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Heroes and Heroines Who do we honor in Catholic schools?

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Presentation on theme: "Heroes and Heroines Who do we honor in Catholic schools?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Heroes and Heroines Who do we honor in Catholic schools?

2 What is a hero/heroine? Exemplifies a group’s core values Women or men who others can relate to or identify with Embody all that is good about a culture Demonstrates outstanding living

3 A Caveat... The values and culture of contemporary American society do not always line up with Catholic school values

4 What is a Catholic hero/heroine? Exemplifies Christian values Ordinary women and men who live extraordinary lives Embody the great Catholic mysteries Demonstrates how to be a faithful disciple of Christ

5 Who do we honor in Catholic schools?

6 Traditional Catholic Figures Mary Jesus The Saints

7 School Patrons and Namesakes St. Francis High School John Paul II High School

8 School Figures Alumni: “Living Saints”

9 School Figures Teachers: “Heroes in our midst”

10 School Figures Students:“Role Models”

11 How do we honor our heroes? Naming schools Celebrations Awards and Honors

12 Case Study St. Brigid Regional School 75th Anniversary Looking to honor the school’s heroes Saint Brigid Living and Deceased Figures from the school’s history

13 How do they do this?

14 Solutions 75th Anniversary Mass on the Feast of St. Brigid Homily geared toward the saint and her charism of evangelization Invite the people, faculty, staff, and students, who have had a major impact on the school community Invite all Alumni Put together a table display with powerpoint presentation including pictures, newsletters, and old yearbooks for the reception

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