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The University of Calgary Planning & Resource Allocation Process Workshops November 17, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "The University of Calgary Planning & Resource Allocation Process Workshops November 17, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 The University of Calgary Planning & Resource Allocation Process Workshops November 17, 2004

2 Objectives of Workshop Address the following: Planning and Resource Allocation Process Instructions & Expectations Overview of financial component Questions

3 Planning Process to Date Academic Plan Update Strategy Map development Business Plan 2004-08 Prominence & Promise: An Update Comprehensive Faculty Plans

4 Planning Accountability

5 Academic Plan Priorities & Business Plan Goals


7 Comprehensive Plans


9 Planning & Resource Link

10 Planning & Resource Allocation Timelines Key Decision Point

11 Planning Budgeting Allocation Reporting Stages of Planning… to … Reporting

12 “Financial planning and budgeting should consider all of the resources available to the University” -Planning Principles & Assumptions; Directions from TUBC for the 2003/04 and 2004/05 Budgets; Memo dated Feb 10, 2003 Planning

13 Planning For All Resources Including: Space Technolog y People $ Capital

14 Instructions & Expectations Criteria for 2005-09 Resource Allocation Process Planning and Resource Submission Instructions

15 How & Why were criteria established? How? Primary Criteria  derived from 4-year business plan  broad parameters Secondary Criteria  developed to address need for more specific direction Why? Request for enhanced transparency of resource allocation decisions Provide guidance and framework for planning and decision-making

16 How will the Criteria be Used? Submissions made by Senior Budget Officers (Deans/Directors) P/VP and TUBC decisions Communication of re-allocation and investment decisions

17 Primary Criteria for Resource Allocation Decisions

18 Principle criterion that reflects the principal mandate of the University of Calgary

19 Enabling & Supporting Criteria

20 Secondary Criteria for Resource Allocation Decisions Objectives: Encourage change  Optimize effective use of resources  Maintain or enhance quality Provide incentives  Improved efficiency  Decreased dependency on traditional funding sources

21 Secondary Criteria for Resource Allocation Decisions 1.Use of effective approaches to teaching that maximize available resources E.g. blended or on-line instructional methods to improve student learning, inquiry and allocation of teaching resources 2.Unit’s support for the University Enrolment Plan and the principles on which it is based E.g. achieving approved undergraduate enrolment targets, while improving the quality of the students admitted, and increasing the number and quality of PhD students

22 Secondary Criteria for Resource Allocation Decisions 3.Expansion of sponsored or applied research activity to reduce reliance on the central university budgets E.g. Maximize the benefits of sponsored or applied research to the University’s operating budget through recovery of overhead, innovative use of indirect costs of research funds or full/partial leveraging of funds for faculty positions

23 Secondary Criteria for Resource Allocation Decisions 4.Use of shared or integrated resources within the unit to improve effectiveness, enhance quality, and maximize resources available to implement the Academic Plan. E.g. Shared support services, faculty positions, administrative positions or infrastructure.

24 Secondary Criteria for Resource Allocation Decisions 5.Use of innovative staffing arrangements and support mechanisms to optimize resources available to meet priority needs as set out in the Academic Plan and the Comprehensive Unit Plan E.g. Use of differential teaching assignments and consideration of these differentials in performance assessment

25 Secondary Criteria for Resource Allocation Decisions 6.Initiatives taken to generate revenue E.g. Use of existing systems and infrastructure within the University or the community to maximize net profit and increase resources available to address priority needs.

26 Submission Expectations Submissions for 2005-2009 closely tied to existing plans (e.g. Comprehensive Faculty Plans; Unit Reviews) Brief and to the point Narrative consists of  Executive Summary (1-2 pages)  Planning & Resource Summary (3-4 pages, max 10)  Fund Raising Priorities

27 Planning & Resource Summary Two elements: 1.Proposed Transfer to Re-Allocation Pool 2.Investment Proposals

28 Proposed 5% Transfer Describe outcomes expected Short-term and long-term plans for changes to delivery of programs or services Accountability for internal re-allocation rests with the Faculty/Unit One-time costs part of re-allocation process Expansion/ development of revenue generation activities

29 Investment Proposals Prioritized listing of Faculty/Unit’s strategic investments over 4 years to respond to the Academic Plan Rank from “highest” to “lowest” priority Highlight key outcomes expected Includes Major capital infrastructure projects

30 Fund Raising Priorities Identify alignment with Academic Plan, Four Year Business Plan and the Faculty/Unit Business Plan Focus on priorities of $100,000 or greater

31 Financial Plan Instructions Detail for 2005-06  Completed by Budget/Admin Officer in Cognos-Enterprise Planning Models (two components – a salary model, and a master model)  All sources (operating, reserves, special purpose, sponsored research) Financial implications of 3 year projections  “Schedule 1” – high level impact

32 Questions ??? Contact Information: Nicole Edge Abby Riviere Heather Donald Jantz Diana Moes Rick Pam Parent

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