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6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 1 Summary of IQC-workshop IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH)

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Presentation on theme: "6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 1 Summary of IQC-workshop IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH)"— Presentation transcript:

1 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 1 Summary of IQC-workshop IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH)

2 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 2

3 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 3

4 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 4 YES

5 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 5 YES

6 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 6 New facilitiy: Isochroncyclotron in Karlsruhe 26 MeV protons Current 2 µA (up to 40µA) Accessible within ~2 days WE are the only user of this cyclotron

7 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 7 New Irradiation Area Cooling with Nitrogen gas down to -50°C Initial positioning by laser pointer Scanning with 1mm row steps (10cm/s) Used proton current: 2  A Irrad. of 120x120mm 2 up to 1e14 p/cm 2 takes 20min

8 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 8 Ongoing discussions everywhere Ongoing discussions everywhere

9 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 9 Rpoly after irradiation 0V 1V 100V No dependence on bias conditions !

10 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 10 CC after Irradiation 0V 100V 1V No dependence on bias conditions !

11 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 11 Strip parameter ST teststructure calibration KA-Louvain Interstrip capacitance: KA 0.64pF (1 neighbour) Louvain 1.05pF (2 neighbours)

12 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 12 Future calibration Second calibration run Calibration with an irradiated teststructure Anealing curve each 20 min @ 50°C, agreed with Louvain. IV & CV taken.

13 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 13 FINAL SET All measurements after 80 min @ 60°C and > 6h in the fridge All measurements @-10°C DIODE: –IV, CV (100kHz with guard on GND; (test also 1MHz))  I_TOT, V_dep, C_TOT,  Minisensor or full sensor  IV, CV (1kHz)  Strip measurements: all on 2 DC pads Rpoly, Cint, Rint, leakage current –Before irrad, full stripscan @ 400V –After irrad: 10 strips (later ~5) voltage (IQC) ramp 10V/s [10-500V]  For the beginning: full check for pinholes (Idiel@10V; CC (100Hz) without ramps all @ Vbias= 20V) All Cap measure with parallel mode!

14 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 14 Preliminary Irrad tables already exist in XML Tables are done and already underwent one iteration between Karlsruhe and Louvain; discussion with Didier done! The IQC tables will belong to the sensor ID=same object!! We will have 2 new composites with 3 simple tables: –1. composite: diode minisensor –2. composite: sensor –Tables show the results from: [ R poly ;C int ;I leak ;R int (CAC optional)]@V standard =400V ONE Ramp, values @Vbias=400V Delta of values before and after irradiation ( Environment

15 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 15 Status of IQC-Karlsruhe IEKP - Universität Karlsruhe (TH)

16 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 16 Stability of Beam Current

17 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 17 Verification of Fluence Prediction

18 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 18 Scan Area Area of Interest Autoradiography picture Area cut for dosimetry Homogeneity of Scanning

19 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 19 Irradiation of Hybrid During irradiation: Clock, Trigger (10Hz), Error Buffer Readout (1Hz), Reset Irradiation with 2  A protons up to 2.7e14 p/cm² (30years LHC) at RT First qualification at cyclotron with 5m cables and provisional readout Hybrid is still activated (2µSv) Result: Hybrid still alive

20 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 20 Picture of Hybrid on Ni foil Area cut for dosimetry Hybrid

21 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 21 ST teststructures for irradiation #teststructures 5(+1), 4, 5 = 14 All 14 ST teststructures measured for V FlatBand 6 ts measured for irradiation: IV, CV all strips R poly, C int, I diel, Il, CC, R int Finalizing of measurements: this week (incl. full sensor) Irradiation planned for next week

22 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 22 ST teststructure Parameters

23 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 23 ST teststructure Parameters II Interstrip resistance >> 1G  On 6 teststructures (1176 strips) we found only 2 lower CC (no pinholes)

24 6/22/2015Tracker Week April 2002IEKP 24 Flatband voltages Plus several from Wien, Florence and Strasburg with VFB of 5V, 35V, etc. In addition we will measure the Cint for these structures!!

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