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Building Memory… Notes from class on 4/4/07. The Game First understand what we are trying to build. Then, create a list of requirements/functionality.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Memory… Notes from class on 4/4/07. The Game First understand what we are trying to build. Then, create a list of requirements/functionality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Memory… Notes from class on 4/4/07

2 The Game First understand what we are trying to build. Then, create a list of requirements/functionality for our game

3 A Section Functionality Even number of cards appears Front & back images on cards Cards have to turn Recognize a match (2 like images) Match found? Keep face up Timer for game

4 A Section Functionality No match? Turn face down again Keep track of how many turns a player’s had Keep track of which player goes next Keep track of how many matches each player has made

5 A Section Functionality Determine a winner Shuffle cards on board All cards face up, end game How does user select cards? (Mouse, keyboard)

6 What do we do first? THINK!!!!!

7 What do we do first? Perhaps the more appropriate answer is design –Sketch a design for the user interface –Decide on what objects are needed for the game –Create a small UML for the relationships between those objects

8 What do we do first? More design issues –What happens when the user starts the game –How does the user interact with the game

9 What do we do first? All of these issues should be considered and will give us a place to begin creating our classes and building our relationships. While working on the project, we will often need to come back and re- design or further design different aspects of the game.

10 Separation We will note a separation of graphical concerns and what we will call our game engine. Getting the program to “look” a certain way will take time Getting the program to execute correctly will take some more of our time.

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