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Presenters: Jennifer Koch Yolanda Sandate Marilee Taylor.

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2 Presenters: Jennifer Koch Yolanda Sandate Marilee Taylor

3 ●Interpersonal Communication and Teacher Attitude. ●Instructional Planning. ●Physical Arrangements and Strategies.

4 Co-Teaching What is it?

5 Who Should Co-Teach?

6 Stages of the Co-Teaching Process

7 Beginning

8 Compromising

9 Collaborating

10 Remember! Co-Teaching is a process, remembering to keep a positive attitude, may prevent a situation such as this:

11 Who has time for planning? BASE Developed by teachers at a small urban K-12 school of about 600 students. In response to too little planning time and the need for inclusive lessons.

12 B A S E Acronym for: B Big Ideas A Analyze Differences S Support & Strategies E Evaluations

13 B A S E »Used to develop Gen Ed Units »Process takes 60-90 minutes per unit »Members spend 45-60 minutes on delegated tasks »Does not include grading

14 Why B A S E ? Intended to develop inclusive units Support for kids is greater Saves planning time Not intended to replace consultative services

15 B

16 The Team or Pair Defines the “Big Idea” Takes the Largest amount Of time

17 Using a Planning Pyramid helpful Pyramid helps Focus what Every student Should learn What Some Students Will Learn What Most Student Will Learn What All Students Will Learn

18 A

19 Pinpoint areas that may be difficult for students Analyze skills for abstractness and complexity Look at specific learning differences Apply technology use to aid learning.

20 The key here is to look for overlap between ideas and areas of difficulty to focus strategies and supports

21 S

22 The Team Will Address  The needs of specific students  Determine strategies to help learn skills  Appropriate to identify different methods of assessing students  List of strategies that apply to many students

23 Strategies and Supports This part may only take 10 – 15 minutes of planning time but is critical to the success of reaching all students and their different ability levels.

24 E

25 Evaluation Time to assess student learning Assess planning and teaching Check to see if BIG IDEAS were identified accurately If areas of difficulty accurately predicted

26 B A S E  Helps create reflective practices  Moral boost among participants  Increased learning for students  Not necessarily time saving first time out BUT DON’T GIVE UP!  After initial planning, strategies, assessments and defining critical parts it is much easier to plan next time

27 Tips for B A S E  Meet at regular time at least one week before unit begins.  Come with big ideas and areas of differences  Can help if you ask will they need this for college? Will they need this for - - -

28  Talk about what type of strategy is best  Divide work fairly  Never skip evaluation step  Assign record keeper each time



31 Model A. One teacher instructs the whole class while the other teacher circulates to observe student performance, or offer help to students. This models takes advantage of the expertise of one teacher in a specific subject area.


33 Model B  To reduce student teacher ratio  Both teachers teach the same material to equal groups  Good for difficult material, review or to practice material previously taught


35 Model C  To cover difficult not sequential material.  Each teacher teaches different content to equal groups.  The groups switch and repeat the process.


37 Model D  One teacher works with small group or individual to provide:  Individual Instruction  Promote mastery  Offer enrichment  One teacher works with larger group


39 Model E  Important to blend talents and expertise of both teachers  Both teachers teach lesson at the same time


41 oBecome aware of each others abilities, beliefs, routines, teaching and classroom management. oLearn the jargon of each field. oIEP’s, MIMR, Self-Contained oTARS, 7-UP Sentences, CLIP, oConsider different views and cross cultural perspectives.

42 oWork toward each having equal status. oShare the work load, and vary the responsibilities oDo Not relegate one to the role of assistant oThink in terms of “WE” and “OURS” instead of “ME” and “MINE”.

43 oUnderstand and coordinate each others responsibilities, staying away from “I thought you did that.” oBe committed to common goals. oRemember one common goal is for our students to become successful learners.


45  Provide the student with at least one daily task they can be successful at.  Be consistent, the key to behavior.  Give 5 and 1 minute reminders to the whole class before any transition.  Make sure you have students’ attention before giving directions.  Give directions in a mode other than only auditory.

46  Provide immediate feedback and encouragement.  Allow students to respond in various modalities, orally, through illustrations, or using word processors or computers.  Present material in various modalities such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.  When teaching abstract concepts use drawings, diagrams, and visual demonstrations to help the student establish the relationship.

47  Use real life situations will help the student understand the reason for the concept.  Create a daily checklist with assignments and reminders.  Allow time for student to take a few moments to move, stretch, and just take a deep cleansing breath.  push palms together  rub temples  do chair push ups

48 Acknowledge and celebrate success. “Enjoy, share, attribute, and reflect on your accomplishments as a team” (Stump & Wilson, 1996).

49 Teaching... The journey of a lifetime

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