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Alkyl Halides & Radical Rx’s

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Presentation on theme: "Alkyl Halides & Radical Rx’s"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alkyl Halides & Radical Rx’s
chapter 8 Alkyl Halides & Radical Rx’s Structure Nomenclature Physical Properties Halogenation of Alkanes Mechanism of Halogenation Allylic Halogenation Examples Radical addition Note the Chapter Summary and Key Rx’s ss18 12

2 free radical substitution mechanism
Chapter 8 synthesis free radical substitution mechanism Chapter 7 synthesis allylic benzylic Hammond radical addition

3 free radical substitution
Chapter 8 synthesis classification nomenclature mechanism and details Hammond postulate free radical substitution

4 8.1 Structure of ‘R-X’ haloalkane R-X H3C-Cl haloalkene sp3 haloarene
(a vinyl halide) sp3 (alkyl halide) haloarene sp2 (aryl halide)

5 Haloalkane (alkyl halide) sp3
8.1 Structure of ‘R-X’ Haloalkane (alkyl halide) sp3 R-X H3C-Cl methyl chloride X R C " ' 3o halide R C H X ' 2o halide R C H X 1o halide

6 8.2 Nomenclature #-haloalkane #-halocycloalkane
IUPAC - halides (X) are substituents Substituent names: halo fluoro, chloro, bromo, iodo #-haloalkane #-halocycloalkane (R)-4-bromo-1-chloro-4-fluoro-1-cyclopentene structure ?

7 Common Names: (alkyl halide) or (special names)
(isopropyl bromide) vs 2-bromopropane H 3 C B r (chloroform) vs trichloromethane H-CCl3

8 8.3 Physical Properties “polar covalent bond” - dipole
- mismatch of electronegativity -size H 3 C  ) H C B r H 3 C

9 8.4 Halogenation of Alkanes
substitution of X for H hv = ultraviolet light,  = heat X2 = Cl2, Br2 seldom F2 (too reactive - exothermic) or I2 (endothermic, unreactive)

10 Substitution, products and by-products
+ other R-X’s hv Cl2 hv Cl2

11 A few rx’s are useful, e.g.:
Generally halogenation not useful - mixtures (separate) A few rx’s are useful, e.g.: + Br2 Br + HBr + other Br's Others - allylic & benzylic

12 Substitution, products and by-products
monobromination + HBr + diBr + etc + HBr + diBr +... (92) (8) + HBr + diBr +... bromination favors 3o > 2o > 1o

13 initiation propagation and/or terminations

14 Regioselective for 3o > 2o > 1o C-H
(92) (8) (57) (43)

15 radical stability like carbocations - R. is electron deficient (not charged)

16 Order of stability of R(+) / R.
same order

17 free radical substitution mechanism
Chapter 8 synthesis free radical substitution mechanism Chapter 7 synthesis Hammond allylic benzylic radical addition

18 Selectivity 3o > 2o > 1o, but Cl and Br are different
major mono-X product Br Cl 3o o o Cl. more reactive less selective than Br.

19 Hammond’s Postulate Cl vs Br
Hammond’s Postulate: the structure of the transition state: for an exothermic reaction looks more like the reactants of that step - for an endothermic reaction looks more like the products of that step

20 Hammond’s Postulate In halogenation of an alkane, the rate-limiting step is hydrogen abstraction this step is endothermic for bromination and exothermic for chlorination. (kcalmol)

21 Hammond’s Postulate For chlorination (hydrogen abstraction is exothermic): transition state resembles the alkane and chlorine atom little radical character on carbon in t.s. regioselectivity only slightly influenced by radical stability

22 Hammond site of collision important PE stability of R. important
early t.s. - like SM site of collision important PE SM prog rx Prod SM prog rx Prod PE late t.s. stability of R. important

23 (free radical substitution)
Halogenation (free radical substitution)

24 Allyl Radical - resonance

25 initially H-Br with progress rx

26 NBS for Br2

27 Free Radical Stability

28 Free Radical Stability
allylic benzylic






34 Radical ADDITION - note rx conditions!!!
Add H-X in the presence of peroxides reverses normal addition “anti-Markovnikov” Markovnikov “normal”

35 Radical ADDITION - note rx conditions!!!
Add H-X in the presence of peroxides reverses normal addition “anti-Markovnikov” X = Cl, Br, I end

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