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Notre Dame Biology Club General Meeting September 24, 2009 University of Notre Dame.

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Presentation on theme: "Notre Dame Biology Club General Meeting September 24, 2009 University of Notre Dame."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notre Dame Biology Club General Meeting September 24, 2009 University of Notre Dame

2 Mission  To enrich the undergraduate biology student experience  “... to advance human and environmental health at the national and international level through excellence in education and research.”  “... to create a sense of human solidarity and concern for the common good that will bear fruit as learning becomes service to justice.”

3 Organization Advisor Dr. Whaley Secretary Katie Pieper Webmaster Claudia Miranda Webmaster Nathan Albertson Photographer Vice President Elise Janowak Academic Chair Service Chair Social Chair Fundraising Chair Treasurer Claire Naus Co-President Brett Shannon Co-President Annette Ruth

4 Academic Events  Electron Microscope Art (9-11-09)  Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium (11-05-09)  UGRIIN (Nov.)  Faculty Research Seminars  Study Session with TAs  Dissection Night  Aquarium/Zoo/Museum Trip  Geek Week  Graduation  High School Research Mentoring Fall Spring

5 Service Events  Humane Society  Center for the Homeless  Tutoring  Research Mentorship  Lab for Families  Mustaches for Kids  Best Buddies  Mini-Med School (9-26-09)  Science Fair Judging  Science Education Outreach  Expanding Your Horizons Fall Spring

6 Social Events  Screening Nights  Student-Faculty Dinner  Study Break  Senior/Faculty Happy Hour  Dance  Fellowship with BGSO  Student-Faculty Pizza Party Fall Spring

7 Fundraising Events  Concession Stand  Domer Doggy Walk  Apparel Sales  Biolojog Fall Spring

8 Collaborations  The Timmy Foundation  Global Health Club  Students for Environmental Action  American Chemical Society  Forum on Biomedical Ethics  ND-8  Scientia  Social Justice in American Medicine

9 Pressing Issue  Would you rather have departmental exams (bio, chem, physics) scheduled at 7:45 AM or 7:45 PM?  We may consider proposing that the Bio Dept. reconsider exam scheduling, depending on student input

10 Business  Claire is collecting $5 membership dues  Sign up for committees to help plan events  We will notify you of all events by e-mail  Have questions about the club or ideas to improve the biology student experience? E- mail us! 

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