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F Session V Phase transition. Effect of Coulomb in microscopic models M.Ison et al. PRC 2003 Z=62 Z=124 E Lennard Jones molecular dynamics lowering of.

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Presentation on theme: "F Session V Phase transition. Effect of Coulomb in microscopic models M.Ison et al. PRC 2003 Z=62 Z=124 E Lennard Jones molecular dynamics lowering of."— Presentation transcript:

1 F Session V Phase transition

2 Effect of Coulomb in microscopic models M.Ison et al. PRC 2003 Z=62 Z=124 E Lennard Jones molecular dynamics lowering of T trans a small effect are the different models consistent ? Z=62 Coulomb off Coulomb on F.Gulminelli et al. PRC 2003 Z=82 Microcanonical Lattice Gas in the isobar ensemble P

3 P Isospin Effects and Spinodal instabilities The spinodal (thermodynamically unstable uniform systems) is unique and the so-called chemical instability is identical with the mechanical one. (in nuclei) J. Margueron et Ph Ch PRC, 2002 Instability direction: Isoscalar => liquid-gas with fractionation neutrons protons

4 P Isospin Effects and order of the Transition ISOBARS (OR ISOTHERMS) ARE CONTINUOUS BUT THE TRANSITION IS A FIRST ORDER. Since two phases coexist Since it is associated with an instability of the uniform (order parameter) system Since it corresponds to an anomaly in one direction of the first derivative of the thermo potential Phase transition of order m anomaly in the tensor Ehrenfest’s definition l i = intensive variables ( ,P,  n,  p )

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