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Molly Law’s Innovation Helpful Resources for 7 th and 8 th Grade Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Molly Law’s Innovation Helpful Resources for 7 th and 8 th Grade Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Molly Law’s Innovation Helpful Resources for 7 th and 8 th Grade Science

2 7 th Grade Human Body SystemsEcology CellsGenetics

3 Ecology-Geology Matter and Energy (Chapter 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 2)91011121317 182 All organisms (and cells) need a source of matter. Organisms cannot create matter from nothing, nor can they make matter disappear. All the "stuff" it takes to make the body of an organism (or of a cell) must come from somewhere. Plants get "stuff" from the environment. Animals get it from their food. Three types of "building blocks"—carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen— are especially important for life. All organisms need a source of energy. Plants use energy from the sun; animals get their energy from food. Everything an organism (or a cell) does requires energy. Nothing happens without energy.

4 For another way of teaching something, you can go to and download videos for your students to watch! What a great way to get the students interested!

5 Three types of "building blocks"— carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen— are especially important for life. Play me!

6 Human Body Systems For many of the subjects taught, there is a supplement of reading materials and assignments that go with them. The website is at

7 Other reading resources can be found here. Our subscription is ordered! I will let you know when it is available. Click on page to go to hyperlink.

8 This is an example of the types of reading packets that are found at this website. Look at the handout.

9 8 th Grade Conservation of Mass Characteristic Properties Structure of Matter

10 Jeffco Schools Website Connections Science Scope and Sequence 6-8 Information

11 Click on calendar to go to web-site. Trimester 1

12 Click on calendar to go to web-site.

13 Trimester 2 Click on calendar to go to web-site.

14 Trimester 3 Click on calendar to go to web-site.

15 Geology Review Before the CSAP, there is a short review of Geology. The students have not seen this since the 6 th grade. A great website for this review is Click to go to hyperlink.

16 Go to many different websites for more activities and projects.

17 Here is a project for matter. Click on screen for hyperlink.

18 Learning about Biomes or many other science topics. Click to go to hyperlink.

19 Alternate Assessments When you are bored of “traditional” paper tests, why not use the internet to conduct a test? Click to go to hyperlink.

20 Resources Used ---Find movies and video clips to support the lesson! ---Find non-fiction stories to support lessons or fill in missing gaps. Jeffco web page---Daily lesson plans to meet the standards and scope and sequence. Bill Nye the Science Guy! Many activities and experiments. “Rockin Website” with pictures and animations. Many activities and lessons to supplement teaching. On line surveys, tests and the ability to analyze the results.

21 7 th and 8 th Grade Science There are so many objectives to meet when teaching Science. There are so many objectives to meet when teaching Science. I hope that these websites may be good resources for you to use when teaching. I hope that these websites may be good resources for you to use when teaching. Have fun!!! Have fun!!!

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