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Sermon on the Mount (chapters 5-7)

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Presentation on theme: "Sermon on the Mount (chapters 5-7)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sermon on the Mount (chapters 5-7)
Gospel of Matthew Sermon on the Mount (chapters 5-7)

2 Sermon on Mount Core of Jesus’ preaching
Shows strong critique of competing versions of Judaism But also shows a vision of a transformed Judaism (5:17) Centers on vision of God’s Kingdom, which challenges human notions of authority and community

3 Historical context Jesus born ca. 4 BCE, crucified ca. 30 CE
Gospel written ca CE 4 “canonical” gospels 12 or so extant non-canonical gospels What made some canonical? Written for Jewish-Christian audience Earliest followers of Jesus were Jews Reflects intra-Jewish debate at time of destruction of Temple; which way to go?

4 Jesus as the New Moses Birth narrative: had to be hidden from King in Egypt Law givers Receive revelation on mountain Sinai vs. Sermon on the Mount Jesus does not abandon law but fulfills it Reinterprets law against Pharisees

5 The Beatitudes What is the purpose of the speech? What is blessed?
How does this compare to “worldly” perceptions? What is the “kingdom of heaven”?

6 Kingdom of God (KOG) Main theme of Jesus’ ministry in all 4 gospels
Subject of preaching KOG is immanent, “in your midst” KOG is breaking into society, but is not yet fully realized KOG is a radical challenge to how people live: under Roman occupation, divided into groups and classes KOG is salvation, conforming the world to God’s will (6:10) Demonstrated in actions Open table fellowship: eating with “sinful” persons, people of higher and lower classes Healing and exorcisms: freedom from oppression Challenge to Roman empire, who punished him with the death sentence

7 The Antitheses Prelude: Matthew 5:17 Matt 5:21-48
How does Jesus interpret the Mosaic law here? 5 antitheses symbolic of 5 books of Torah?

8 Chapters 6-7 How does Jesus treat prayer and ritual?
What are the ethical guidelines of Jesus? How does this relate to the kingdom of heaven? Note 7:12: sums up law and prophets (Jewish teaching)

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