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J. F. Drake University of Maryland and SSL
A Fermi mechanism for electron acceleration during magnetic reconnection J. F. Drake University of Maryland and SSL M. Swisdak University of Maryland H. Che University of Maryland M.A. Shay University of Delaware
Magnetic Energy Dissipation in the Universe
The conversion of magnetic energy to heat and high speed flows underlies many important phenomena in nature solar and stellar flares Energy releases from magnetars magnetospheric substorms disruptions in laboratory fusion experiments More generally understanding how magnetic energy is dissipated is essential to model the generation and dissipation of magnetic field energy in astrophysical systems accretion disks stellar dynamos supernova shocks Known systems are characterized by a slow buildup of magnetic energy and fast release mechanism for fast release? Why does reconnection occur as an explosion? Why does so much energy go into electrons?
Magnetic Free Energy A reversed magnetic field is a source of free energy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x J B Can imagine B simply self-annihilating What happens in a plasma?
Energy Release from Squashed Bubble
magnetic tension Magnetic field lines want to become round
Energy Release (cont.) w Evaluate initial and final magnetic energies
use conservation law for ideal motion magnetic flux conserved area for nearly incompressible motion Wf ~ (w/L) Wi << Wi Most of the magnetic energy is released
Flow Generation Released magnetic energy is converted into plasma flow
Alfven time A is much shorter than observed energy release time
Magnetic Reconnection
Key features of this picture have been in space and laboratory observations Dissipation required to break field lines Key issue is how newly reconnected field lines at very small scales expand and release their tension
d Intense currents Kivelson et al., 1995
Fast Flows at the Magnetopause
Scurry et al. ‘94
Reconnection in Solar Flares
X-class flare: t ~ 100 sec. Alfven time: tA ~ L/cA ~ 10 sec. => Alfvenic Energy Release F. Shu, 1992
RHESSI observations Exploring timing of production of energetic electrons and ions during flares Jan 20, 2005 X7 flare Krucker/Hurford
Flares in high magnetic field neutron stars
Magnetars: Isolated neutron stars with: B ~ 1015 Gauss Strongest B-fields in universe. Giant Flare (SGR ) Dec. 27, 2004, in our galaxy! Peak Luminosity: 1047 ergs/sec. Largest supernova: 4 x 1043 ergs/sec. Cause: Global crust failure and magnetic reconnection. Could be a source of short duration gamma ray bursts. Rhessi data: Hurley et al., 2005
Resistive MHD Description
Formation of macroscopic Sweet-Parker layer V ~ ( /L) CA ~ (A/r)1/2 CA << CA Slow reconnection not consistent with observations sensitive to resistivity macroscopic nozzle Petschek-like open outflow configuration does not appear in resistive MHD models with constant resistivity (Biskamp ‘86)
Hall Reconnection MHD model breaks down in the dissipation region at small spatial scales where electron and ion motion decouple Key is to understand how newly reconnected field lines expand at very small spatial scales where MHD no longer valid The outflow from the x-line is driven by whistler and kinetic Alfven waves dispersive waves fast reconnection even for very large systems No ad hoc assumptions Key signatures of Hall reconnection have been measured by magnetospheric satellites and laboratory experiments
Hall versus MHD reconnection
MHD model produces rates of energy release too slow to explain observations -- macroscopic nozzle a la Sweet-Parker Hall model produces fast reconnection as suggested by Petschek
Magnetic Reconnection Simulation
Energetic electron production
The production of energetic electrons during magnetic reconnection has been widely inferred during solar flares and in the Earth’s magnetotail. In solar flares up to 50% of the released magnetic energy appears in the form of energetic electrons (Lin and Hudson, 1971) Why is the electron energy linked to the energy release? Energetic electrons in the Earth’s magnetotail have been attributed to magnetic reconnection (Terasawa and Nishida, 1976; Baker and Stone, 1976). The mechanism for the production of energetic electrons has remained a mystery Plasma flows are typically limited to Alfven speed More efficient for ion rather than electron heating
Wind spacecraft trajectory through the Earth’s magnetosphere
Wind magnetotail observations
Wind spacecraft observations revealed that energetic electrons peak in the diffusion region (Oieroset, et al., 2002) Energies measured up to 300kev Power law distributions of energetic electrons
Electron acceleration by the reconnection electric field
What is the structure of parallel electric fields during reconnection? Guide field reconnection produces deep density cavities that map the magnetic separatrix Pritchett and Coroniti, 2004 The parallel electric field is localized within these cavities Cavities are microscopic in length Parallel electric fields are too spatially localized to be a significant source of large numbers of energetic electrons E|| n
Failure of the single x-line model: sun
Solar observations up to 50% of the energy can go into electrons Parallel electric fields are highly localized around the x-line Magnetic energy is not released at the x-line but downstream as the reconnected fields relax their stress X-line has negligible volume on the physical scale of the region where energy is released in the corona Can’t come close to explaining the large number of electrons gaining energy Tsuneda 1997
Failure of the single x-line model: magnetosphere
Energetic electrons should be accelerated by the electric field toward the dawn side of the magnetotail and energy would be limited to the potential drop across the tail (around 150 keV). Observations indicate are more equally spread Energies in the meV range are sometimes observed
Energetic electrons in a cross section of the magnetotail
Erec IMP 7 & 8 data (Meng et al 1981) Electrons with energy 220kev-2.5MeV Exceeds potential drop across the tail Dawn-dusk asymmetry stronger during quiet times than active times Not consistent with traditional cross tail acceleration. During active times must have a diffusive process for energy gain in the tail Must be able to gain energy while moving in either direction across the tail
Failure of the single x-line model: magnetosphere
Energetic electrons produced by parallel electric fields should be highly localized around the x-line and adjacent separatrices Electrons are broadly distributed in observational data Electron velocities are dominantly moving parallel to B Nearly isotropic at high energy in the data
A multi-island acceleration model
A single open x-line does not produce the energetic electrons observed in the data The development of multiple magnetic islands is expected from theory and simulations of reconnection Observations of secondary magnetic islands with magnetospheric satellites and solar observations of localized downflows also call into question a single x-line model
Generation of multiple magnetic islands
Narrow current layers spawn multiple magnetic islands in guide field reconnection In 3-D magnetic islands will be volume filling
Cluster magnetotail reconnection event
Eastwood et al, 2007 Fields are noisy with identifiable discrete magnetic islands
TRACE observations of downflow blobs
Data from the April 21, 2002, X flare Interpreted as patchy reconnection from overlying reconnection site
A Fermi electron acceleration mechanism inside contracting islands
CAx Energy is released from newly reconnected field lines through contraction of the magnetic island Reflection of electrons from inflowing ends of islands yields an efficient acceleration mechanism for electrons even when the parallel electric field is zero When an ambient guide field is present, electrons can gain energy while moving either into or out of the page crucial for explaining the tail observations.
Electron Dynamics in simulation fields
Electrons follow field lines and drift outwards due to EXB drift Eventually exit the magnetic island Gain energy during each reflection from contracting island Increase in the parallel velocity Electrons become demagnetized as they approach the x-line Weak in-plane field and sharp directional change Scattering from parallel to perpendicular velocity Sudden increase in Larmor radius Isotropic distribution consistent with observations? Probably
Energy Gain CAx Calculate energy gain through multiple reflections from the contracting island Note that rate of increase of energy is independent of the mass Should the energy gain of ions and electrons be comparable? The bulk ions don’t have time to bounce Only super Alfvenic ions gain energy with multiple bounces Particle simulations of reconnection miss this mechanism because the electron velocities because of artificial mass ratios are only marginally above the Alfven speed
PIC Simulations of island contraction
Separating electron heating due to the Fermi mechanism from heating due to E|| during reconnection is challenging Study the contraction of an isolated, flattened flux bundle (mi/me=1836) E|| =0 Strong increase in T|| inside the bundle during contraction T|| ~ 3T 60% of released energy goes into electrons T||
Multi-island reconnection
uup CAx x y Large energy gains require interaction with multiple magnetic islands energy gain linked to geometrical change of island aspect ratio Consider a reconnection region with multiple islands in 3-D with a stochastic magnetic field Electrons can wander from island to island Stochastic region assumed to be macroscopic
Kinetic equation for energetic particles
Ensemble average over multiple islands Steady state transport equation for electrons Similar to Parker’s equation for particle heating in a 1-D shock Contains no velocity scale powerlaw solutions Missing feedback on energetic particles on the island contraction
Linking energy gain to magnetic energy released
w Basic conservation laws Magnetic flux BW = const. Area WL = const. Electron action VL = const. Magnetic energy change with L Island contraction is how energy is released during reconnection Particle energy change with L Island contraction stops when Energetic electron energy rises until it is comparable to the released magnetic energy
Suppression of island contraction by energetic particle pressure
Explore the impact of the initial on the contraction of an initially elongated island With low initial island becomes round at late time Increase in p|| during contraction acts to inhibit island contraction when the initial is high contraction stops at firehose marginal stability
Kinetic equation with back-pressure
Include the feedback of energetic particles on island contraction Energetic particles can stop island contraction through their large parallel pressure Steady state kinetic equation for electrons Can solve this equation numerically in reconnection geometry Saturation of energetic particle production Two key parameters: Initial plasma beta: 0=8p0/B2 Energy drive: A
Energetic electron spectra
Simulation geometry Powerlaw spectra at high energy The initial plasma beta, 0, controls the spectral index of energetic electrons For Wind magnetotail parameters where 0 ~ 0.16, v2f ~ E- 3.6 For the solar corona where 0 is small, v2f ~ E-1.5 Universal spectrum for low 0 Results are insensitive to the drive A for strong drive Back pressure always reduces the net drive so that energy transfer to electrons is comparable to the released magnetic energy
The multi-island electron acceleration model explains many of the observations
Magnetotail Energy can exceed the cross-tail potential Weak East-West asymmetry across the tail Velocity distributions isotropic above a critical energy Powerlaw energy distributions which match the Wind observations Soft spectra a consequence of the relatively large initial plasma pressure Solar corona Large numbers of energetic electrons If island region is macroscopic Electron energy gain linked to the released magnetic energy Powerlaw energy distributions consistent with the observations Harder limiting spectra of E-1.5 a result of the low initial plasma pressure
Critical issues in explaining the solar observations
The electron numbers problem The contracting island region must be macroscopic energetic electrons gain a large fraction of the magnetic energy released Island region
Can a similar Fermi process produce energetic ions?
The Fermi mechanism if efficient only for ions with velocities above the Alfven speed Need a mechanism producing a seed distribution of energetic ions Observational evidence in the heliosphere of E-1.5 spectra of protons
Common in the quiet solar wind (Gloeckler et al, 2006)
Proton spectra of the form j = jo E -1.5 or equivalently f = fov -5 are often observed Common in the quiet solar wind (Gloeckler et al, 2006) Similarity to spectra from the Fermi mechanism is striking
Conclusions Acceleration of high energy electrons is controlled by a Fermi process within contracting magnetic islands Reconnection in systems with a guide field involves the interaction of many islands over a volume Remains a hypothesis based on our 2-D understanding Averaging over these islands leads to a kinetic equation describing the production of energetic electrons that has similarities to that in particle acceleration in shocks Particle distributions of energetic electrons take the form of powerlaws The initial electron pressure dominantly controls the spectral indices of the energy distributions Low initial pressure as in the solar corona yields harder spectra than in the magnetosphere Electrons gain a substantial fraction of the energy released during magnetic reconnection
The MHD Reconnection Rate Problem
Reconnection rates too slow to explain observations solar and stellar flares sawtooth crash in fusion experiments Storms in the Earth’s magnetosphere Ongoing scientific issue since the late 1950’s The solution: non-MHD physics at the small spatial scales drives fast reconnection The one-fluid MHD model breaks down in the narrow boundary layers that develop during magnetic reconnection The motion of electrons and ions in the narrow boundary layers where magnetic field lines break decouples Hall reconnection New class of “dispersive” waves facilitates fast reconnection Physics is confirmed in magnetospheric satellite observations and in laboratory reconnection experiments.
Quiet-time tails of the form j = jo E -1
Quiet-time tails of the form j = jo E -1.5 or equivalently f = fov -5 are often observed j = joE-1.5 Decker et al., Science (2005) Voyager 1 LECP 2004: :144 ACR Accelerated Pickup Ions Krimigis et al., AGU (Fall 2003) CRS ~45 AU ~85 AU ~5 AU
Wave dispersion and the structure of nozzle
Controlled by the variation of the wave phase speed with distance from the x-line increasing phase speed Closing of nozzle MHD case since Bn and CA increase with distance from the x-line - decreasing phase speed Opening of the nozzle Whistler or kinetic Alfven waves v ~ B/w
Positron-Electron Reconnection
No decoupling of the motion of the two species No dispersive whistler waves Displays Sweet-Parker structure but reconnection rate is high (Hesse, Bessho and Bhattacharjee). Scaling of reconnection rate to large systems?
Why is reconnection explosive?
Slow Sweet-Parker reconnection and fast Hall reconnection are valid solutions for the same parameters Sweet-Parker solution does not exist below a critical resistivity For the solar corona the critical temperature is around 100 eV and the reconnection rate will jump a factor of 105 Ez Cassak et al 2005
Particle Scattering Increase of v|| within island
Nearly constant vL within island Scattering from v|| to vL near the separatrix Isotropic particle distributions at high energy?
Powerlaw spectra Solve the kinetic equation in reconnection geometry
Fermi drive balances convective loss Powerlaw spectra -- as often seen in both solar and magnetospheric observations The energy integral diverges Spectral index depends on the ratio of the aspect ratio of the island region (~0.1) to the mean aspect ratio of individual islands. In the strongly driven regime, < 3, the energy content of energetic electrons diverges Energy budget of electrons is important Feedback of the energetic component on the reconnection process must be calculated
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