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Diabetes Educator Sector Leadership Forum 2004 Chapter Finances Presentation Linda Aumell, RD, CDE DES National Treasurer.

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Presentation on theme: "Diabetes Educator Sector Leadership Forum 2004 Chapter Finances Presentation Linda Aumell, RD, CDE DES National Treasurer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diabetes Educator Sector Leadership Forum 2004 Chapter Finances Presentation Linda Aumell, RD, CDE DES National Treasurer

2 Outline Review of two (2) policies related to Chapter Finances: –Policy #2011 - Chapter Finance Guidelines (includes Chapter Subsidy Procedure) –Policy #2005 - DES Chapter Project Grants

3 DES Policy #2011 Title: –Chapter Finance Guidelines includes the Chapter Subsidy procedure Policy: –All DES Chapters will follow Chapter Finance Guidelines. These guidelines are pre- determined by the DES National Executive and CDA National Office.

4 DES Policy #2011 (con’t) Purpose: –To ensure that all Chapters are conducting financial matters in a standard manner, adhering to CDA National financial and audit guidelines. These processes are in place to ensure responsibility and accountability for the use of CDA funds.

5 Chapter Bank Account Accounts must be at the CDA Bank (currently, the Royal Bank) Three (3) signing authorities are required for each account. –These must be up to date. If there are any changes, the appropriate paperwork needs to be completed and the CDA/DES National Office must be notified.

6 Annual Budget Annual Budget (for upcoming Fiscal Year) –Fiscal Year - September 1, 2004 to August 31, 2005 –ANNUAL budgets must be approved by Chapter Executive. –Template for Annual Budgets (Appendix A) –Copy of Annual Budget to DES National Treasurer BY June 30, 2004

7 Annual Budget (con’t) Note and record (on Appendix A): –Bank Balance as of August 31, 2004 –Revenues - sponsorship, subsidy, registration fees, donations. –Expenses - postage, phone charges, speaker honorariums, leadership forum expenses,etc

8 Chapter Account Book Account Book is a record of expenses and revenues from last Fiscal Year. It must show: –Dates –Credits (Revenues) OR Debits (expenditures) –Overall Balance Keep all ORIGINAL receipts –ORIGINALS must be submitted to National Office. (Keep a photocopy for the Chapter)

9 Other Important Notes  Balance in account book should equal the balance in the bank book.  Expenses must have ORIGINAL receipts.  Chapters MUST still submit Appendices B and C ANNUALLY  This is a requirement EVEN IF Chapter Executive does NOT change. This is a change is effective, starting this fiscal year. It is due to a Royal Bank requirement that signatures are updated ANNUALLY.

10 Qualifying for Chapter Subsidy  The following MUST be provided by June 30, 2004:  Chapter Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2003/2004  Photocopy - Chapter Account Book for F2003/2004  ORIGINAL receipts for all expenses (Photocopies or faxed copies will NOT be accepted)  Chapter Annual Budget (AppendixA) for 2004/2005  Bank Signing Authorities Form (Appendix B) – with necessary supporting documentation  Signing Authorities for Canadian Diabetes Association - Letter to Royal Bank (Appendix C)

11 Conclusions re: Policy #2011 Policy #2011 clearly outline expectations of Chapters so that they may qualify for a DES Chapter Subsidy ONLY those Chapters which submit ALL required documentation BEFORE June 30, 2004 will be considered for the Chapter Subsidy.

12 DES Policy #2005 Title –DES Chapter Project Grants Policy –The DES Finance Committee will evaluate applications from DES Chapter Executive requesting funds for projects which will benefit the membership of DES and will foster the aim of DES

13 DES Policy #2005 (continued) Purpose: –To establish procedures for the evaluation of requests for funding projects proposed by DES Chapters. The purpose of such grants is to promote membership activity at Chapter level.

14 Procedure Applications must be submitted by Chapters, not individual members All requests for funding must be submitted, in writing, to the DES National Treasurer on an Application form, obtained from the CDA/DES National Office Completed application forms will be evaluated by the DES National Executive.

15 Criteria for evaluation of applications Criteria: –Proposed projects must foster the goals of the DES and of CDA –Project must benefit those involved in diabetes education. –Request must be accompanied by a proposed budget. –Purchase of educational materials is not considered a project.

16 Availability/Amount of Grants The numbers and dollar amount of Chapter Grants will depend on: –DES Funds available for grants, as determined through the budget process. –The dollar amount per application will be set annually by DES National Executive and may be adjusted from time to time

17 Requirements of Chapters –Chapters receiving project grants must provide National Office with a Grant Report (which will follow a format similar to Annual Report) –Original receipts for project expenses to the amount of the grant. The deadline for this Grant report and other documents will be the same as the deadline for the Annual Report –Communicate project to DES Membership through Diabetes Educator publications (i.e. Diabetes Quarterly).

18 Summary DES National Executive recognizes the hard work of DES members on behalf of people affected by diabetes. Financial Support by CDA/DES is provided to DES Chapter through the DES Chapter Subsidies and DES Chapter Project Grants To qualify of either of the above, Chapters must supply all the required documentation BEFORE the pre-determined dates set by DES/CDA National Office.

19 Checklist  By June 30, 2004, mail to National Office: ›Chapter Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2003/2004 ›Photocopy - Chapter Account Book for F2003/2004 ›ORIGINAL receipts for all 2003/2004 expenses (Photocopies or faxed copies will NOT be accepted) ›Chapter Annual Budget (AppendixA) for 2004/2005 ›Bank Signing Authorities Form (Appendix B) – with necessary supporting documentation ›Signing Authorities for Canadian Diabetes Association - Letter to Royal Bank (Appendix C)

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