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Christopher Costello Associate Professor of Economics Bren School & Economics Renewable resources, biodiversity, uncertainty, dynamic optimization.

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Presentation on theme: "Christopher Costello Associate Professor of Economics Bren School & Economics Renewable resources, biodiversity, uncertainty, dynamic optimization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christopher Costello Associate Professor of Economics Bren School & Economics Renewable resources, biodiversity, uncertainty, dynamic optimization

2 What I do Background Teaching –Economics of Environmental Management –Environmental Modeling –PhD Seminar Ask an important question that is: –Interesting –Don’t know answer (identify the tension) –You can develop an approach for answering

3 Some “problems” I work on 1.Fisheries management – property rights, spatial externalities, optimal policies 2.Exotic species – trade, species damage, optimal policy response 3.Biodiversity conservation – cost effectiveness 4.Search – how much information gathering in research?

4 Some economic approaches 1.Decision making under uncertainty 2.Value of information 3.Bayesian statistics, learning, adaptation 4.Dynamic optimization

5 Renewable Resources Spatial bioeconomics –Are spatial closures optimal? How “close” will spatial property rights get us? Renewable resources under uncertainty –How optimize harvest in a variable environment? Concessions as a rights-based mechanism –Structure of tenure required to incentivize stewardship? Value of improved information –Which kinds of information have the most value?

6 Biodiversity/Exotic Species Introductions vs. Discoveries –Is the discovery record a good proxy for introductions? Partner-specific invasion risk –Empirically what are the risks? Use as a basis for partner-specific policy. Global supply curve for biodiversity? –TNC data, species area curve Bioprospecting as private-sector mechanism

7 Contact Information: Christopher Costello 4410 Bren Hall 893-5802

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