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Paleobiogeography Biogeography (ENVR333) Fall 2007 5 October 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Paleobiogeography Biogeography (ENVR333) Fall 2007 5 October 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paleobiogeography Biogeography (ENVR333) Fall 2007 5 October 2006

2 PaleoBiogeography Time Scale Theory of Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics The Breakup of Pangea Biogeographic Implications of a Dynamic Geography

3 Geologic Time Scale (Fig 7.1 MacDonald 2003)

4 Theory of Continental Drift Alfred Wegener (1880-1930) 1915 The Origin of Continents and Oceans Pangea = supercontinent

5 Evidence for Continental Drift Matching shapes Similar rock types and structures Continuity of plant and animal fossils Glacial deposits

6 Plate Tectonics Fig 7.5 MacDonald 2003)

7 Plate Tectonics

8 Pangea 200 million km 2 or 40% of earth’s surface connectivity

9 Break up of Pangea Laurasia Gondwanaland Tethyan Seaway

10 Break up of Pangea

11 Cenozoic Changes India rafts into Asia (45 mya) Africa and Europe rejoin (17 mya) Stepping Stone Islands created (15 mya) Central American Landbridge (6mya) Epicontinental seas disappear



14 Biogeographic Implications Speciation

15 Biogeographic Implications Corridors and Barriers Great American Interchange

16 Biogeographic Implications Corridors and Barriers 12,000 ybp today Beringia

17 Biogeographic Implications Marine-Climate effects

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