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Matter Matter: Anything that occupies space and has mass.

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Presentation on theme: "Matter Matter: Anything that occupies space and has mass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matter Matter: Anything that occupies space and has mass.

2 Physical Properties Physical Properties: They can be measured and observed without changing the composition or identity of a substance. Physical Change: change of state (candle melting) Example Odor, Color, Volume, Matter, Density, Melting Point, Boiling Point

3 Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes Chemical Properties: How it reacts Chemical Change: A chemical change has occurred and forms a new substance. Example Wood Burning, Rusting of Steel, Digestion of food in our stomachs, the Growth of Grass

4 Physical and Chemical Changes Classify the following as physical or chemical change? (a) Gallium metal melts in your hand. (b) Platinum does not react with oxygen at room temperature. (c) The Page is White. (d) Copper sheet acquired a green color over the years.

5 Elements and Compounds Element: A substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances by chemical means. Example Gold, Silver, Copper, Sulfur Compound: A substance composed of atoms of 2 or more elements chemically united in fixed proportions. Example Sodium Chloride, Aluminum Oxide, Magnesium Bromide

6 Mixtures and Pure Substances Mixture: A combination of 2 or more substances in which the substances retain their identity. Example Air, Soft Drinks, Milk, Cement, Wood, Wine, Coffee, Water pumped from the Earth. They can be separated into pure substances: They can be separated into pure substances: Elements and/or Compounds. Elements and/or Compounds. They can converted into two or more pure substances.

7 Mixtures and Pure Substances Homogeneous Mixture: The composition of the mixture, after sufficient stirring, is the same throughout the solution. A homogeneous mixture is called a solution. Homogeneous Mixture: The composition of the mixture, after sufficient stirring, is the same throughout the solution. A homogeneous mixture is called a solution. Heterogeneous Mixture: The individual components of a mixture remain physically separated and can be seen as separate components. Pure Substance: A form of matter that has a definite or constant composition and distinct properties. Example Elements or Compounds

8 Mixtures and Pure Substances Classify the following as a pure substance, a homogeneous, or a heterogeneous mixture: (a) Wine (b) Oil and Vinegar salad dressing (c) Common Salt (Sodium Chloride)

9 Separation of Mixtures Distillation: is the process of vaporizing a liquid in a boiling pot and then condensing it again where it will collect in another vessel. Simple Distillation: is a process that permits you to separate a liquid from nonvolatile substances (usually solids), to separate liquids that have boiling points more than about 100 o C.

10 Separation of Mixtures Filtration: is the process of causing a liquid-solid mixture to encounter a porous barrier so that the liquid passes through. The solid is left behind. The liquid that passes through is called the filtrate. The remaining solid is the residue, or filter cake. There are two purposes for filtrations: (1) to remove solid impurities from a liquid. (2) to separate solid products from a liquid.

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