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Understanding the Blackfin ADSP-BF5XX Assembly Code Format
The “WHYs” in Designing the Assembly Language Function ushort FixedTimeASM (ushort) 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Tackled today Writing a simple stub for the function UseFixedTime( ) (time wasting) in assembly code as needed for Lab. 1. What does writing this assembly code stub tell us about the Blackfin microcontroller? 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Stub for ushort FixedTimeASM (ushort)
#include <defBF533.h> #include <macros.h> .section program; .global _FixedTimeASM; .align 2; #define FixedTimeASMSTACK 16 _FixedTimeASM: // unsigned short int FixedTime (unsigned short int timeToUse) { LINK FixedTimeSTACK; // Code goes here and replaces next line R0 = 0; // return 0; P0 = [FP + 4 ]; UNLINK; JUMP (P0); // } _FixedTimeASM.end: 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Stub for ushort FixedTimeASM (ushort)
#include <defBF533.h> #include <macros.h> .section program; .global _FixedTimeASM; .align 2; #define FixedTimeASMSTACK 16 _FixedTimeASM: // unsigned short int FixedTime (unsigned short int timeToUse) { LINK FixedTimeSTACK; // Code goes here and replaces next line R0 = 0; // return 0; P0 = [FP + 4 ]; UNLINK; JUMP (P0); // } _FixedTimeASM.end: NOTES ON LABELS 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
General Blackfin assembly language format
LABEL: INSTRUCTION; // COMMENT EXAMPLES Set 32 bit data register R0 to 16 R0 = 16; // 32 bit operation Set 16 bit data register (lower part of register R7) to 24 R7.L = 24; // 16 bit operation Set up 16 byte stack at the start of routine Foo( ) _Foo: LINK 16; // Stack set up // Note RETS and FP registers are also saved to stack // Total change in stack size = bytes Similar to operation of LINK and UNLINK instructions on many processors 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Architectural information gathered Data Registers 8 32-bit registers labelled R0 to R7 Can be used as bit registers labelled R0.L to R7.H 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Memory Organization of the Blackfin
The (Blackfin) processor supports a hierarchical memory model with different performance and size parameters, depending on the memory location within the hierarchy. Level 1 (L1) memories are located on the chip and are faster than the Level 2 (L2) memory systems. The Level 2 (L2) memories are off-chip and have longer access latencies. The faster L1 memories, which are typically small scratchpad memory or cache memories, are found within the (processor) core itself. Therefore when running our code, we want to cause the LINKER to place our program into the fastest memory (if possible). We want this to happen automatically The fastest memory is 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Memory Map Certain things must go in certain memory locations for the processor to work best
4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Fine detail of program placement is important
The processor core reads the instruction memory through the 64-bit wide instruction fetch bus. Compare this to 16-bit wide on 68K and 32-bit wide on MIPS All addresses from this bus are 64-bit aligned. You can place an instruction at location 0xFFA0C000 but NOT at memory location 0xFFA0C Each instruction fetch can return any combination of 16-, 32- or 64-bit instructions (for example, four 16-bit instructions, two 16-bit instructions and one 32-bit instruction, or one 64-bit instruction). Instructions have a minimum size of 16-bit (2 bytes). Exactly the same as 68K CISC. Minimum / Maximum size on MIPS – 32 bits 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Program Efficiency and Placement of Function in Memory
#include <defBF533.h> #include <macros.h> .section program; .global _FixedTimeASM; .align 2; #define FixedTimeASMSTACK 16 _FixedTimeASM: // unsigned short int FixedTime (unsigned short int timeToUse) { LINK FixedTimeSTACK; // Code goes here and replaces next line R0 = 0; // return 0; P0 = [FP + 4 ]; UNLINK; JUMP (P0); // } _FixedTimeASM.end: Notes on .section program .align 2 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Then why? The processor core reads the instruction memory through the 64-bit wide instruction fetch bus. All addresses from this bus are 64-bit aligned. This should mean .align 8 not .align 2 Obviously something else is happening inside the processor, or by the linker, that makes .align 2 sufficient. Detail not needed in Lab. 1 Reminder ASSEMBLER takes “your words” (.asm file) and converts them into an object file (.doj file) LINKER takes several object files (.doj), plus start-up files plus the processor memory map (.ldf file) and converts them into an executable file (.dxe file) 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Writing in Assembly Code
RULE #1 -- Don’t write in assembly code It takes as much effort to design, code, test, debug and maintain one line in “C” or “C++” as it does in assembly code. If possible -- only write in assembly code When “talking” to the hardware (setting device registers) When the “C++” code does not work fast enough for your application 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
C++ and assembly code Reminder
COMPILER takes “your words” (.cpp or .c file) and converts then into an assembly code file (.asm file) ASSEMBLER takes “your words” (.asm file) and converts them into an object file (.doj file) LINKER takes several object files (.doj), plus start-up files plus the processor memory map (.ldf file) and converts them into an executable file (.dxe file) The processor takes the “machine code” instructions (bit patterns) and performs operations (data transfers, data manipulation) based on those instructions 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Requirements Assembly code functions must be “callable” from higher level “C++” functions Assembly code functions must be able to return to the correct functions in the “C++” programs Assembly code functions must be able to pass back calculate parameters to “C++” functions, just as “C++” functions pass back parameters (return values) to each other. Assembly code functions must be able to use parameters past to them by “C++” functions KEY ISSUE – THE RUNNING OF ASSEMBLY CODE FUNCTIONS MUST NOT AFFECT THE RUNNING OF OTHER ASSEMBLY CODE FUNCTIONS OR C++ (or C) FUNCTIONS 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Linkage to other functions, including C++ and C
#include <defBF533.h> #include <macros.h> .section program; .global _FixedTimeASM; .align 2; #define FixedTimeASMSTACK 16 _FixedTimeASM: // unsigned short int FixedTime (unsigned short int timeToUse) { LINK FixedTimeSTACK; // Code goes here and replaces next line R0 = 0; // return 0; P0 = [FP + 4 ]; UNLINK; JUMP (P0); // } _FixedTimeASM.end: 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Requirements Assembly code functions must be “callable” from higher level “C++” functions .global _FixedTimeASM; _FixedTimeASM: Notes The underscore in the front of the function name _FixedTimeASM indicates that 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Sequence related registers
4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Requirements Assembly code functions must be able to return to the correct function in the “C++” programs #define FixedTimeASMSTACK 16 LINK FixedTimeSTACK; Function code here that possible changes the return address RETS P0 = [FP + 4 ]; UNLINK; JUMP (P0); NOTES MEANS IMPLIES 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Why not the following code?
Instead of LINK FixedTimeSTACK; Function code here that possibly destroys RETS (return address) P0 = [FP + 4 ]; UNLINK; JUMP (P0); Use LINK FixedTimeSTACK; Function code here that possibly destroys RETS (return address) UNLINK; RESTORES RETS RTS 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Requirements KEY ISSUE – THE RUNNING OF ASSEMBLY CODE FUNCTIONS MUST NOT AFFECT THE RUNNING OF OTHER ASSEMBLY CODE FUNCTIONS OR C++ (or C) FUNCTIONS When an assembly code routine is running, then CONVENTION demands that Data registers R3 through R7 are unchanged by the assembly code routine Pointer registers P2 through P5 are unchanged by the assembly code routine Sequence related registers FP (frame pointer) and SP (stack pointer) are unchanged by the assembly code routine UNCHANGED means NOT USED in the function or SAVED (to the stack) and then RECOVERED (from the stack) during function execution. 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
CONSEQUENCES Safety first coding expected
KEY ISSUE – THE RUNNING OF ASSEMBLY CODE FUNCTIONS MUST NOT AFFECT THE RUNNING OF OTHER ASSEMBLY CODE FUNCTIONS OR C++ (or C) FUNCTIONS If an assembly code routine calls a C++ function (or another assembly code ) Data registers R0, R1, R2 MAY be changed by that other routine Pointer registers P0, P1 MAY be changed by that other routine KEY THING TO AVOID IN THE LABORATORY Don’t place anything useful in registers R0, R1, R2 (such as counter values) and then call a function – those values may be destroyed Don’t place anything useful in registers P0, P1 (such as pointers to the start of an array and then call a function 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Requirements Assembly code functions must be able to pass back calculate parameters to “C++” functions, just as “C++” functions pass back parameters (return values) to each other. This is handled “by convention” by placing the RETURN VALUE in data register R0. _FixedTimeASM: // unsigned short int FixedTime (unsigned short int timeToUse) { LINK FixedTimeSTACK; R0 = 6; // return 6; P0 = [FP + 4 ]; UNLINK; JUMP (P0); // } _FixedTimeASM.end: 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Requirements _FixedTimeASM: // unsigned short int FixedTime (unsigned short int timeToUse) { LINK FixedTimeSTACK; R0 = 6; // return 6; P0 = [FP + 4 ]; UNLINK; JUMP (P0); // } _FixedTimeASM.end: NOTE that data register R0 and Pointer register P0 are altered (destroyed) during the function call Note that sequence register FP is saved to the stack, with the SP being altered during LINK instruction Note that sequence registers FP and SP are restored to their original values during the UNLINK instruction 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Requirements -- Convention
Assembly code functions must be able to use parameters past to them by “C++” functions In C++ call ushort UseFixedTime(ushort value); the parameter ushort value is passed in 32-bit register R0 In C++ call ushort Foo1(ushort value, short feePaid); the parameter short feePaid is passed in register R1 For 3 parameters passed use R0, R1 and R2 For 5 parameters passed use R0, R1 and R2 and pass the other parameters on the stack 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Reminder long int – 32-bit values -- come in signed and unsigned versions short int – 16-bit values -- come in signed and unsigned versions ushort is a “C++/C” compatible short hand way of writing unsigned short int When possible I personally prefer NOT to use ushort but write unsigned short int When possible I personally prefer NOT to use int but rather specifically write short int or long int because of my experience with different processors where sometimes int means 16-bits and sometimes int means 32-bits 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Requirement for Lab The function ushort UseFixedTime(ushort useTime) must return the parameter useTime passed to it Does the following code work as a prototype? _FixedTimeASM: // unsigned short int FixedTime (unsigned short int timeToUse) { LINK FixedTimeSTACK; R0 = 6; // return 6; P0 = [FP + 4 ]; UNLINK; JUMP (P0); // } _FixedTimeASM.end: 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Requirement for Lab The function ushort UseFixedTime(ushort useTime) must return the parameter useTime passed to it Describe two examples where this code will not work _FixedTimeASM: // unsigned short int FixedTime (unsigned short int timeToUse) { LINK FixedTimeSTACK; Other code goes here; P0 = [FP + 4 ]; UNLINK; JUMP (P0); // } _FixedTimeASM.end: 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Requirement for Lab The function ushort UseFixedTime(ushort useTime) must return the parameter useTime passed to it Why will this code will work sometimes and not others _FixedTimeASM: // unsigned short int FixedTime (unsigned short int timeToUse) { LINK FixedTimeSTACK; R4 = R0; // Save R0 Other code goes here. This code DOESNOT use / change R4 R0 = R4; // Recover R0 P0 = [FP + 4 ]; UNLINK; JUMP (P0); // } _FixedTimeASM.end: 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Recap Learnt the format for a line placed in an Blackfin assembly code .asm file Learnt about the 8 data registers R0 to R7 and the 6 pointer register P0 to P5 Recognize that better to write in “C++” than in assembly code where possible Seen some simple examples of how to (and how not to) interface “C++” functions with assembly code functions. 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Information taken from Analog Devices On-line Manuals with permission Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for its use or for any infringement of any patent other rights of any third party which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent right of Analog Devices. Copyright Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. 4/17/2017 Why Blackfin assembly code functions have the format they do Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
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