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Oregon Reading First (2009)1 Oregon Reading First Regional Coaches’ Meeting December 10, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Oregon Reading First (2009)1 Oregon Reading First Regional Coaches’ Meeting December 10, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oregon Reading First (2009)1 Oregon Reading First Regional Coaches’ Meeting December 10, 2009

2 Oregon Reading First (2009)2 Materials for this Meeting You should have received the following by email: Partner Reading Routine Rapid Read excel sheet Other materials that will be referred to: LPR website NWF performance

3 Oregon Reading First (2009)3 Agenda Introduction –Sharing & Celebrations, Announcements Instructional Next Steps –In-program assessments, NWF performance –Discussing Instructional Plan Changes Partner Reading Review Project Goals

4 Oregon Reading First (2009)4 Announcements  Teleforms for January Benchmarking  Checkouts on the LPR website  Revising the administration directions for Quick Checkouts (3 second rule)  Decodable Text  Small group lessons

5 Oregon Reading First (2009)5 Sharing and Celebrations

6 Oregon Reading First (2009)6 Let’s Sharpen Our Skills!

7 Oregon Reading First (2009)7 Review in-program assessment data Did the students in the group meet the in- program assessment mastery criteria? Brainstorm possible instructional strategies that could address interferences/problems (use the Alterable Variables Chart, Healthy Systems Checklist, or the “5 Mores” list for ideas. Review pacing schedule and lesson progress. Is the group meeting projected lesson pacing progress.

8 Oregon Reading First (2009)8

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12 Oregon Reading First (2009)12

13 Oregon Reading First (2009)13 Review DIBELS progress monitoring data: Plot scores and review aimlines Analyze errors from individual booklets (NWF for first, ORF for second and third)

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15 Oregon Reading First (2009)15

16 Oregon Reading First (2009)16 What are we going to do for the students who are still at the sound by sound level? Focus on blending and fluency practice at the word level. –Card 9: instruction in continuous blending of words with known sounds followed by rereading the blended words as whole words (Card 3).

17 Oregon Reading First (2009)17 Let’s Take a Look at the Recoders: Focus on blending fluency practice at the word level –Example No Peeps (Sound it out in your head … say the whole word) Instruction in reading words as whole units –Example 5 x 5 matrix –Rapid Read Words –Paired Peer Practice

18 Oregon Reading First (2009)18 What about the kids who are reading at the word (unit) level? Not accurate: –Focus on accuracy instruction at the letter-sound level first and then at the blending level. Activities building fluency with known sounds ( 1 minute sound dash, rapid read sounds) then fluency reading words (No Peeps) Accurate: –Focus on accuracy and fluency in connected text … repeated readings, partner reading.

19 Oregon Reading First (2009)19 Connected Text Reading The primary goal of the lesson maps is to provide multiple opportunities for all students to practice the skills needed to read in connected text AND THEN to APPLY that practice in the connected text. At least 20 minutes of connected text reading needs to happen everyday. –This could happen in whole group or small group within the reading block or in an additional whole group or small group time outside the reading block.

20 Oregon Reading First (2009)20 Partner Reading Increases the amount of time students are reading and provides a model of fluent reading.  Strategically assign partners  Allow opportunities for rereading  Text should match skills of the reader

21 Oregon Reading First (2009)21 Partner Reading

22 Oregon Reading First (2009)22 Jesus 70 Brent 68 Cassie 67 Lisa 62 Jorge 57 Angel 50 Justin 48 Mary 48 Ray 38 Marcus 38 Cierra 32 Tanner 31 Dawson 30 Ryan 25 Joel 22 Kelly 22 Kierra 20 Alondra 14 Maria 11 Bridget 11 Pairing Students for Practice Purposefully partner students to create a zone of proximal development. Partner Reading

23 Oregon Reading First (2009)23 Jesus 70 Brent 68 Cassie 67 Lisa 62 Jorge 57 Angel 50 Justin 48 Mary 48 Ray 38 Marcus 38 Cierra 32 Tanner 31 Dawson 30 Ryan 25 Joel 22 Kelly 22 Kierra 20 Alondra 14 Maria 11 Bridget 11 Pairing Students for Practice Purposefully partner students to create a zone of proximal development. Partner Reading

24 Oregon Reading First (2009)24 Partner Reading

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26 Oregon Reading First (2009)26 Looks LikeSounds Like  Partners sitting so that both can read the text  Chairs or knees touching  Eyes are on the book  Reader’s and listener’s fingers and markers following along  Refer to cue cards  Teacher dropping in and listening  Soft voices  Only your partner can hear you  Pages turning  Listener using correction procedure  Reader fixing mistake  Listener asking comprehension questions  Partners taking turns re- reading. If your partner is absent or will be late, read orally by yourself. Partner Reading

27 Oregon Reading First (2009)27 Partner Reading Stop, you made an error. That word is ____. What word? ____ Read the sentence again.

28 Oregon Reading First (2009)28

29 Oregon Reading First (2009)29 1.Tell what happened first. 2.Tell what happened next. 3.Tell how the story ended. Partner Reading

30 Oregon Reading First (2009)30 Paragraph Shrinking (Fuchs, et al.) Steps: 1.Who or what is the paragraph mostly about? 2.Identify two or three important details about the “who” or “what”? 3.“Shrink” the paragraph by stating the main idea in 15 words or less. Partner Reading

31 Oregon Reading First (2009)31 Project Goals Review Focus will continue on Kindergarten and First grade:  Kindergarten - increase student automaticity in whole word reading (by the end of kindergarten, students will read VC and CVC words as whole units)  First Grade - Provide targeted instruction, based on student need, to all strategic and intensive students.

32 Oregon Reading First (2009)32 Next Steps for Instruction Kindergarten - Make sure the target sound for the week is clearly displayed as a focus in the classroom. Are teachers reviewing previously taught sounds and checking on kids individually to make sure they know all the sounds taught thus far? Review in-program assessments and make adjustments. First Grade - Kids not blending on NWF need to be addressed NOW! Review in-program assessments and make adjustments. Fill in phonics gap now! Second & Third - When analyzing the ORF progress monitoring booklets, note error rate and patterns. Review in-program assessments and make adjustments. Fill in phonics gap now!

33 Oregon Reading First (2009)33 Recommended Pacing Kindergarten: Reading Mastery 1 - Lesson 135 + ERI - all 126 lessons WITH enhancements Read Well K Unit 15+ First Grade: Reading Mastery 2 - Lesson 168 + Horizons B - complete all lessons Read Well 1 - complete all units

34 Oregon Reading First (2009)34 Recommended Pacing Second Grade Reading Mastery 3 - Lesson 120 + Horizons CD - lesson 70+ Third Grade: Reading Mastery 5 - Lesson 55 + Horizons CD - lesson 160

35 Oregon Reading First (2009)35  If you want to see it, teach it!  If you teach it, assess it!  If you assess it, analyze it, use it to guide instruction!  Assess again to see if instruction was effective. Dr. Sharon Kurns

36 Oregon Reading First (2009)36 Questions?? Next Month’s Coaches’ Webinar will be January 14, 2010 from 2:30 - 3:30 pm.

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