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1 Takehome One 2010. 2 3 4 5 Excaus:Price of US $ in Canadian $

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Presentation on theme: "1 Takehome One 2010. 2 3 4 5 Excaus:Price of US $ in Canadian $"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Takehome One 2010

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5 Excaus:Price of US $ in Canadian $

6 6 Is excaus evolutionary?

7 7 Spreadsheet

8 8 Histogram

9 9 correlogram

10 10 Unit root test

11 11 Based on evidence Trace Histogram Correlogram Unit root test Conclude it is evolutionary First difference, or take logs and first difference

12 12 Spreadsheet dexcaus

13 13 Trace dexcaus

14 14 Histogram dexcaus

15 15 Correlogram dexcaus

16 16 Unit root test dexcaus

17 17 Is dexcaus stationary? Based on the evidence Trace Histogram Correlogram Unit root test Yes, so model

18 18 How to model dexusca? # of observations = 471 ~400 1/2 = 20 1/20 = 0.05 So 95% confidence intervals~ 0.10 Based on pacf Probably significant at lag 1, maybe lag 4 and lag 10 Based on acf Probably significant at lag 1, maybe lag 4

19 19 Model conjectures Ar(1) ar(4) ar(10) Ar(1) ar(4) ma(10) Ma(1) ma(4) Arma(1,1)

20 20 Model dexcaus c ar(1) ar(4), ser= 0.0165

21 21 Correlogram of residuals, BG F=0.38

22 22 Model dexcaus c ar(1) ar(4) ma(11), ser = 0.0164

23 23 Correlogram of residuals, BG F =0.43

24 24 Model dexcaus c ar(1) ma(1), ser=0.0165

25 25 Correlogram of residuals, BG F=0.12

26 26 Model dexcaus c ar(1) ma(4),ser= 0.0164

27 27 Correlogram of residuals, BG F=0.99

28 28 Conclude: two clean models Dexcaus c ar(1) ma(4) Dexcaus c ar(1) ar(4) ma(11)

29 29 One more test; correlogram of residuals squared for dexusca c ar(1) ma(4)

30 30 ARCH LM test

31 31 Within Sample forecast

32 32 Estimation

33 33 forecast

34 34 EViews forecast plot

35 35 spreadsheet

36 36 forecastdex

37 37 Generate upper and lower

38 38 Quick show

39 39

40 40 Forecast within sample

41 41 Sample 2000.01 2010.04

42 42 Forecast within sample

43 43 Estimate ar(1) ma(4) model for full sample

44 44 Procs expand range, change sample

45 45 Forecast out of sample

46 46 EViews out of sample forecast

47 47 Gen upper and lower

48 48 Forecastd2

49 49 Quick show dexcaus forecastd2 upper2 lower2

50 50 Recolor: excausf(t) = excausf(t-1) + dexcausf2; excausf(2010.04) = excaus(201004)

51 51 Forecast 2010.05- 2011.04

52 52 Forecast with confidence Intervals quick show EXCAUS EXCAUSF EXCAUSF+2*SEF2 EXCAUSF-2*SEF2

53 53 Forecast of Canadian price of the US $: 2010.05-2011.04

54 54 Forecast excaus: 2010.05 -2011.04

55 55 Model dexcaus c ar(1) ma(4),ser= 0.0164 Dexcaus(t) = c+ resid(t) Resid(t) = 0.26*resid(t-1) + wn(t)+0.12*wn(t-4) Dexcaus(t) = 0.26*dexcaus(t-1) + wn(t) + 0.12*wn(t-4)

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