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Unit 1 test review( 1492-1790 ). unit 1 review 1)Native americans travelled to north america a)20,000 years ago b)40,000 years ago.

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1 Unit 1 test review( 1492-1790 )

2 unit 1 review 1)Native americans travelled to north america a)20,000 years ago b)40,000 years ago

3 unit 1 review 2)One of the main empires was called _______________

4 unit 1 review 3)During feudalist times, ______ worked for their landowners for their entire lives. a)serfs b)slaves

5 unit 1 review 4)The main leader of the Portugese explorers was Prince __________

6 unit 1 review 5)___________ “discovered” America in 1492.

7 unit 1 review 6)America was named after a) Amerigo Vespucci b) Mr America

8 unit 1 review 7)Magellan discovered ___________. 8)Ponce de Leon was looking for the _____________ in modern day Florida.

9 unit 1 review 9)The river that flows through New York was named after __________] a)Henry Hudson b)William Penn 10) New York was once named _____________________.

10 unit 1 review 11) The first settlement in America was ________________ in 1607.

11 unit 1 review 12) Farmers hired indentured servants that would work for them until they died. True or False

12 unit 1 review 13) _______________ was named after Queen Mary. 14) _______________ was named after King George I.

13 unit 1 review 15) The pilgrims travelled to America aboad the ___________. 16) They landed at _____________ rock named after their port of departure.

14 unit 1 review 17) There were _______ colonies a) 13 b) 9

15 unit 1 review 18 ) They were grouped together as the Southern colonies, the middle colonies and ________________

16 unit 1 review 19) Pennsylvania was named after _______________________. 20) Slaves were predominantly used in the north or south

17 unit 1 review 21) The Americans fought alongside the British in the ______________ war.

18 unit 1 review 22) The British defeated the French on the Plains of ______________.

19 unit 1 review 23) The __________ Act forced Americans to pay a tax on every purchase they made. 24) The main problem Americans were having was “Taxation without _____________________”

20 unit 1 review 25) Lexington and _____________ were the first 2 battles of the Revolutionary war. 26) Paul _____________ warned the minutemen that the “red coats were coming”

21 unit 1 review 27) The Boston Massacre saw 50 people executed by the British. True or False

22 unit 1 review 28) __________ led the Boston Tea Party.

23 unit 1 review 29) ______________ was the military leader of the continentals. 30) _______________ was the military leader of the British

24 unit 1 review 31) Thomas __________ wrote the essay called Common sense. 32) ______________ was the main author of the Declaration of Independence

25 unit 1 review 33) Washington asked __________ to make the first American flag.

26 unit 1 review 34) Benedict _____________ was the most well known traitor of this war to the American cause.

27 unit 1 review 35) Cornwallis was forced to surrender at ______________ when the French ships had him surrounded.

28 unit 1 review 36) The Treaty of ______________ set out the terms for peace.

29 unit 1 review 37) The USA had difficulties with _________ because of their huge war debt.

30 unit 1 review 38) ___________ Rebellion proved that Washington would not tolerate any problems.

31 unit 1 review 39) _________ out the 13 states needed to ratify the constitution.

32 unit 1 review 40) The first 3 words of the USA constitution are _________________.

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