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Object Oriented Design OOD. OOD characteristics - I conceptual compatibility with OOA notational consistency with OOA clean traceability of OOA results.

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Presentation on theme: "Object Oriented Design OOD. OOD characteristics - I conceptual compatibility with OOA notational consistency with OOA clean traceability of OOA results."— Presentation transcript:

1 Object Oriented Design OOD

2 OOD characteristics - I conceptual compatibility with OOA notational consistency with OOA clean traceability of OOA results direct inclusion of OOA results => avoids the classical, conceptual “gap” between Analysis and Design

3 OOD regards the OOA model as a problem-oriented “Miniworld” that needs to be supported and organized by a computer-based system.

4 OOD characteristics - II OOD extends and refines OOA results OOD bridges the gap to the available infrastructure OOD is very much about reuse of –objects, –patterns, –and whole architectures

5 Object-Oriented Design Influence Factors & Relations OOD OOA Model Architectures OOD Model Patterns Infrastructure OOA Process

6 The Levels of the OOD Process - High-Level Design extend the OOA Model [Coad/Yourdon] –include “domain components” in the model acknowledge that we develop a computer-based system include human interface, data management, communications and control aspects (task mgmt) –decide on a general system architecture how to organize the above aspects into a well specified structure (and behavior) reuse existing patterns and solutions

7 The Levels of the OOD Process - Detailed Design refine and map the OOA Model to the infrastructure –detailed algorithms and datastructures –implementation of OO structures –implementation of states and transitions –optimization –maximize reuse –exception handling –etc.

8 The OOD “Co-Design” Process Matrix of Domain Components and Levels TMCHICPDCDMC high-level Design detailed Design Miniworld extend refine & map

9 Object Oriented Design means to navigate the domain/level matrix with the purpose to complete all associated tasks in a meaningful sequence.

10 OOD and SW-Architectures A clear general architectural concept and a good matching infrastructure will simplify. Detailed design is a means to work around mismatches between infrastructure and (architectural) high-level design. => specify widely applicable, generic architectures => develop compatible, stable infrastructures

11 OOD Deliverables - I extended Static Objectmodel –Coad & Yourdon: Problem Domain Component (PDC) Human Interaction Component (HIC) Task Management Component (TMC) Data Management Component (DMC) on the level of high-level (and detailed) design

12 OOD Deliverables - II completed & extended Scenarios –extend old scenarios across domains reflect the chosen architecture’s dynamics build links between domain components –add new scenarios to accommodate internal organization e.g. data backup, rollback, load/save on the level of high-level design as diagram on the level of detailed design in the dictionary diagram as necessary

13 Scenarios TMCHICPDCDMC high-level Design detailed Design extend refine & map

14 OOD Deliverables - III Object Dictionary –document & specify the added domain components very much like during analysis: objects, structures,... for high-level design –map and refine existing specifications translate structures, STDs,... map to existing patterns and objects document optimizations for detailed design

15 As in OOA it holds for OOD: Static Model and Scenarios are documented as graphical Views of the more complete Object Dictionary.

16 The OOAD Documentation TMCHICPDCDMC high-level Design detailed Design Miniworld Dictionary Scenarios Static Model Dictionary Scenarios Static Model

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