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Technological Educational Institute of Larissa School of Management and Finance Department of Project Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Technological Educational Institute of Larissa School of Management and Finance Department of Project Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technological Educational Institute of Larissa School of Management and Finance Department of Project Management

2 Web-based Project Management Systems By: Poulianos Sotiris Santas Haris Tzavella Giota

3 What Is A Project? A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service.

4 What Is Project Management Project Management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations from a project.

5 Project Μanagers Οften Εxperience:  Completion delays  Budjet overruns  Bad quality performance

6 Why The Internet Is an Important Tool in Project Management  It best facilitates a collaborative working environment in a project.  Is the key to a change in global business an will impact professions, collaboration and the business structure.

7 What Is Web Based Project Management System  An electronic project management system conducted through the extranet.  A private network that uses internet protocols to transmit information.  Is only accessible by a project team.

8 Current Features of PM-ASPs  Document management  Project workflow  Project directory  Central logs  Advanced searching  Schedule and calendar  Information service

9 What Does WPMS Provide?  A centralized, commonly accessible, reliable means of transmitting and storing information.  Information exchange.  A unique opportunity for teamwork and workflow automation.

10 Access Of Project Team Members Access via a digital user ID and password from remote locations at any time, eliminating the problems that occur in liner communication schemes

11 Project Participants Can:  Insert  Search  View  Print  Update  Delete… information with the use of a web browser.

12 Four Categories of Information Carried Out Through WPMS  Project information: details about the project.  Design information: generated by the design team.  Management information: developed by the project manager.  Financial information: developed by the accounting staff responsible for the project.

13 Company Personel  Project Manager  Superintendents  Engineers  Equipment operators  Craftsmen  Labourers  Design engineers  Accountants

14 Outside Participants  Project owner  Subcontractors  Suppliers  Supervising authorities  Consultants  Financial institutions

15 WPMS Abilities  Tracks who entered the system.  What has seen.  What comments or changes have made.  Introduce a project hierarchy into the system.

16 Functional Scheme Of WPMS

17 Options of WPMS Implementation  Develop a customized WPMS in-house.  Develop a WPMS by purchasing commercial web-enabled packaged software and installing it on a company’s internal server.  Rent/lease a developed WPMS.

18 WPMS Purchased Packaged Software  Microsoft Project ® 2002(Microsoft)  P3ec TM & SureTrak TM ( Primavera ® )  Prolog TM Project Pack (Meridian Project Systems TM )  WebProject TM (Novient ® )

19 Rent or Lease WPMS  Buzzsaw TM (Autodesk ® )  Citadon TM (ConstructW@re ® )  ProjectTalk TM (meridian project systems ® )  PrimeContract ® (primavera ® )  VISTA 2020 ® (market street technologies ® )

20 System Design Consists of:  a repository database  a web server  a web application  end user terminals (End users access the database information through the internet using a web browser).

21 Potential Benefits of PM-ASPs  Cost advantage  Outsourcing advantage  Competition among IT professionals  ASPs competition

22 These Elements Empede Effective Information Collection:  The dispersed locations of the construction sites  The large amount and diversity of information  The wide variation of participant specialities  Computer acquaintance

23 The Future of PM-ASP  The number of ASPs will increase  A standard of features will be estalished  PM-ASPs will be easy to use and more integrated with other systems than today  The price will be decrease  Data security will become a major concern

24 Thank you for your attention!!!

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