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Verification and Data Structures int kmp_search(char str[], char pat[]){ p = 0; s = 0; while (p<pat.length && s<str.length){ if (str[s] == pat[p]){s++;

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Presentation on theme: "Verification and Data Structures int kmp_search(char str[], char pat[]){ p = 0; s = 0; while (p<pat.length && s<str.length){ if (str[s] == pat[p]){s++;"— Presentation transcript:


2 Verification and Data Structures int kmp_search(char str[], char pat[]){ p = 0; s = 0; while (p<pat.length && s<str.length){ if (str[s] == pat[p]){s++; p++;} else if (p == 0){s++;} else{p = table[p-1] + 1;} } if (p >= plen) {return (s-plen)}; return (-1); } Need Universally Quantified Invariants 8 i: 0≤ i<table.length ) -1 ≤ table[i] Every element of table exceeds -1 Prove Access Within Array Bounds

3 Logic Types Precise data invariants Generalization, instantiation hard Coarse data structure invariants Generalization, instantiation easy Good SMT solvers available

4 Refinement Types Factor Invariant Into Logic x Type 8 i: 0 ≤ i < table.length ) -1 ≤ table[i] Logic Type table :: {v:int|-1 ≤ v} array (Refinement)

5 How To Retain Precision And Inference

6 table :: {v:int|-1 ≤ v} array Atoms Liquid Types Set of quantifier-free predicates -1 ≤ v0 < v0 < v v < 20 Refinements are conjunctions of atoms index :: {v:int|-1 ≤ v ∧ v < 20}

7 OCaml + Asserts Liquid Types Error Dsolve Atoms

8 Dsolve 1.Liquid Type Inference 2.Results 3.Demo

9 Liquid Type Inference program ML Type Inference int ! int int ! {v:int| X } x>0 ⊢ {v:int | v=x} <:{v:int |X } int ! {v:int|0 ≤ v} x>0 ∧ v=x ) X Liquid Type Templates Subtyping Implication Constraints Liquid Types

10 let rec ffor l u f = if l < u then ( f l; ffor (l+1) u f ) Type of f int ! unit Template of f {v:int| X } ! unit Liquid Type of f {v:int|l≤v ∧ v<u} ! unit l Flows Into Input of f {v:int | v=l} <: {v:int |X } l<u ⊢ l<u ∧ v=l ) X Solution X = l≤v ∧ v<u Reduces to

11 mapreduce (nearest dist ctra) (centroid plus) xs |> List.iter (fun (i,(x,sz)) -> ctra.(i)<- div x sz) Type of mapreduce (’a ! ’b * ’c list) !... ! ’b * ’c list Template of mapreduce (’a ! { X 1 } * ’a * { X 2 } list) !... ! { X 1 } * ’a * { X 2 } list Type Instantiation ’a with ’a ’b with int ’c with ’a * int Template Instantiation ’a with ’a ’b with {v:int| X 1 } ’c with ’a * {v:int| X 2 } Liquid Type of (nearest dist ctra) ’a ! {0≤ v<len ctra} * ’a * {0<v} list <: ’a ! { X 1 } * ’a * { X 2 } list Solution X 1 = 0≤v<len ctra X 2 = 0<v Reduces To 0 ≤ v <len ctra ) X 1 0<v ) X 2 Liquid Type of mapreduce Output {0≤ v<len ctra} * ’a * {0 < v} list

12 Dsolve 1.Liquid Type Inference 2.Results 3.Demo

13 Finite Maps 5: ‘cat’ 3: ‘cow’ 8: ‘tic’ 1: ‘doc’ 4: ‘hog’ 7: ‘ant’ 9: ‘emu’ From OCaml Standard Library Implemented as AVL Trees Rotate/Rebalance on Insert/Delete Verified Invariants Binary Search Ordered Height Balanced Keys Implement Set

14 Binary Decision Diagrams X1X1 X2X2 X2X2 X3X3 X4X4 X4X4 1 X 1  X 2  X 3  X 4 Verified Invariant Variables Ordered Along Each Path

15 ProgramVerified Invariants List-Based SortingSorted, Outputs Permutation of Input Finite Map (AVL)Balance, BST, Implements a Set Red-Black TreesBalance, BST, Color StablesortSorted Extensible VectorsBalance, Bounds Checking, … Binary HeapsHeap, Returns Min, Implements Set Splay HeapsBST, Returns Min, Implements Set MallocUsed and Free Lists Are Accurate BDDsVariable Order Union FindAcyclicity Bitvector UnificationAcyclicity

16 Dsolve 1.Liquid Type Inference 2.Results 3.Demo

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