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ECE 442 Power Electronics1 Series Resonant Inverter with Bidirectional Switch.

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 442 Power Electronics1 Series Resonant Inverter with Bidirectional Switch."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 442 Power Electronics1 Series Resonant Inverter with Bidirectional Switch

2 ECE 442 Power Electronics2 Turn Q 1 ON at t = 0 A “resonant” pulse of current flows, charging C to V C1, Q1 turns OFF

3 ECE 442 Power Electronics3 C charges to V C1, Q1 turns OFF

4 ECE 442 Power Electronics4 C discharges via D1 and V s For t > t 1 –The capacitor acts as a voltage source –Current i o reverses, and flows via D 1 to V S

5 ECE 442 Power Electronics5 “Idealized Version”

6 ECE 442 Power Electronics6

7 7 Half-Bridge Series Resonant Inverter

8 ECE 442 Power Electronics8 Turn Q 1 ON, Resonant Pulse of current appears.

9 ECE 442 Power Electronics9 Turn Q 2 ON, Resonant Pulse of current appears in the opposite direction, and goes to zero.

10 ECE 442 Power Electronics10 Waveform Summary

11 ECE 442 Power Electronics11 Overlapping and Non-Overlapping modes Non-Overlapping Mode –Firing of the switching device is delayed until the last current oscillation through the diode is completed

12 ECE 442 Power Electronics12 Overlapping and Non-Overlapping modes Overlapping Mode –Firing of the switching device occurs before the last current oscillation through the diode is completed. –This increases the output frequency and the output power

13 ECE 442 Power Electronics13 MultiSim Simulation

14 ECE 442 Power Electronics14 Non-Overlapping Mode

15 ECE 442 Power Electronics15 Overlapping Mode

16 ECE 442 Power Electronics16 Full-Bridge Series Resonant Inverter

17 ECE 442 Power Electronics17 Frequency Response of Series-Resonant Inverters

18 ECE 442 Power Electronics18 Series-Loaded Inverter Load Resistor in series with L and C

19 ECE 442 Power Electronics19

20 ECE 442 Power Electronics20

21 ECE 442 Power Electronics21 Frequency Response

22 ECE 442 Power Electronics22 Parallel-Loaded Case

23 ECE 442 Power Electronics23

24 ECE 442 Power Electronics24

25 ECE 442 Power Electronics25 Frequency Response

26 ECE 442 Power Electronics26 Series-Parallel Loaded Case

27 ECE 442 Power Electronics27 Frequency Response

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