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Hardware activity at SX5 including detector alignment for the next three years Valery Andreev UCLA October 9-10, 2006 UCLA DOE review, task L.

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Presentation on theme: "Hardware activity at SX5 including detector alignment for the next three years Valery Andreev UCLA October 9-10, 2006 UCLA DOE review, task L."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hardware activity at SX5 including detector alignment for the next three years Valery Andreev UCLA October 9-10, 2006 UCLA DOE review, task L

2 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA2 M&O 2004-2006: UCLA task L1 contribution ActivityContributors CSC receiving, inventory, storing in ISR and shipment to SX5 S.Otwinowski, B.Lisowski, C.Matthey CSC testing in ISRB. Lisowski Spare electronic boards handling V.Andreev, B.Lisowski H.V. cable receiving, testing and shipment to SX5 B.Lisowski Skew clear signal cables - receiving, storing and shipment to SX5 V.Andreev, X.Yang Shipment of electronic boards and cables to US, purchase of materials and tools B.Lisowski Support of the ISR/SX5 information pool, CSC activities at CERN into Database and web format V.Andreev, C.Matthey, X.Yang Maintenance and operation of the gas system for CSC at SX5 V. Andreev, X. Yang Conditions monitoring in SX5 (weather station) X.Yang Chamber commissioning in SX5 V.Andreev, M. Ignatenko, B. Lisowski, X. Yang Peripheral crate commissioning M. Ignatenko Alignment system installation and commissioning V. Andreev, X. Yang

3 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA3 Chamber Operation: Prokofiev(FNAL) Gas – Andreev (UCLA) HV – Levchenko (UFlorida) Storage - Levchenko CSC Commissioning – Ignatenko/Bujak (UCLA/Purdue) CSC Repairs - ? B. Paul Padley EMU Annual Review 2006, M&O Responsibilities

4 Detector Commissioning at SX5 Test A: coordinator V. Andreev,UCLA Pipeline layout check Pipeline leak test Chamber leak test HV (broken wire) test (1000V) HV test (short term) 3.8kV, 24h LV test (long term) Test B: coordinators M. Ignatenko (UCLA) and A. Bujak (Purdue) Movable DAQ for electronics tests

5 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA5 Phase I Commissioning Test A Pipeline layout check Pipeline leak test Gas Distribution rack leak test Chamber leak test HV (broken wire) test @ 1kV HV (short term) test @ 3.8kV (24 h) LV test (long term) 360CSCstested out of 360 presently installed Team led at CERN by V.Andreev Participants from various EMU institutions performing work under leader direction on rotating basis No broken wire (out of > 1mln wires!) G.Apollinari, AR 2005

6 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA6 Chamber Leak Tests Chamber Leak Rate Measurements in SX5 (90 chambers mounted on the disks) -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 020406080100120 Chamber Serial # Leak Rate, cc/min ISR SX5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 - Leak Rate, cc/min Frequency Chamber Leak Rate Statistics Mean = 0.4 RMS = 0.05 Correlation Plot -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 -0.500.511.522.5 ISR measurements, cc/min SX5 measurements, cc/min Leak Limit Leak limit good correlation for test at SX5 vs test at ISR a few cases above leak limit, but tolerable

7 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA7 Phase I – Temporary Gas system Gas Flow available to support HV Long Term test, Slice Test & Commissioning EMU Gas Mixers Turn off HV if gas flow rate is out of nominal for more than 10% Detector Control System operational

8 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA8 Gas mixer calibration O. Prokofiev(FNAL), V. Andreev Current flow

9 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA9 Chambers with working gas important for tests with HV X.Yang,UCLA

10 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA10 M&O 2007-2009: EMU Gas system Responsibilities Experts on call Gas mixture analysis (regularly) Connect-Disconnect Contact person V. Andreev, X. Yang

11 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA11 CSC commissioning in SX5 Disk movements Water leaks Dust Temperature, humidity, pressure Gas system modifications Gas consumption Network connections Need to keep eye on

12 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA12 Weather station at SX5 X. Yang

13 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA13 2004-2006 temperature/humidity data

14 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA14 Test status on web M&O Phase Tests Status HV (broken wire) test HV(@3.8K) test LV burn-in test Pipeline Leak Test Chamber Leak Test Gas Pipeline Layout Test Summary: Test A status Summary: Test B status HV (broken wire) test HV(@3.8K) test LV burn-in test Pipeline Leak Test Chamber Leak Test Gas Pipeline Layout Test Summary: Test A status Summary: Test B status Comments to : (tel.71652)

15 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA15 EMU Alignment System The system includes: - Straight Line Monitor (SLM) - Transfer Line (TL) - Link Monitor (LM) - Radial (R) Monitor - Proximity (Z) Monitor - Temperature (T) Monitor To determine and monitor the position of CSC relative to each other and to the MAB

16 Alignment Team  D. Eartly, O. Prokofiev (FNAL)  J. Bellinger, D. Carlsmith, F. Feyzi, R. Loveless (U. Wisconsin)  V. Sknar (PNPI)  G. Guragain, G. Baksay, M. Hohlmann (Florida Tech)  V. Sytnik (UCR)  V. Andreev, X. Yang (UCLA) O. Prokofiev (FNAL) EMU Annual Review 2006

17 Alignment Team  V. Andreev, X. Yang (UCLA)  installation  safety  commissioning  slow control software  magnet test

18 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA18 Alignment system: Installation

19 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA19 Laser Operation: Safety DCOPS red cross hair laser, Class 3A: - = 635 nm - P = 10 mW Laser Displacement sensor, infrared, Class 3B: - Z4M –W100 Omtron -  = 780 nm - P = 3 mW max To comply with CMS safety regulations we have installed laser warning signs and additional safety shields for EMU system. We have also provided a logic triggered relay system to operate Laser warning lights when laser operation occurs. Now safety clearance for SLM laser operation and laser displacement sensor has been approved. Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 15:41:51 +0200 From: Roland Magnier To: Valery Andreev Cc: Christoph Schaefer, Thomas Sobrier, Emilie Freret Subject: Use of crossed line lasers for alignment of endcaps discs in CMS Hello Valery, As discussed at the test place (SX5) this afternoon, we give you our approbation for the use of these lasers, which, when used with the LO 45 optical device, as it is the case, are of class 2. For the class 2, the eyes are naturally protected with the blink relex. The plate used in the vicinity of the lasers is a good protection anyway. Best regards. Roland Magnier/SC-Laser safety UCLA contribution: V. Andreev, safety clearance at CERN

20 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA20 Alignment Commissioning Laser adjustments

21 DCOPS Readout SLM DCOPS (Digital CCD Optical Position Sensor) The Endcap Muon Alignment System utilizes an optical sensor composed of four linear CCDs (2048 pixels) in a picture frame configuration to sense the position of two crossed lines of laser light passing through the sensor.

22 Analog Sensor Readout The analog readout is used for R, Z, proximity, and temperature sensors and for inclinometers. The resulting voltages produced by these sensors are measured by the ELMB mounted at the analog readout unit and connected to CAN bus. To provide a communication between the analog sensors and the readout unit, the analog interface boards are used. UCLA contribution: X. Yang, slow control program S. Guragain (Florida Tech) X. Yang (UCLA)

23 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA23 Slice of EMu at MTCC One 60° Trigger Sector on the Positive Endcap test: –Multiple stations on multiple disks YE+1, YE+2 ME+1, ME+2, ME+3 Total of 36 chambers Alignment system test ME1 ME2 ME3 ME4 DT-10 DT-11 YE1 YE2 YE3

24 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA24 Damages to the alignment hardware during detector closing/opening Sensor bent Z1 YE+3 YE+2 YE+1 Z2 All (12) installed Z1 were broken during the disk closing. Only one Z1 sensor (ME+2, point 5) is probably good Photo credit: X. Yang UCLA

25 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA25 MTCC: alignment, disk bending ANSYS calculation (EMU TDR, page C7) shows a distortion in Z-direction of endcap disks (outer edges) for about 6 mm that is in good agreement with Z1 laser displacement sensor data for upper point 2 but for lower point 5 and 6 the disk bend deformations are less than predicted. No linear dependence verses magnetic field was observed 6 laser displacement sensors were mounted on theYE+1 disk but only 3 MABs on YB2. YE+1 O. Prokofiev, FNAL

26 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA26 MTCC: Alignment temperature sensors O. Prokofiev, FNAL

27 Alignment: Summary and Plans We’ve had a good progress for the last 6 months:  Completing alignment hardware installation for the plus disks  Completing digital and analog readout software  Starting a system commissioning  Starting data taken and on-line data analysis Most critical items on to-do list:  Continue installation and commissioning  Running system with good data quality raw sensor data  Pushing raw sensor data through PVSS into root file  Arranging on-line data analysis  Getting final COCOA geometry in place  Making survey and CMM data useful

28 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA28 Underground commissioning Lowering of disks from November 2006 to June 2007 The commissioning to begin as soon as we are underground The schedule is driven by availability of services underground Looking forward to beam next year !

29 Task L, Oct.9-10, 2006Valery Andreev, UCLA29 Summary: the UCLA team involvement during M&O phase CSC gas system operations, experts on call V. Andreev, X. Yang CSC chamber operations, experts on call M. Ignatenko, X. Yang Electronics and crate handling B. Lisowski Web information pool and data base support V. Andreev, C. Matthey, X. Yang CSC chamber and electronics maintenance M. Ignatenko, X. Yang CSC alignment system maintenance and operation V. Andreev, X. Yang Data taking shifts V. Andreev, D. Cline, M. Ignatenko, C. Matthey, S. Otwinowski, X. Yang CSC data analysisV. Andreev, M. Ignatenko, X. Yang CMS physics analysis V. Andreev, K. Arisaka, D. Cline, M. Ignatenko, S. Otwinowski

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