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05/15/2006 1 Incident Command Systems Workflow Modeling and Analysis J. Wang, D. Rosca, W. Tepfenhart and A. Milewski Department of Software Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "05/15/2006 1 Incident Command Systems Workflow Modeling and Analysis J. Wang, D. Rosca, W. Tepfenhart and A. Milewski Department of Software Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 05/15/2006 1 Incident Command Systems Workflow Modeling and Analysis J. Wang, D. Rosca, W. Tepfenhart and A. Milewski Department of Software Engineering Monmouth University

2 05/15/2006 2 Outline Introduction to incident command systems ICS workflow modeling and analysis Tool support Conclusion and current work

3 05/15/2006 3 Incident Command Systems An ICS allocates people, resources, and services for a major natural or terrorist incident Resulted from the need for managing rapidly moving wildfires in the early 1970s too many people reporting to one supervisor lack of reliable incident information inadequate and incompatible communications Now widely used throughout the United States by fire agencies Increasingly used by law enforcement and many other public safety organizations for emergency and incident management

4 05/15/2006 4 Incident Command Systems Common characteristics of ICS incidents occur with no or little advance notice develop rapidly multiple agencies responsible for a single incident risk of life and property loss can be high

5 05/15/2006 5 Typical ICS Structure Incident Commander Command Staff Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Finance Section Logistics Section Planning Section Operations Section

6 05/15/2006 6 Challenges Frequent changes of the course of action dictated by incoming events Calls for on-the-fly verification of the workflow correctness Predominantly volunteer-based workforce Needs intuitive features for the description and modification of the WF High stake Needs formal approach (no ambiguity, allows thorough verification)

7 05/15/2006 7 Objective Define a new formalism for modeling and analysis of workflows (WIFA model) Build Tool to implement the model. On-the-fly changes On-the-fly validation Intuitive Formal

8 05/15/2006 8 Workflow Modeling A workflow is a process that contains tasks and rules about how the tasks are executed Workflow = (T, P, C, A, S 0 ) where T={T 1, T 2, … T m } A set of tasks, m  1 P=(p ij ) m x m Precedence matrix of the task set C=(c ij ) m x m Conflict matrix of the task set A=(A(T 1 ), A(T 2 ), …,A(T m )) Pre-Condition set for each task. S 0  {0, 1, 2, 3} m is the initial state

9 05/15/2006 9 Example T1T1 T2T2 T3T3 T6T6 T4T4 T5T5 T7T7 T8T8 T = {T 1, T 2, …, T 8 }, A(T 1 ) = Ø, A(T 2 ) = {{T 1 }, {T 6 }}, A(T 3 ) = {{T 1 }}, A(T 4 ) = {{T 2 }}, A(T 5 ) = {{T 4 }}, A(T 6 ) = A(T 7 ) = {{T 5 }}, A(T 8 ) = {{T 3, T 7 }}. S 0 = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).

10 05/15/2006 10 Modeling Power Sequential Execution Conflict Concurrency Synchronization Loop

11 05/15/2006 11 Well-Formed Workflow Well-Formed No Dangling Tasks At least one ending state Confusion Free – to simplify the logic of workflows such that the volunteers can follow it And-In-And-Out And-In-XOR-Out XOR-In-And-Out XOR-In-XOR-Out

12 05/15/2006 12 ICS Incident Commander Workflow Immediate Tasks INIT: Initiate the ICS RJAS: Read entire job action sheet. PIDV: Put on position identification vest. ALSC: Appoint logistics section chief. APSC: Appoint public section chief. AFSC: Appoint finance section chief. AOSC: Appoint operation section chief. ASAM: Announce a status/action plan meeting with all section chiefs. RSRL: Receive status report from the logistics section chief. RSRP:Receive status report from the planning section chief. RSRF: Receive status report from the finance section chief. RSRO:Receive status report from the operations section chief. DIAP: Discuss an initial action plan with all section chiefs. DALS: Determine appropriate level of service during immediate aftermath. RIFD: Receive initial facility damage survey report from the logistic section chief, and evaluate the need for evacuation. OPCS: Obtain patient census and status from the planning section chief.

13 05/15/2006 13 ICS Incident Commander Workflow Intermediate DRB: Designate routine briefings with section chiefs. UAP: Update the action plan regarding the continuance and termination of the action plan. CNR: Consult with section chiefs on needs for resources. ARR:Authorize requested resources. SDRB: Stop routine briefing. SCNR: Stop consulting Extended OSVP: Observe all staff, volunteers and patients for signs of stress and inappropriate behavior. RCTP: Report concerns to PSUL. PRPR: Provide for staff rest periods and relief. SOSV: Stop observing.


15 05/15/2006 15 Tool Support A tool was developed using C# with.NET framework Components Editor Validator Simulator Models stored as XML files

16 05/15/2006 16 Tool Architecture.wfml.wfcc XML Encryption/Decryption SimulationValidation Model Constructor Objects Tasks Connector s Notes Audit LogReports Reachable States

17 05/15/2006 17 Tool GUI Screenshot

18 05/15/2006 18 Validator Validate at any time Validates that the Workflow is well-formed Checks for Starting Task Checks for Ending Task Checks for Dangling Tasks Checks for Live Locks (Infinite Loops) Checks for Dead Locks Error List & Highlighting

19 05/15/2006 19 Simulator Execute a workflow According to state transition rules Provides execution control Step forward and step back On-the-fly changes

20 05/15/2006 20 Conclusion Supports all phases of workflow management Design, modification, validation, simulation All implemented with volunteers in mind Provides on-the-fly validation and modification. Intuitive Usability Assessment Results: Useful and Usability was acceptable

21 05/15/2006 21 Current Work Data dependency and decision support Inter-organizational workflows Conversion between WIFA and other workflow applications

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