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Rich Internet Publications in Computer Science Antonis Voutsinos Kyriakos Nikolaou.

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Presentation on theme: "Rich Internet Publications in Computer Science Antonis Voutsinos Kyriakos Nikolaou."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rich Internet Publications in Computer Science Antonis Voutsinos Kyriakos Nikolaou

2 Agenda Problem Statement Research Question Research Methods Current State of Research Screenshots of Prototype Planning / Deliverables Rich Internet Publications in the Computer Science

3 Problem statement Limited acceptance of EPs/RIPs in computer science academic society. Undefined and non-standardized structure In a Web 2.0 world: Reader interaction with a publication is limited Peer reviewing is not facilitated Rich Internet Publications in the Computer Science

4 Research Question Rich Internet Publications in the Computer Science What is an appropriate classification for structure of Enhanced Publications/Rich Internet Publications in the Computer Science discipline and how Web 2.0 can enable interactivity?

5 Research Method Literature Review: - Computer Science Publications - Enhanced Publications (CS & more) - Publications concerning Web 2.0 Assess and combine best practices of the existing enhanced publications and attempt to adapt them in the needs of Computer Science field. Experimental Design: - Propose a structure for RIPs in Computer Science - Design a RIP Prototype for a scientific publication in Computer Science. Rich Internet Publications in the Computer Science

6 Key Literature Woutersen-Windhouwer S., Brandsma R., Hogenaar A., Hoogerwerf M.,Doorenbosch P., Dürr E., Ludwig J., Schmidt B., Sierman B. (2009) Enhanced publications:linking publications and research data in digital repositories (Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Kircz, J. G. (1998). Modularity: The next form of scientific information presentation? Journal of Documentation, 54 (2), 210- 235 Kircz, J. G. (2002). New practices for electronic publishing 2: New forms of the scientific paper. Learned Publishing, 15 (1), 27-32. Rich Internet Publications in the Computer Science



9 Current State of Research

10 Prototype (Screenshot 1/2) Rich Internet Publications in the Computer Science

11 Prototype (Screenshot 2/2) Rich Internet Publications in the Computer Science

12 Planning/Deliverables Continue research on enhanced publications in computer science field Finalize the “Computer Science Enhanced Publications Models” matrix. Continue with developing the EP/RIP prototype for computer science discipline based on the above requirements matrix. Rich Internet Publications in the Computer Science

13 Questions?

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