish level

9 Project Organisation UK MICE came out of STFC programmatic review well –Now trying to work out how to deliver the project and fit with the international subsystems schedule –This week will help a lot with that –After the UK cost & schedule review, project planner has been appointed – Chris Bulloch of Magna Parva Ltd –He has a six-month contract – will be replaced by STFC employee, already earmarked –Has already started with UK cost & schedule plans –Will come to next CM –Also appointed Integration Engineer, Jason Tarrant –Process has also begun to recruit a cryogenics engineer/technician - may take some time Staffing level is now reinforced in right areas hopefully

10 Project Organisation Chair of proposed MICE Project Board, Steve Peggs, visited RAL, 22 nd March –Spoke to some people, UK initially –Toured R5.2 –Now has an idea of the project and its constraints Risks & Worries You will hear about them next from Andy

11 MICE Spokesperson Election  The MSE committee (Cobb, Coney, Tsenov, Ishimoto) studied whether or not there was a consensus to keep the present leadership u YES!  The CB confirmed!  Alain & Mike have enthusiastically agreed to continue Suckers 11 Alan Bross MICE CM - Riverside Marchr 27, 2010

12 K. Long, 22 June, 2015 Common Fund Common Fund: Reprise: Classification of allowed expenditure 2009/10 census 2009/10 estimate Status of 2009/10 levy Income and expenditure

13 2009/10 census: Working on Update Have polled collaboration Finalize by April 1 (Please respond)

14 ‘Preliminary’ summary Based on info from R. Hayes on 17Mar10 – Check and revise at CM26 next week Also, discuss outstanding: – Payments – In-kind contributions – Status of Harbin

15 Common Fund: Accounts for 2009/10: Outturn forecast: – 11 (of 12 months): Linear extrapolation gives outturn forecast: £154.65k

16 NSF Update 16 Alan Bross MICE CM - Riverside Marchr 27, 2010 BREAKING NEWS: Mississippi MRI Request Approved (Tentative)

17 MICE Members  Trieste and Como u EMR Work: most scientist effort still in Como/Trieste. u However, Not formally part of MICE s Resolve this by CM 27 17 Alan Bross MICE CM - Riverside Marchr 27, 2010

18 MICE Members II  Kwang-Je Kim made presentation: University of Chicago request to join MICE. u KJK & Young-Kee Kim u Graduate students interested in MC s One 1 st year (HE) s One starting Autumn 2010 u Undergraduate students s A few junior students interested in going to RAL s A couple first year students u Can send a couple of students ( various cobination of grad and unders) to RAL this summer for 2-3 months, if someone can supervise them u A full time post doc will help to kick start the U of C effort in MICE  Vote Taken at CB meeting: Yes (unanimous), but no Quorom. u Email vote: Welcome: University of Chicago! 18 Alan Bross MICE CM - Riverside Marchr 27, 2010

19 Speaker’s Bureau  Vittorio reviewed the status of Talks Abstracts, etc u MICE is doing Very Well!  However u He is still having trouble finding Speakers! u Please suggest/find speakers! u Please Respond to his emails! 19 Alan Bross MICE CM - Riverside Marchr 27, 2010

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