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Revolutions in Biotechnology, Mass Communications, and Computers.

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1 Revolutions in Biotechnology, Mass Communications, and Computers

2 Ford Memorandum June 23, 1976 National Institutes of Health released guidelines for studying genetic material June 23, 1976 National Institutes of Health released guidelines for studying genetic material Focused on recombinant DNA (the most dangerous research) Focused on recombinant DNA (the most dangerous research) Maintain safety in the research process by prohibiting certain experiments Maintain safety in the research process by prohibiting certain experiments President Ford expects full cooperation of involved department heads and scientists President Ford expects full cooperation of involved department heads and scientists

3 Reagan’s Agenda for the Future Advancing the Technological Era America’s Success America’s Success Cooperation between government, industry, and academia Cooperation between government, industry, and academia Federal Government’s Role Federal Government’s Role Support of basic research Support of basic research Increase in funding for this area Increase in funding for this area Renewal of the tax credit for private sector research and development Renewal of the tax credit for private sector research and development Promote a safe and innovative environment for the biotechnology field Promote a safe and innovative environment for the biotechnology field

4 Bush Letter on Science & Technology Policy Revitalization of the Federal Governments ability to deal with science and technology Revitalization of the Federal Governments ability to deal with science and technology President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology Restructuring the Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology Restructuring the Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology Increase funding for Research and Development Increase funding for Research and Development


6 Bush Letter on Science & Technology Policy Strengthen educational foundations Strengthen educational foundations National education goals National education goals Increase in math, science, engineering, technology Increase in math, science, engineering, technology International leadership in the technology field International leadership in the technology field Maintain and active defense research and development program Maintain and active defense research and development program Clean Air Act Clean Air Act

7 Bush Letter on Science & Technology Policy Areas of concern for science and technology Areas of concern for science and technology Stress in universities Stress in universities Precollege education is not meeting the national goals Precollege education is not meeting the national goals Private sector funding of research and development is stagnating Private sector funding of research and development is stagnating The ever changing relationship between universities, private sector, and Federal Government The ever changing relationship between universities, private sector, and Federal Government

8 National Biomedical Research Day Announced in 1993 Announced in 1993 Observed on October 21 Observed on October 21 Promote safe and effective biomedical research Promote safe and effective biomedical research Honor those who have made milestone discoveries in biomedical research Honor those who have made milestone discoveries in biomedical research Watson and Crick’ discovery of DNA, which set the stage for recombinant DNA Watson and Crick’ discovery of DNA, which set the stage for recombinant DNA Recombinant DNA research has set the stage for 1,300 biotechnology companies Recombinant DNA research has set the stage for 1,300 biotechnology companies

9 Cloning Legislation 1997 Proposed by the Clinton Administration Proposed by the Clinton Administration Implementation of the National Bioethics Advisory Commissions key recommendation Implementation of the National Bioethics Advisory Commissions key recommendation Legislation that would ban the use of new technology to clone human beings Legislation that would ban the use of new technology to clone human beings No federal funds will be used to clone humans No federal funds will be used to clone humans Urges private scientists to adhere to the voluntary ban while the legislation is pending Urges private scientists to adhere to the voluntary ban while the legislation is pending Work with other countries to enforce the prohibition Work with other countries to enforce the prohibition

10 Executive Orders Executive Order 13145 Executive Order 13145 Prohibit discrimination in federal employment based on genetic information Prohibit discrimination in federal employment based on genetic information Including information that is protected or may be requested or purchased Including information that is protected or may be requested or purchased Equal Opportunity Commission is responsible for coordinating the policy Equal Opportunity Commission is responsible for coordinating the policy Executive Order 13237 Creation of the President’s Council of Bioethics Mission is to advise the President of ethical issues that may arise from biomedical science and technology research

11 Communications Revolution “The Future is Now – Be There!” “The Future is Now – Be There!” Speech delivered in 1995 by FCC Chairman Reed Hunt Speech delivered in 1995 by FCC Chairman Reed Hunt Creation of new goods and jobs Creation of new goods and jobs Entrepreneurship and competition as an antidote Entrepreneurship and competition as an antidote Emergence of PC’s and networking Emergence of PC’s and networking

12 Employment Consequences Expansion of the supervisors control within the industry because of personal computers Expansion of the supervisors control within the industry because of personal computers Communications industry needs fewer employees to set up and maintain equipment Communications industry needs fewer employees to set up and maintain equipment Competition forces incumbent companies to reduce over head and therefore downsize Competition forces incumbent companies to reduce over head and therefore downsize Worldwide communication makes employment global Worldwide communication makes employment global

13 Creation of New Goods Innovations in the Communications industry can create new goods Innovations in the Communications industry can create new goods The new goods create more jobs in the service and production industries The new goods create more jobs in the service and production industries An example is the VCR An example is the VCR Repair Repair VCR accessories like tapes VCR accessories like tapes

14 Entrepreneurship and Competition Needed to prevent downsizing Needed to prevent downsizing The creation of new goods is dependent on entrepreneurship The creation of new goods is dependent on entrepreneurship Competition is needed to prevent monopolies Competition is needed to prevent monopolies Example: AT&T became a communications giant and in response two competing companies were formed MCI and Sprint Example: AT&T became a communications giant and in response two competing companies were formed MCI and Sprint Emergence of wireless communication Emergence of wireless communication

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