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2006 April1 WebCalendar Project Final Presentation Yohann Sabbah & Anna Silberman Under the supervision of Victor Kulikov.

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Presentation on theme: "2006 April1 WebCalendar Project Final Presentation Yohann Sabbah & Anna Silberman Under the supervision of Victor Kulikov."— Presentation transcript:

1 2006 April1 WebCalendar Project Final Presentation Yohann Sabbah & Anna Silberman Under the supervision of Victor Kulikov

2 2006 April2 General goals of the project Create a WebCalendar using ASP.NET C# based on SQL Server The Calendar must allow general basic functionalities like add an event, see the events, … It should support groups, and their management.

3 2006 April3 Functionalities

4 4 Functionalities of the WebCalendar (1) Login using password encryption (encrypt using MD5 – algorithm based on cryptographic hash function). There are 3 possible users: –Administrator: he knows everything about everything. He is the only one who can add/remove events/groups/users. –Group Administrator: Every group has a group administrator who is the only one that can manage the group (add/remove users to the group). –User: A simple user that can also belong to different groups.

5 2006 April5 Functionalities of the WebCalendar (2) Main View: all present week events Private ( ) and group events Walk through the calendar Click on event: show event’s details On show details: –Modify the event if owner of it –Add a comment (all users)

6 2006 April6 Functionalities of the WebCalendar (3) Search Engine: –The user can at any moment search for his private events or group events of the groups he belong to. –The result are shown dynamically and the user can click on each on of the results; that will show the details of the event.

7 2006 April7 Functionalities of the WebCalendar (4) Dynamic Main menu according to the user type Each user will see only the links to the actions he has the right to effectuate.

8 2006 April8 Functionalities of the WebCalendar (5) Modify my profile’s details: –All users –Allow the user to modify each one of his details, (except his id number). Add User to the System: –Only for the System administrator. –Allow the system administrator to enter all the details for the new user.

9 2006 April9 Functionalities of the WebCalendar (6) Add Group: –only for the System administrator. –Allow the system administrator to enter the new group’s name and the ID of the new group’s administrator. Add User to group : –Only for the group administrator –Should enter the user to add to the group

10 2006 April10 Functionalities of the WebCalendar (7) Add Event with advanced options: –Add an event to multiple groups –Management of repeated events: Daily repeated Weekly repeated Monthly repeated Yearly repeated –Notify by mail 2 days before the event, and the day of the event –Priority (from 1 to 3) according to the importance of the event ( )

11 2006 April11 Functionalities of the WebCalendar (8) Show group’s user/delete group’s users: –Only for the group administrator –Should show all the user’s groups (i.e. where he is group admin) and give him the possibility to remove users from those groups (dynamical id list). Delete Users: –Only for the system administrator –Should enter the ID

12 2006 April12 Functionalities of the WebCalendar (9) When login to the WebCalendar, a Session is created. –Use of cookies When forgot the password, generates a new random one and send it to the user. Logout –End of session –Cookies destruction

13 2006 April13 DB Design

14 2006 April14 The DataBase global view We defined 8 different tables in order to realize the DB: 2 different table type: –Data tables: Event table Users table Groups table Repeated_event table –Link tables in order to light DB tables: event2user table users2group table event2group table comment2event table

15 2006 April15 The DataBase Diagram

16 2006 April16 Database tables explanations (1) Event table: table that contains all the details about an event Users table: table that contains all the details about users in the system Groups table: table that contains all the details about groups Repeated_event table: table that contains all the details about repeated events

17 2006 April17 Database tables explanations (2) Event2users table: table that allows the correspondence between events and users. Users2group: table that allows the correspondence between users and groups they belong to. Event2group: table that allows the correspondence between events and groups (they belong to). Comment2event table: table that allows the correspondence between comments and events.

18 2006 April18 OOP Design

19 2006 April19 OOP Design C# asp.NET language is OOP ASP.NET for web development: ability to build pages composed of controls. The framework allows usage of many languages such as HTML, javascript Easy way to use SQL with ASP.NET. ASP (Active Server Pages).NET encourages the programmer to develop Web: appropriate for Web applications

20 2006 April20 Communication client-server Web Server IIS (Internet Information Server): intermediate server

21 2006 April21 OOP Design: Web Controls Web Controls: –code can assign its properties and respond to its events. –Controls know how to render themselves: produce segments of HTML and Javascript. Web User Controls: –Independent class, with its personal methods/functions/fields –Used when the object we program doesn’t have to be visible all the time, depending on the user’s demand.

22 2006 April22 Other Classes Two main WebForms: –Login WebForm: first webpage that the user see when connecting to the WebCalendar –MainPage WebForm: the calendar page with all week details and functionalities as previously described. Class “Functions” that contains all the “help functions” needed by the forms/web controls.

23 2006 April23 Graphic design Based on simplicity and clarity Ergonomic Friendly-user design Logos according to situation: –simple understanding for new users

24 2006 April24 Scenarios

25 2006 April25 Scenario 1 Login admin Add User: Yohann, Anna, Victor. Add Group: –Student (Yohann) –Supervisor (Victor) Logout and Login Yohann Add Anna to Student Add event –Private –Group –Add comment to group Event Logout and Login Anna –Add comment to group Event –Add Event to group

26 2006 April26 Scenario 2 Login Anna Modify Profile Add group event –Notify by mail –Select group for event –2 days in event Check mail (Yohann and Anna) Search private and Group

27 2006 April27 Scenario 3 Login Yohann Add repeated Event –My birthday (yearly) –Tennis on Monday (weekly) –Lunch (daily) Delete Anna from Student Login Anna –Check group event. Login Yohann Modify event Delete some events Forget Password

28 2006 April28 The End… Thanks to Victor for his permanent help Thanks all for the attention!!

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