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Diffusion of Innovation Everett M. Rogers, 1995 (4 th edition) Diffusion is the process by which (1) an innovation (2) is communicated through certain.

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Presentation on theme: "Diffusion of Innovation Everett M. Rogers, 1995 (4 th edition) Diffusion is the process by which (1) an innovation (2) is communicated through certain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diffusion of Innovation Everett M. Rogers, 1995 (4 th edition) Diffusion is the process by which (1) an innovation (2) is communicated through certain channels (3) over time (4) among the members of a social systems. The Innovation: an idea, practices, or objects that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption Communication Channels: the means by which messages get from one individual to another Time: innovation-decision process; relative time with which an innovation is adopted by an individual or group; innovation’s rate of adoption Social System: a set of interrelated units that are engaged in joint problem solving to accomplish a common goal

2 Process of Innovation Diffusion Diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system. (Rogers)

3 1. Knowledge2.Persuasion3. Decision 4. Implement- ation 5. Confirm- Ation Perceived Characteristics Of the innovation 1.Relative advantage 2.Compatibility 3.Complexity 4.Trialability 5.Observability 1.Adoption Continued Adoption Later Adoption 2. RejectionDiscontinuance Continued Rejection Prior Condition 1.Previous practice 2.Felt needs 3.Innovativeness 4.Organization Norms Communication Channels 5 Stages in the Innovation–Decision Process

4 Characteristics of Innovation Relative Advantage: perceived benefits Compatibility: Perceived consistency with the existing values, past experiences, and needs Complexity: perceived difficulty in understanding or using the innovation Trialability: ability to experiment on a limited basis, pilot Observability: visible results

5 Adopter Categorization on the Basis of Innovativeness Venturesome Respect DeliberateSkeptical Traditional

6 Adopter Categories Innovators: Venturesome Obsession with new ideas, cosmopolite social relationship Early Adopters: Respect Localites, opinion leaders, role models for potential adopters Early Majority: Deliberate 1/3 of the group, takes longer to adopt new ideas Late Majority: Skeptical 1/3 of the group, economical necessity, peer pressure Laggards: Traditional The last to adopt an innovation; no opinion leadership, past is the reference point, longer decision process

7 Change Agents and Opinion Leaders Roles of Change Agents To develop a need for change To establish an information –exchange relationship To diagnose problems To translate an intent to action To stabilize adoption and prevent discontinuance To achieve a terminal relationship Relationship with Opinion Leaders Informally influence other’s attitudes about innovation; they have followers Leverage OL resources Demonstration

8 Perceived Characteristics of the innovation 1.Relative advantage (+) 2.Compatibility (+) 3.Complexity (-) 4.Trialability (+) 5.Observability (+) Type of Innovation-Decision 1.Optional 2.Collective 3.Authority Communication Channels mass media or interpersonal Nature of the Social Systems Norms, network interconnectedness Extent of Change Agent’s Promotion (+) Rate of Adoption Of Innovations Factors Determining the Rate of Adoption of Innovations

9 Leader Characteristics Attitude toward change (+) Internal Characteristics of Org. Structure 1.Centralization (-) 2.Complexity (+) 3.Formalization (-) 4.Interconnectedness (+) 5.Organizational slack (+) 6.Size (+) External Characteristics of the Org System Openness (+) Organizational Innovativeness Innovation in Organizations

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