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EU-Supported projects at DSG Mehdi Jazayeri Distributed Systems Group Informations Systems Institute (184)

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1 EU-Supported projects at DSG Mehdi Jazayeri Distributed Systems Group Informations Systems Institute (184)

2 Goal of presentation Describe EU projects to show variety of possibilities …

3 Research Interests Component-based software engineering (of) Distributed systems (and) WWW services

4 Working groups PROMOTER(2) –Software process RENOIR –Requirements engineering ALFA –Curriculum cooperation with Latin America

5 Framework IV ARES (Architectural Reasoning for Embedded Software) Partners: –Nokia, Philips, ABB, –TUW, Imperial College, Technical University of Madrid

6 ARES: Architectural reasoning for embedded software Objective : The objective of ARES is to enable software developers to explicitly describe, assess, and manage architectures of embedded software families. This is achieved by selecting, extending and developing a framework of methods, processes and prototype tools for incorporating architectural reasoning along the life-cycle of embedded software family. General Information : Results of ARES will help to design reliable systems with embedded software, that satisfy important quality requirements, evolve gracefully and may be built in-time and on-budget. The project is organised in two phases. The first 12-month phase is devoted to analyse the problems of the business units of the industrial partners in architecting families of embedded software, evaluate the applicability of existing technology to address the problems, estimate the feasibility and plan the achievement of the missing or improved solutions. The second phase is devoted to research and to develop the promising approaches to solve identified and analysed problems of software architecture in industry. The research will be conducted along the four most important aspects for the SW industry: - Specification of software architecture - Architecture recovery - Architectural assessment and analysis of software - Development and evolution of family architectures All methods, processes and tools will be developed and validated in the context of existing industrial products. Additionally, affiliated companies of industrial partners will run parallel industrial research projects that apply ARES methodology to pilot development in their domains and incorporate the results in their SW life cycle. Project Status : Completed Start Date : 01-Dec-1995 End Date : 28-Feb-1999 Duration : 39 months Programme Acronym : ESPRIT 4 Subprogramme Area : Software Intensive Systems Engineering Programme Type : 4th FWP (Fourth Framework Programme) Prime ContractorOrganisation : Nokia Research Center

7 INCO project ALFA and Maya Exchange of student and staff with Latin America Four European, six Latin American partner universities Potential to develop future partners

8 Framework V OPELIX: Internet-based business service –Information commerce, publish-subscribe MOTION: Distributed teamwork support –Mobility, middleware, collaboration SPARTA: E-commerce security –Intrusion detection, security EASYCOMP: Component technologies –Software architecture, software composition

9 Project IST- 10288 Open Personalized Electronic Information Commerce System Duration: 1.1.2000 – 31.5.2002

10 Framework 5 Project: MOTION MObile Teamwork Infrastructure for Organization Networks IST Programme, Key Action II New Methods of Work and eCommerce Duration: February 2000 for 30 months. Partners: Zanussi, Softeco, Nokia, TUW, Politecnico di Milano, (Alcatel)

11 Framework 5 Project: SPARTA Security Policy Adaptation Reinforced Through Agents IST – 12637 Duration: 1.1.2000 – 31.12.2001

12 EU Framework 5 Project: EasyCompEasyComp Easy Composition in Future Generation Component Systems. Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Around 12 partners Basic research IST Project 1999-14191 Duration: June 1, 2000 - May 31, 2003 Coordinator: Universitaet Karlsruhe

13 EUREKA ITEA Project: CAFÉ CAFÉ: Product family architecture –Reverse engineering, architectural patterns Over 70 partners including many large European companies Approved by EU, funded locally Duration: 2 years but extendible … Official website:

14 PROMOTER-2 Process modelling techniques research working group Objective : The main objectives of PROMOTER 2 are to exploit this emerging european research community, and its strong links with industrial partners, to collectively deepen remaining open issues, to coordinate research activities, and to support dissemination of results. General Information : More and more, software process technology will be the key technology for supporting workflow management, business process evolution and software quality. PROMOTER.2 is proposed to consolidate and advance the leading position Europe has acquired in this area. Promoter 2 follows the BRA Working Group PROMOTER started in 1992. PROMOTER has been instrumental in establishing a European community of software process researchers that has reached a high level of cohesion and competitiveness with respect to Japanese and American counterparts. Project Status : Completed Start Date : 16-Jun-1996 End Date : 15-Jun-1999 Duration : 36 months Programme Acronym : ESPRIT 4 Subprogramme Area : Long Term Research Programme Type : 4th FWP (Fourth Framework Programme) Prime ContractorOrganisation : Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine

15 RENOIR: Requirements engineering network of international co-operating research groups Objective : The objectives of the Requirements Engineering Network of International Co-operating Research Groups outlined in this proposal, RENOIR for short, are: to provide a framework for co- ordinated joint research in requirements engineering related to industrial needs; to support the diffusion of requirements engineering research; to provide requirements engineering research training; to support technology transfer in requirements engineering. General Information : RENOIR brings together all the key European research teams from industry, academia, and research centres. RENOIR focuses on a set of shared technical goals relating to: the context in which the requirements engineering process takes place; the groundwork necessary for requirements engineering; the acquisition of the "raw" requirements; rendering these requirements usable through modelling and specification; analysis of the requirements; measurement to control the requirements and systems engineering process; communication and documentation of the results of requirements engineering. RENOIR will combine process and artefact-centred approaches to requirements engineering and will draw on experimental, conceptual and formal research methods. Project Status : Completed Start Date : 01-Jun-1996 End Date : 31-May-2000 Duration : 48 months Programme Acronym : ESPRIT 4 Subprogramme Area : Long Term Research Programme Type : 4th FWP (Fourth Framework Programme) Prime ContractorOrganisation : University College London

16 Conclusions In Framework 5, there were many possible ways to get funded by EU Choice of partners important –For project acceptance –For project execution Framework 6?

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