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Copyright © 2003 Americas’ SAP Users’ Group QM Implementation – Tips & Tricks Chet Gandhi Consultant Session Code: 3903 Monday May 19 th, 1.50 – 2.20 pm.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2003 Americas’ SAP Users’ Group QM Implementation – Tips & Tricks Chet Gandhi Consultant Session Code: 3903 Monday May 19 th, 1.50 – 2.20 pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2003 Americas’ SAP Users’ Group QM Implementation – Tips & Tricks Chet Gandhi Consultant Session Code: 3903 Monday May 19 th, 1.50 – 2.20 pm Room:

2 Contents  Benefits of QM Implementation 6 mins  Implementation tips6 mins  QM Secrets – tips & tricks 8 mins

3 Benefits of R/3 QM Implementation 1.Logistics integration of QM/LIMS with rest of supply chain

4 QM Integration during Supply Chain Sales order Materials planning Customer service Production planning Production Delivery Procurement SalesProduction Materials management ServiceShipping 12 3 4 56 78 Storage Influence of Quality Management

5 Test equipment management (calibration inspection) Maintenance inspection (extended recording of measured values in PM) QM PM Plant Maintenance Quality Management QM Integration with PM/SM

6 Benefits of R/3 QM Implementation 1.Need for Logistics integration of QM/LIMS with rest of supply chain 2.Need for more automated QM processes

7  Need for more automated QM processes Sales order Materials planning Customer service Production planning Production Delivery Procurement SalesProduction Materials management ServiceShipping 12 3 4 56 78 Storage Influence of Quality Management Process Automation with QM Auto Inspection lot creation Auto specifications assignment Print instructions/sample labels; Auto transfer of results to batch Auto Vendor Evaluation Auto trigger of problem management from any area Auto creation of CoA during Delivery Auto expiration date management and recurring inspection management

8 Benefits of R/3 QM Implementation 1.Need for Logistics integration of QM/LIMS with rest of supply chain 2.Need for more automated QM processes 3.Scalability

9 Scalability in QM  QM can be implemented with very little to a lot of functionality  Scope of functionality scalability  Data level scalability

10 Scope of Functionality Scalability QM Tracks: Integrated yet Independent 1.Quality Inspections 2.QM in Procurement 3.Sample Management 4.Quality Notifications 5.QM in S&D – Generate CoAs 6.QM in PM/Test Equipment Calibration

11 Data Level Scalability Most QM data can be managed at: 1.Material-Vendor (or Customer) level 2.Material-Inspection Type level 3.Material Master level 4.Inspection Type level 5.Plant level 6.Client level

12 Track 1: Quality Inspection Scalability Optional functionality (per material):  Inspection lot creation (at goods receipt, etc)  Assign inspection plan (or material specs) Physical sample creation Results Recording Defects Recording  Trigger Quality Notification Electronic signatures  Usage Decision (or automatic)

13 Track 2: QM in Procurement Scalability Optional functionality (per material):  Procurement release for material/vendor  Certificate required (vendor CoA/CoT)  Invoice block required  Tech. Del.Terms/ Quality Agreement required

14 Track 2: QM in Procurement Scalability  Vendor Evaluation – QM aspects

15 Track 3: Sample Management Scalability Optional functionality (per material):  Results Recording for samples  Physical Sample Creation & Drawing  Physical sample storage  Label printing  Release physical samples and record results against physical samples

16 Track 4: Quality Notifications Scalability  Defects Recording only  Quality Notifications Creation (automatic or manual) Track defects/tasks/activities Track Costs Trigger Usage decision / Dynamic modification update

17 Benefits of R/3 QM Implementation 1.Need for Logistics integration of QM/LIMS with rest of supply chain 2.Need for more automated QM processes 3.Scalability 4.Flexibility

18 Flexibility – Inspection Options  Put material into QI stock (quarantine) or directly into unrestricted use stock  Automatically or manually assign specs (inspection plan)  Automatically or manually calculate sample size  Standard MIL STD 105D (ISO 2859) sampling schemes preloaded in SAP  Can have single or multiple sampling schemes  Can use dynamic modification for a material/vendor/manufacturer combination

19 Flexibility – Quality Inspection of Materials  Batch Managed materials  Non-batch managed materials  Serialized materials  Equipments / Functional Locations

20 Flexibility – Trigger Inspections  Goods receipt (GR) from Purchasing  GR from Production (at GR or Early lot)*  Inspection during Production  Stock Transfer (certain transfers only)  Delivery (inspection before or after GI)  Recurring Inspection *No early lot for serialized materials

21 Flexibility: QM in Procurement Receive vendor CoA/CoT/Quality Certificate -For each PO item -For each GR item -Receive CoA at GR or not -Warning / Error / info -Inspect and file CoA once received -Auto deadline / reminder monitoring

22 Flexibility: QM in SD  Long term inspection during delivery  Recall/Returns Inspection*  CoA Creation (Quality Certificates)  Flexible certificate profile assignment  Flexible output determination assignment** *Use generic plan for all materials and add MICs ** Use exception conditions – PGI/Picking

23 Contents  Benefits of QM Implementation  Implementation tips  QM tips & tricks

24 Implementation tips 1.Configuration – SAP Standard Settings 2.Quick upload of QM data in existing Materials 3.Mass creation of QM view in existing Materials 4.Mass Introduction of QM in Procurement 5.Mass Maintenance of Master Data in QM

25 Implementation Tips – Pre-configuration  QM Standard Settings - 50 %  These transfers cannot be cancelled

26 Implementation tips 1.Configuration - Preloading 2.Quick upload of QM data in existing Materials 3.Mass creation of QM view in existing Materials 4.Mass Introduction of QM in Procurement 5.Mass Maintenance of Master Data in QM

27 Quick QM data in Material Master – QA08

28 Implementation tips 1.Configuration - Preloading 2.Quick upload of QM data in existing Materials 3.Mass creation of QM view in existing Materials 4.Mass Introduction of QM in Procurement 5.Mass Maintenance of Master Data in QM

29 Material Master QM view creation

30 Implementation tips 1.Configuration - Preloading 2.Quick upload of QM data in existing Materials 3.Mass creation of QM view in existing Materials 4.Mass Introduction of QM in Procurement 5.Mass Maintenance of Master Data in QM

31 QI06 – Q-Info Records

32 Implementation tips 1.Configuration - Preloading 2.Quick upload of QM data in existing Materials 3.Mass creation of QM view in existing Materials 4.Mass Introduction of QM in Procurement 5.Mass Maintenance of Master Data in QM

33 Mass Maintenance of Basic data in QM  Mass Replace Inspection Methods  Mass Replace Inspection Characteristics  Mass Replace Sampling Procedures  Mass Replace Dynamic Modification Rules

34 Mass Maintenance of Inspection Plans  Engineering Workbench - EWB

35 Contents  Benefits of QM Implementation  Implementation tips  QM tips & tricks

36 QM Tips and Tricks 1.Batch Information Cockpit & Vendor batch number 2.Quarantine and Release/Reject labels 3.Easy Electronic Signatures (4.6C) 4.Quality Notifications (4.6C) 5.Expiration/Retest Date Management 6.Quality Certificates – Control the look

37 Batch info Cockpit – Selection / Change

38 Adding Fields in Selection / List  Generally complained problem – no easy way to search for the vendor batch number  Solution: Add vendor batch field in config of Batch Info Cockpit, this adds it to selection screen and the display list

39 QM Tips and Tricks 1.Batch Information Cockpit & Vendor batch number 2.Quarantine and Release/Reject labels 3.Easy Electronic Signatures (4.6C) 4.Quality Notifications (4.6C) 5.Expiration/Retest Date Management 6.Quality Certificates – Control the look

40 Quarantine and Release/Reject Labels  Quarantine labels used by many companies printed during Goods receipt from Purchase / Production Orders  Controlled Release / Reject labels desired by QA/QC are available through SAP MM functionality (not widely known by QA folks)

41 QM Tips and Tricks 1.Batch Information Cockpit & Vendor batch number 2.Quarantine and Release/Reject labels 3.Easy Electronic Signatures (4.6C) 4.Quality Notifications (4.6C) 5.Expiration/Retest Date Management 6.Quality Certificates – Control the look

42 Easy Electronic Signatures – Config & Use

43 Easy Electronic Signatures - Reporting  Gap - No Electronic Signatures for Equipments or Functional locations, since no material authorization group.  Workaround: User exit QPL10001; may need custom table maintenance if different authorizations for different eqipments are needed.

44 QM Tips and Tricks 1.Batch Information Cockpit & Vendor batch number 2.Quarantine and Release/Reject labels 3.Easy Electronic Signatures (4.6C) 4.Quality Notifications (4.6C) 5.Expiration/Retest Date Management 6.Quality Certificates – Control the look

45 Quality Notifications Tips  7 new Enhancements in 4.6C  Standard Workflow for Processing tasks

46 Standard Workflow task - WS24500047

47 QM Tips and Tricks 1.Batch Information Cockpit & Vendor batch number 2.Quarantine and Release/Reject labels 3.Easy Electronic Signatures (4.6C) 4.Quality Notifications (4.6C) 5.Expiration/Retest Date Management 6.Quality Certificates – Control the look

48 QA07 - Expiration/Retest Date Management Tip: Retest will not kick if Expiration block is set to be on the same day

49 QM Tips and Tricks 1.Batch Information Cockpit & Vendor batch number 2.Quarantine and Release/Reject labels 3.Easy Electronic Signatures (4.6C) 4.Quality Notifications (4.6C) 5.Expiration/Retest Date Management 6.Quality Certificates – Control the look

50 Quality Certificates – Control the Look 1  Use as standard texts (CA10) for texts that business may need to change or control

51 Quality Certificates – Control the Look 2  To create headings to group tests in CoAs (e.g. Identity, Purity etc.), create a class characteristic with the name and assign it to the material class, then insert in Certificate profile at appropriate place

52 Contents  Benefits of QM Implementation  Implementation tips  QM tips & tricks

53 Summary  R/3 QM functionality is integrated, automated, scalable and flexible  QM can be implemented successfully given the right approach and other secrets shared here  There is new and enhanced functionality to take advantage of; and gaps to lobby for to change … to make R/3 QM an even better product

54 Thank you very much for your attention and questions! Please remember to complete and return your evaluation form following this session. Session Code: 3903

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