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ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk1 Forward Multiplicity Detector (status and progress) Si-FMD (Forward Multiplicity Detector) oSi-strip Ring counters (5) with >50.000 channels o-5.1< < -1.7; 1.7< < 3.4 oOff-line charged particle multiplicity for A+A, p+p oFluctuations event-by-event, flow analysis oGeometry and integration defined.Prototyping of mech. Supports. oFinal Si-sensor design ongoing. oRead out chain (FEE-BEE-DAQ) defined.Prototyping ongoing. oPerformance/simulations oTDR in preparation.
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk2 Si-FMD 5 Si-strip rings segmented into 50.000 channels Rapidity coverage from ITS (1.7) to 5.1. Segmentation sufficient for ‘Poisson’ analysis Main Off-line charged particle multiplicity studies Average multiplicity (entropy, stopping) Fluctuations (phase transitions) Flow (thermalisation, hydrodynamics) Si3 Si2 Si1
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk3 Mechanical Installation
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk4 CERN Maquette 1:1 Si1 (inner)Si1(outer) V0-R T0-R Absorber ITS-pixels
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk5 Si1 mechanics model 1:1 Si detectors Support plate Digitizer card Beam pipe support ring Outer ring not shown Engineering study in progress to minimize material, maximize rigidity
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk6 FMD Cabling on muon side
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk7 Heat dissipation oHeat dissipated by FE electronics of one Si detector ring: VA1’’ preamp chip (128 channels): 235 mW 80 chips = 19 W / ring Read-out electronics and power distribution: 5 W/ring Cooling: air flow between Si detector and support plate radiation from VA chips to support. active (water) cooling of support plate is considered Detailed cooling studies (simulations of heat profile) need to be done. Presently, the temperature at the FMD, T0, V0 location is >70 deg. due to ITS heat dissipation. Effective general cooling of this region required !
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk8 Left Side: Si2 & Si3 Details of mounting to be finalized
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk9 Si rings manufactured of 6” wafers 512 Inner: Rin=4.2 cm Rout=17.2 cm Outer: Rin=15.4 cm Rout=28.4 cm 10x2x512=10240 20x2x256=10240 256 Possible suppliers: Micron, UK Hamamatsu, JP
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk10 Coverage in pseudorapidity Constraints: Vacuum tube outer envelope: 42 mm, Outer radius, ITS, Absorber, cables Background from secondaries(small angles) Design criteria: Largest possible coverage Largest symmetry left and right Overlap between systems Si1: Out: 1.70< <2.29 In: 2.01< <3.40 Si2: Out: -2.29< <-1.7 In: -3.68< <-2.28 Si3: In: -5.09< <-3.68 Vertex shift (10cm): |d | 0.1
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk11 Plots of Sensor cuts
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk12 Plots of new acceptance
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk13 Hybrid with Viking PA chips VA preamp+shaper: 128 ch Connector(s) for power, control, read-out Other components Hybrid cards contain: FE–Preampl. chips Bias voltages distribution Gate/strobe distribution Read-out clock distribution Detector bias connection Si detector
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk14 Si-FMD electronics overview SI-FMD channel count Note: We have increased the number of strips, but use more integrated FE chips – red values are changed. Segments (wafers) Phi sectors Radial strips FE channels VA chips (128 ch/chip) ALTRO chips FMD Digitizers FMD RCU Si1 inner102051210,24080621 Si1 outer204025610,2408062 Si2 inner102051210,2408062 Si2 outer204025610,24080621 Si3102051210,2408062 Total system 7014051,20040030102
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk15 FMD RO strategy FMD Segment ON DETECTOR Digital serial links (15-20 m) Digital serial links (15-20 m) Trigger & Slow Ctrl IN CAVERN IN COUNTING ROOM Slow control & Trigger Slow control & Trigger Detector Data Link (50-60 m) Detector Data Link (50-60 m) FMD RCU VA 1 ring: 10/20 segments 2 Digitizers 1 RCU per side 1 DDL per side Full FMD: 70 segments 10 Digitizers 2 RCU’s 2 DDL’s FMD Read-Out and Control Electronics Analog serial link (10 MHz) 0.5 m Analog serial link (10 MHz) 0.5 m VA read-out control VA read-out control Local Controller DDL - INT Slow-Control Interface TTC-RX BOARD CTRL Data receiver FMD Digitizer ALTRO CTRL Read-out CTRL CTRL BSN, 21 Nov 2002
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk16 FMD FEE test setup BSN, 21 Nov 2002 FMD FEE test CTRL Power Biases Power Biases Clock 10 MHz Clock 10 MHz Trig in ALTRO tester ALTRO CTRL Ext clock Ext trigger Si detector VA Labview DAQ NBI test board: - generates trigger + pulse on Si det - level adaption of VA-to-ALTRO - VA read-out clock + controls - ALTRO digitization clock (sync.)
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk17 Si-FEE-Digitizer prototyping ALTRO tester Si-strip detector + VA’’ preamp VA’’ read-out controller DAQ/ Labview
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk18 First prototype test results Output from VA chip: (128 channels multiplexed into serial read-out) Note: 3 bad Si/VA channels Output from ALTRO: (128 time bins are digitized) Note: general shape + 3 bad channels repeated Noise still too high Timing still not stable Trigger Preamp out Altro Out
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk19 Slow Controls Follow main strategy DCS Detector CAEN ? PVSS II Preamps CAEN ? Ethernet Database(s) OPC client DIM client 14070 11 High Voltage Preamps User interface PVSS II HVLV FMD Control room (ACR) [FSM?] Crate Control PCI-CAN? CAEN OPCserver PVSS II OPS client PCI-CAN? CAEN OPCserver PVSS II OPC client DIMserver Digitizers FMD Digitizers PCI-CAN? ? PVSS II OPC client C 2 28/02/03 EE FMD-RCU (PCI? VME?) 20 LV P 2 DDL PCI-Profibus Ethernet is considered as alternative P? 10 300? 10 LVL 0 trig TTC Counting room Cavern In magnet
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk20 Charged particle occupancy including secondaries 20 sectors 512 strips each 10240 channels 20 sectors 512 strips each 10240 channels 40 sectors 256 strips each 10240 channels Have increased number of strips by factor of 2 using ’128 ch VA-prime’ PA chip at practically same cost => average occupancy <1 for most strips! x 2 1 1 1
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk21 Multiplicity resolution
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk22 Primaries/(Prim+Second) Si3 Si2in Si2-outSi1-in Si1-out
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk23 Reconstructed multiplicity. Average and width Background Subtracted All hits reconstructed 1.7 3.4
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk24 Simulations of background from ITS services, cables etc.. Under investigation. Will contribute with additional. Background.
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk25 Reconstruction of ’true’ multiplicity 10 HIJING events 1 HIJING event Primaries+secondaries Primaries Input dist and reconstructed HijingGeant= R * Hijing R = R( ) response matrix
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk26 Iterative convolution of trial spectrum Observed = R * TrueSpec Obtain TrueSpec by iterative guessing
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk27 Si-FMD timetable (1) AFRONT END (FE) READ OUT ELECTRONICSCompleted 1Demonstrate functionality of conceptual layout of FEE (Viking PA chip, control system, interface to ALTRO test board) August 2003 2Final choice of VA pre-ampl. chip. RO test 3Test FEE system coupled to sample Si detector. Source and electron beam tests. 4Design, construction and test of prototype FMD digitizer card (FMDD), RO test with ’mini’ FMD-RCU 5Full Si detector element + electronics chain RO with realistic RCU and DDL link to DAQ. June 1, 2004 BMECHANICS AND INTEGRATIONCompleted 1Full scale model manufactured (Si1)February 1, 2003 2Cabling and Cooling issues resolvedJune 1, 2003 3Full integration sequence decidedJune 1, 2003
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk28 Si-FMD timetable (2) C.SILICON DETECTORCompleted by 1Complete market surveyMay, 2003 2Define final specsSeptember 2003 3Place order for prototype with industryNovember 2003 4Delivery Si-wafer prototypeFebruary 2004 5Start production of Si-hybrid FEE cardDecember 2003 6Delivery prototype hybridMarch 2004 7Si prototype test with FEE and BEE test RO setupApril 2004 8Place final order for Si with industryAugust 2004 Pre-assembly test July-Nov 2004 Construction, assembly, test at RHIC 2005 Installation June-Sept 2006
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk29 Si-FMD, TO,VO TDR time table. oFair amount of written material exists already (T0 100 pgs, Si-FMD 50 pgs, V0 20 pgs) oApril 15. Collect first detector chapters. oJune ’03. Editorial meeting. 1rst draft. oSummer ’03 Si-FMD electronics chain test. oJune ’03 T0 test beam oAugust ’03 V0 test beam oTDR writing: fall 2003
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk30 Techical Design Report Alice collab list. (5pgs) Summary of contents (2pgs) Table of contents. List of tables and figs.(4pgs) Color pictures of selected det. elements etc. (6pgs) 1. Physics objectives and design considerations T0, V0, Si-FMD trigger, timing, on-line mult, off-line mult, fluct, bgd rejection, overall performance, coverage etc...(10 pgs) 2. Design objectives, mechanical structure, Integration T0, V0, Si-FMD mounting, tolerances, clearances, inst. seq., cooling, cabling... (10pgs) 3. T0 (40 pgs) 4. V0 (40 pgs) 5. Si-FMD (40 pgs) 6. Installation, slow control, DAQ, safety. (10 pgs) 7. Organization(5 pgs) Group org., construction, installation, cost 8. References. (4pgs) 9. Index(2 pgs) (approx. 180 pgs)
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk31 Summary oFWD detectors will supply basic day 1 physics (LVL0 trigger, global reaction information) oFull RO chain defined oConcrete prototyping and industrial bids ongoing oProject on track oTDR in 2003 oMain open issues: materials budget (bgd), cooling, alignment, analysis chain Si-FMD
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk32 Si-materials budget oMaterial type and thickness of one Si detector ring: LayerMaterialThickness Interaction length Radiation length Silicon detector Si0.3 mm0.6 · 10 -3 0.3 · 10 -2 Hybrid Al 2 O 3 0.5 mm2.0 · 10 -3 1.0 · 10 -2 FE electronics air + chips 10 mm (mostly air) Support Carbon fibre or aluminium honeycomb 2 0.5 mm C or Al + 10 mm air C: 2.6 · 10 -3 Al: 2.5 · 10 -3 C: 0.5 · 10 -2 Al: 1.1 · 10 -2 Total thickness of one Si ring: C: 5.2 · 10 -3 I 1.8 · 10 -2 X 0 Al: 5.1 · 10 -3 I 2.4 · 10 -2 X 0
ALICE Si-FMD 10/09 2003Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI, gardhoje@nbi.dk33 Front end electronics REQUIREMENTS: Adapted for 5-25pF capacitance (300 m Si, 0.5 cm2: 25pF, 1MIP: 22.400 e-) Dynamic range: 0-20 MIPS Radiation hardness: >200kRad Peaking time: 1-2 s Low noise (good S/N) High integration Sample/hold and serial read- out, 10 MHz clock Moderate power consumption Simple slow controls and power reg. Affordable cost VA1 prime 2 (Viking-IDEAS): Input capacitance: < 30 pF 0-20 MIPs >1MRad (0.35 m tech.) 1-3 s 475 e- at 25 pF => S/N 20:1 128 10 Mhz clock 1.3 mW/ch Test system available OK
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