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Groundwater modeling using GIS technology

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1 Groundwater modeling using GIS technology
Jessie Ackerman

2 Introduction Groundwater is an important freshwater resource
Groundwater is held in aquifers Studying groundwater is difficult because it’s underground Groundwater modeling was developed to understand what’s going on Modeling has developed as new technologies have developed

3 Purpose Understand how GIS is used in groundwater modeling
Analyze current material on topic Decide if GIS is useful in modeling groundwater

4 Basics of groundwater Darcy’s Law Q = - Ksat*A*dh/dx
Understanding of flow Modeling developed first from an understanding of Darcy’s Law

5 Groundwater modeling Field data including hydrological inputs, hydraulic parameters and initial and boundary conditions are gathered Data input into modeling software Models can be 1-D, 2-D, semi 3-D and 3-D

6 1-D model

7 2-D model

8 Semi 3-D model

9 Integrating GIS in models
GIS is a true 3-D model Hydrologists looked to GIS to demonstrate erosion, sediment transport, and chemical transport simulations Needed a program that could handle lots of data Need to connect globally

10 Basics of GIS A computer system designed to process information with a spatial content dimension Composed of a geographical database and a toolkit

11 Modeling with GIS

12 Example using GIS technology
Searching for suitable area to tap aquifer near a landfill or other area of possible contamination Landfill data and aquifer data input into GIS model Program runs all possible situations

13 Work being done now using GIS technology
Recharge and discharge rates of aquifers Used to make important decisions about water management Illinois State Water Survey and University of Illinois

14 Buena Vista Ground Water Basin, Wisconsin

15 Analysis of resources All but one source spoke well of using GIS within groundwater modeling One source just tells hydrologists to be wary in using only GIS software to model groundwater

16 Conclusions Gained an understanding of how GIS is used in groundwater modeling GIS is very useful in creating 3-D models that incorporate lots of data The best way to know if any advanced model is right is to go through it the long way first than to take shortcuts

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